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Directions To Church-wardens by Humphrey Prideaux




ABSENTEES, bound by majority at vestry, 32., 33, 49.

Account to be taken of Church Goods, 94.

Accounts, when to be rendered, 87, 88, and in not.

-- disputes about, 88.

-- exceptions to, 89.

-- vouchers in support of, 89.

-- as to Church Goods, 92, 94.

-- of money once passed, cannot be controverted, except for fraud, 92.

-- not so as to goods, 93.

-- Spiritual Court, no jurisdiction to settle, 88, in not.

-- may compel them to account, 94, in not.

-- refusing to account, 92, in not.

-- fraud in, 92.

-- how allowed, 92, in not.

Actions, for the goods of the Church, in whose name to be brou Indemnity of Church-wardens, 19, 30.

Inventory of utensils, 27.

Isle of the Church, 28, 68.

Keys, of Church Chests, 91, 96, 97.

-- indiscretion of Church-wardens, 30.

Lands, given to the use of the Church, 79, &c.

-- to what such gifts extend, 81.

Lease of the Church yard, 20, in not.

Legacies, to the Church, 85.

Licence of the Ordinary, necessary for additions in the Church, 37, 66.

-- of school-masters, 13.

Light house, not liable to rates, 64, in not.

Limitation, as to restoring things omitted or let down, 37.

-- of actions, 37.

London, Customs of, vide customs.

Lord's-day, 9, 10, 11.

Lutherans, German, within the toleration act, 5, in not.

Majority of votes, binds absentees, 32, 33.

Mandamus, in what cases it will lie, 40, in not. and 44, 48, in not.

-- return of, ibid.

Memorandums. of resolutions at vestry, 33, and 49, in not.

Ministers, their duty, 2, 16.

-- abusing, 17.

-- may present, if Church-wardens neglect, 3, in not.

Minutes, of vestry resolutions, 33, 49, and in not.

Monuments, 66.

Mother-church, 58, 59, in notis.

Notice, of Vestries, how given, 31 and in not.

Oath of Church-wardens, 45.

-- its obligation, ibid.

-- caution as to, 90, 91.

Ordinary, see Bishop.

Organ, 34, in not.

Ornaments of the Church, 27, in not.31, in not.34, in not.66.

-- facility for, 34, in not.

-- superstitious, 66.

Out-setter. cannot be a Church-warden, 43.

-- how far chargeable to rates, 54.

Parish, what, 1, in not.

-- in several counties, 47, 76.

Pasture of the Church-yard, 26.

Pennons, 67.

Perambulation of the parish, 47, 48.

Pews, 67, &c.

-- by prescription, 68, 72.

-- by faculty, 71.

-- who has the ordering them, 71.

-- in London, 75,

-- how to be built, 72, 73.

-- by whom to be repaired, 32, 72.

-- to whom materials of, belong, 73.

-- in the Chancel, 74, and in not.

-- possession of, how far a title, 69, 70, in not.

-- disturbance of enjoyment, 72, and in not.

Pictures, superstitious, 66.

Popish utensils, 27.

Preaching, 14, 15.

Presentments, 2.

-- when to be made, 87.

-- Register's charge for, 3, in not.

-- what to be presented, 14, 15.

Prescription, what, 37, 41.

-- to be exempt from rates, 58.

-- pews claimed by, 68-72.

Prohibition against suits in the spiritual court, 70, in not.88, in not.92, in not.

Quakers, 57, and in not.

Quest-men, what, 45, in not.

Rails to the Communion table, 36, 39.

Rate, Church-wardens, 46.

-- how made, 48, 49, and in not.

-- assessed, 53, 57.

-- recovered, 47, and in not.

-- not good to reimburse, 38, in not.

Rate, neglecting to make, 51.

-- collect, 51, 52.

-- customs relating to, 48, 59.

-- exceptions to, 47, 57.

-- exemptions, 58.

-- a personal tax, 53.

-- who liable, 57.

-- out-setters, how far liable to, 34.

-- Parson or Vicar, how far liable to, 50:

-- impropriator, 50, in not.

-- paupers excused from, 51.

-- prescription of exemption, 58.

-- arrears of, 52.

-- how far not good, 58.

Receipts, for money laid out where necessary, 88.

Recusants presentabie, 6, in notis.

Register books, 95, &c.

-- copy of, for the Bishop's Registry, 97.

Repairs, of Church and Church-yard, 23, &c.

-- how anciently done, 22.

-- of pews, 72, in not.

Resolutions of vestrys, 33, and in not. and 49 in not.

Restoring things omitted or neglected, 36, 37.

Robbery of the Church, 86, and in not.

Schedule of utensils, 27.

School-masters, 12, 13.

Seats in the Church, see pews.

-- if fixed, a part of the fabric, 30.

-- repair of, 67.

-- regulation of, 67.

Select Vestries, 32, in not.48, in not.

Stiles, of Church-ways, 24, 25.

Sequestration of benefice, 99, 101.

Sequestrators, their duty, 99.

Sidesmen, 45, 102.

Superstitious decorations, 66.

Suspension, 102.

Striking in Church or Church-yard, 8, in not.

Synods, 104.

Soil of the Church-yard, 20, 26.

Spiritual court, its jurisdiction as to Church-wardens, 94.

Sunday, 9, 10, 11.

Terrier, 94.

Tipling, presentable, 2, in not.

Tithes, exempt from rates, 50, 58.

Toleration act, 4, &c. and in not.

Trees, growing in the Church-yard, 26.

Trespasses against, or in the Church, 83.

Vacancy of the Church, 99.

Vestries, how called, 31.

-- who may vote at, 32, 49.

-- resolutions of, 33, 49.

-- adjournment of, by whom, 39, in not.

-- Select, 32, in not.48, in not.

-- Vicar, perpetual, 24, in not.

Visitation, 3, in not.

Votes at Vestry, whose good, 32, 48, in not.

-- what binding, 32, 49, and in not.

Vouchers, for money laid out, 88.

Union of Churches, 60.

Utensils of Churches, 26, &c.83.

Way, Church, 24, 25.

-- how claimed, 24.

Windows, of Churches, painted, 67.

Worship, divine, attendance at, 4, 10.


Printed by J. & E. Hodson, Cross-Street, Hatton Garden.

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