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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : There is no darkness where Thou art,

Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

There is no darkness where Thou art,


There is no darkness where Thou art,

O Jesus Christ, Thou Light serene;

Clouds fold their curtains and depart,

And darkness melts where Thou art seen.

Fair Morning Star! more glorious Sun!

Thou Light of lights, Thy beams display,

Till darkness owns the victory won,

And night is lost in endless day.

Where slumbering souls in bondage lie,

Because the night hath hemmed them in,

Descend, as morning from the sky,

And wake them from their sleep of sin.

Where sorrow dims the downcast eye,

And luring hope is lost to view,

With light the tear-drops beautify,

As sunlight on the morning dew.

O Jesus Christ, Thy light is life;

Shine on our souls and life revive,

That they may stand before the strife,

And conquer as the strong who strive.

O Jesus Christ, Thy light is joy;

Restore our souls from sorrow's blight,

And win them to the glad employ

Of those who praise both day and night.

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