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The Gospel Of Luke An Exposition - Charles R. Erdman

Title Page




A. The Birth of John Foretold. Chs. 1:5-25

B. The Annunciation To Mary. Ch. 1:26-38

C. The |Magnificat.| Ch. 1:39-56

D. The Birth of John, and the |Benedictus.| Ch. 1:57-80

E. The Birth of Jesus. Ch. 2:1-20

F. The Presentation of Jesus, and the |Nunc Dimittis.| Ch. 2:21-40

G. The Boy Jesus At Jerusalem. Ch. 2:41-52

A. The Preaching Of John. Ch. 3:1-20

B. The Baptism Of Jesus. Ch. 3:21, 22

C. The Genealogy Of Jesus. Ch. 3:23-38

D. The Temptation Of Jesus. Ch. 4:1-13

A. The First Period. Ch. 4:14-44

B. The Second Period. Chs. 5:1 to 6:11

C. The Third Period. Chs. 6:12 to 8:56

D. The Fourth Period. Ch. 9:1-50

A. The First Stages. Ch. 9:51 to 13:21

B. The Second Stages. Chs. 13:22 to 17:10

C. The Last Stages. Chs. 17:11 to 19:28

A. The Triumphal Entry. Ch. 19:29-48

B. The Question As To Authority. Ch. 20:1-8

C. The Parable Of The Husbandmen. Ch. 20:9-18

D. The Question As To Paying Tribute. Ch. 20:19-26

E. The Question As To The Resurrection. Ch. 20:27-40

F. The Question Of Jesus. Ch. 20:41-44

G. The Warning Against The Scribes. Ch. 20:45-47

H. The Widow's Mites. Ch. 21:1-4

I. The Destruction Of Jerusalem And The Coming Of Christ. Ch. 21:5-38

A. The Treachery Of Judas. Ch. 22:1-6

B. The Last Supper. Ch. 22:7-38

C. The Agony In Gethsemane. Ch. 22:39-46

D. The Arrest Of Jesus. Ch. 22:47-53

E. Peter's Denial. Ch. 22:54-62

F. Jesus Before The Jewish Rulers. Ch. 22:63-71

G. Jesus Before Pilate. Ch. 23:1-25

H. The Crucifixion. Ch. 23:26-38

I. The Penitent Thief. Ch. 23:39-43

J. The Death And Burial. Ch. 23:44-56

K. The Empty Tomb. Ch. 24:1-12

L. The Walk To Emmaus. Ch. 24:13-35

M. Jesus Appearing To The Apostles. Ch. 24:36-43

N. The Last Words. Ch. 24:44-49

O. The Ascension. Ch. 24:50-53

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