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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

The crimson blush of morning glows


The crimson blush of morning glows

On towering peaks where clouds repose;

And, lo! the sombre robe of night

Is rent with shafts of golden light.

O Light Divine, each opening day

Illume our souls with gladdening ray;

And, as the sun his course pursues,

With growing light our lives diffuse.

In childhood's morn, when wondering eyes

Behold the light that fills the skies;

And loins are girt at opening day

Life's myriad voices to obey:

O Light Divine, serene and pure,

Shine on a path of life, secure;

Let joy, like songs the morn that greet,

Make music for the willing feet.

When, prompted by the will of God,

A path we tread, before untrod;

And doubts our onward course attend,

Thy light upon our path extend.

O Light of lights, when day is done,

And night pursues our setting sun,

Be ours to hail that better day,

Whose light Thou art eternally.

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