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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : Thine be the glory, God of Light,

Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

Thine be the glory, God of Light,


Thine be the glory, God of Light,

For all the joy from morn that springs;

Oh, may a morn dispel each night,

And bless our lives with beauteous things.

Give us this day the light that dwells

In every heart Thy presence fills;

That night with all its fears dispels,

And life, and hope, and joy instils.

Then shall our nights no darkness bring,

But morn, bright morn, for ever shine;

And when night spreads her dusky wings,

More bright shall be the light Divine.

All praise to Thee, the God of Light;

All praise to Christ, the glorious Son;

And to the Spirit, Lord of might,

Now, and while endless ages run.

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