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Christian Books
: The Chaplet Or De Corona
The Chaplet Or De Corona
Title Page
Chapter I. Very lately it happened thus: while the bounty of our most excellent emperors wasà
Chapter II. I affirm that not one of the Faithful has ever a crown upon his headà
Chapter III. And how long shall we draw the saw to and fro through this lineà
Chapter IV. If, for these and other such rules, you insist upon having positive Scripture injunctionà
Chapter V. The argument for Christian practices becomes all the strongerà
Chapter VI. Demanding then a law of God, you have that common one prevailing all over theà
Chapter VII. Let these dealers in crowns then recognize in the meantime the authority of Natureà
Chapter VIII. Hold fast in the meantime this persuasion, while I examine a question which comes inà
Chapter IX. In short, what patriarch, what prophet, what Levite, or priestà
Chapter X. So, when you allege that the ornaments of the heathen deities are found no lessà
Chapter XI. To begin with the real ground of the military crownà
Chapter XII. But I first say a word also about the crown itself.à
Chapter XIII. For state reasons, the various orders of the citizens also are crowned with laurel crownsà
Chapter XIV. Much less may the Christian put the service of idolatry on his own head --à
Chapter XV. Keep for God His own property untainted; He will crown it if He choose.à
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