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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : See where the orb of day

Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

See where the orb of day


See where the orb of day

In glory sinks to rest,

The clouds of gold and purple crown

The mountains of the west;

And eve in silence brings

The night on dusky wings.

It is the hour of peace,

And hearts to heaven ascend:

Come with your burdens and your care,

To an unchanging Friend;

And let the passing day

Bear all your fears away.

It is the hour of prayer;

Let every fault be known;

Unveil the secrets of the soul,

And every sin disown;

The blood for sinners spilt,

Shall bear away your guilt.

It is the hour of praise;

Let joy the stillness break;

And every grateful thought of God

To living song awake;

And saints in heaven shall bear

To God your fervent prayer.

The night in silence falls:

O God, to Thee be praise!

And to the Spirit and the Son,

Throughout the endless days;

Eternal Three in One,

While endless ages run.

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