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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

kurie eleeson. 'Antilabou, soson, eleeson kai diaphulaxon emas Litany of the Deacon


kurie eleeson. 'Antilabou, soson, eleeson kai diaphulaxon emas Litany of the Deacon

God of all grace, Thy mercy send;

Let Thy protecting arm defend;

Save us, and keep us to the end:

Have mercy, Lord.

And through the coming hours of night,

Fill us, we pray, with holy light;

Keep us all sinless in Thy sight:

Grant this, O Lord.

May some bright messenger abide

For ever by Thy servants' side,

A faithful guardian and our guide:

Grant this, O Lord.

From every sin in mercy free,

Let heart and conscience stainless be,

That we may live henceforth for Thee:

Grant this, O Lord.

We would not be by care opprest,

But in Thy love and wisdom rest --

Give what Thou seest to be best:

Grant this, O Lord.

While we of every sin repent,

Let our remaining years be spent

In holiness and sweet content:

Grant this, O Lord.

And when the end of life is near,

May we, unshamed and void of fear,

Wait for the Judgment to appear:

Grant this, O Lord.

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