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Quiet Talks On Service - S. D. Gordon

Title Page

The Beginning of an Endless Friendship.

An Ideal Biography.

The Eyes of the Heart.

We are Changed.

The Outlook Changed.

Talking with Jesus.

Getting Somebody Else.

The True Source of Strong Service.

On An Errand for Jesus.

The Parting Message.

A Secret Life of Prayer.

An Open Life of Purity.

An Active Life of Service.

The Perspective of True Service.

A Long Time Coming.

The Master's Invitation.

Surrender a Law of Life.

Free Surrender.


Yoked Service.

In Step with Jesus.

The Scar-marks of Surrender.

Full Power through Rhythm.

He is Our Peace.

The Master's Touch.

A Day off.

Moved with Compassion.

Counting on Us.

The Secret of Winsomeness.

|As the Stars.|

The Finest Wisdom.

Three Essentials.

A Blessed Library Corner.

|Two Missing|--|Go Ye.|

A Water Haul.

Living up in the Spirit Realm.

Saved to Serve.

Ambition in Service.

Use What You Have.

Expectancy in Service.

Jesus Went into the Deeps.

Touching a Limitless Circle.

Peculiar Effects of Money.

Jesus' Law for the Use of Money.

Foreign Exchange.

Gold-Exchanged Lives.

Spirit Alchemy.

The Fragrance of the Life in the Gift.

Sacrifice Hallows and Increases the Gift.

A Living Sacrifice.

Fear Not.

A Fence of Trust.

A Lord of the Harvest.

Do Your Best--Leave the Rest.

Anxious for Nothing.

Thankful for Anything.

Prayerful about Everything.

A Steamer Chair for His Friend.

He Has You on His Heart.

Paul's Prison Psalm.

He Touched Her Hand.

God Wants the Best.

God's Use of Weak Things.

Call for Volunteers.

A Willing People.

Courageous Volunteers.

Irresistible Logic.

Hot Hearts.

God Still Sifting.


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