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Christian Books
: Life And Writings Of Sulpitius Severus
Life And Writings Of Sulpitius Severus
Sulpitius Severus
Title Page
Life and Writings of Sulpitius Severus.
Preface to Desiderius.
Chapter I. Reasons for writing the Life of St. Martin.
Chapter II. Military Service of St. Martin.
Chapter III. Christ appears to St. Martin.
Chapter IV. Martin retires from Military Service.
Chapter V. Martin converts a Robber to the Faith.
Chapter VI. The Devil throws himself in the Way of Martin.
Chapter VII. Martin restores a Catechumen to Life.
Chapter VIII. Martin restores one that had been strangled.
Chapter IX. High Esteem in which Martin was held.
Chapter X. Martin as Bishop of Tours.
Chapter XI. Martin demolishes an Altar consecrated to a Robber.
Chapter XII. Martin causes the Bearers of a Dead Body to stop.
Chapter XIII. Martin escapes from a Falling Pine-tree.
Chapter XIV. Martin destroys Heathen Temples and Altars.
Chapter XV. Martin offers his Neck to an Assassin.
Chapter XVI. Cures effected by St. Martin.
Chapter XVII. Martin casts out Several Devils.
Chapter XVIII. Martin performs Various Miracles.
Chapter XIX. A Letter of Martin effects a Cure, with Other Miracles.
Chapter XX. How Martin acted towards the Emperor Maximus.
Chapter XXI. Martin has to do both with Angels and Devils.
Chapter XXII. Martin preaches Repentance even to the Devil.
Chapter XXIII. A Case of Diabolic Deception.
Chapter XXIV. Martin is tempted by the Wiles of the Devil.
Chapter XXV. Intercourse of Sulpitius with Martin.
Chapter XXVI. Words cannot describe the Excellences of Martin.
Chapter XXVII. Wonderful Piety of Martin.
Letter I. To Eusebius.
Letter II. To the Deacon Aurelius.
Letter III. To Bassula, His Mother-In-Law.
Dialogue I. Concerning the Virtues of the Monks of the East.
Chapter I. When I and a Gallic friend had assembled in one placeà
Chapter II. |Truly| said I, |you have clearly proved how much a sincere love can accomplishà
Chapter III. |Three years ago, Sulpitius, at which time, leaving this neighborhoodà
Chapter IV. I therefore bent my steps toward the hut which I had beheld from a distance.à
Chapter V. |Assuredly,| continues Postumianus, |I shall take care in future not to mention the abstinence ofà
Chapter VI. |After he had kindly accepted our gifts, on the sailors calling us back to theà
Chapter VII. For while many things in his books which were extracted from them by the bishopsà
Chapter VIII. Accordingly, setting out from that place, I made for the town of Bethlehemà
Chapter IX. |But as to familiarities which take place between virgins and monksà
Chapter X. |Not far from the desert, and close to the Nileà
Chapter XI. |When the monk whom I have mentioned heard of thisà
Chapter XII. |In this monastery I saw two old men who were said to have already livedà
Chapter XIII. |Well then, when I entered upon the nearest parts of the desertà
Chapter XIV. |We found another equally remarkable man living in a small hutà
Chapter XV. |But lest this should perchance seem incredible to any oneà
Chapter XVI. |There was also an illustrious name of another anchorite in those regionsà
Chapter XVII. |I visited two monasteries of St.à
Chapter XVIII. |I will relate two wonderful examples of almost incredible obedienceà
Chapter XIX. |In the same monastery, the fact which I am about to narrate was said toà
Chapter XX. |I will, however, still further give you an account of two extraordinary marvels.à
Chapter XXI. |But to me reflecting on these things, there occurs the thought of our own unhappinessà
Chapter XXII. |A certain young man from Asia, exceedingly wealthy, of distinguished familyà
Chapter XXIII. |What,| replied I, |is there not enough about my friend Martin in that book ofà
Chapter XXIV. |Indeed, Postumianus,| replied I, |while I was listening attentivelyà
Chapter XXV. |For, if it is worthy of admiration that the flames did not touch that Egyptianà
Chapter XXVI. |Why do you,| here exclaimed Postumianus, |speak to me in such a manner? As ifà
Chapter XXVII. |Well,| said the Gaul, |I, for my part, though I am unequal to so greatà
Dialogue II. Concerning the Virtues of St.à
Chapter I. |Well then, when first, having left the schools, I attached myself to the blessed manà
Chapter II. |Martin, then, clothed in this garment, proceeds to offer the sacrifice to God.à
Chapter III. |In the same way, some time afterwards, we made a journey with him while heà
Chapter IV. |I have often noticed this, Sulpitius, that Martin was accustomed to say to youà
Chapter V. |You have conquered, O Gaul,| said Postumianus, |you have conqueredà
Chapter VI. |And as we have, once for all, entered the palaceà
Chapter VII. To these sayings Postumianus replies: |While listening to youà
Chapter VIII. |Admirably,| exclaimed Postumianus, |does your speech bind those friends of ours from going beyond theà
Chapter IX. |About the same time, a cow which a demon harassed met Martin as he wasà
Chapter X. |Moreover, it will be worth while to relate also some of his familiar sayingsà
Chapter XI. |A certain soldier had renounced the military life in the Churchà
Chapter XII. |I believe, my dear Sulpitius, that you remember with what emphasis he extolled to usà
Chapter XIII. |But in what I am now about to narrateà
Chapter XIV. |But when we questioned him concerning the end of the worldà
Dialogue III. The Virtues of Martin Continued.à
Chapter I. |It is daylight, our Gallic friend, and you must get up.à
Chapter II. |You have assembled, my pious and eloquent friends, to hear meà
Chapter III. |The following is a small matter which I learned lately from the narration of Arpagiusà
Chapter IV. |You knew the too barbarous and, beyond measure, bloody ferocity of Avitianusà
Chapter V. |While these are certain facts, since Avitianus related them to many personsà
Chapter VI. |I am enraged in heart, believe me, and, through vexationà
Chapter VII. |There was a certain village in the country of the Senones which was every yearà
Chapter VIII. |But to return to Avitianus: while at every other placeà
Chapter IX. |I will make use of another not dissimilar marvel in a like kind of workà
Chapter X. |Being accustomed to eat fish at the time of Easterà
Chapter XI. |I will now come to an event which he always concealedà
Chapter XII. |In the meantime, those bishops with whom Martin would not hold communion went in terrorà
Chapter XIII. |When this became known to Martin, he rushed to the palaceà
Chapter XIV. |But clearly, as we experienced, he repaired, with manifold interestà
Chapter XV. |Again, on a certain day, after he had sat down on that wooden seat ofà
Chapter XVI. Upon this, Postumianus exclaims, |Let that well-known man in our immediate neighborhoodà
Chapter XVII. Then said I, since I perceived by the setting sun that evening was at handà
Chapter XVIII. |But when you have again set sail from that place with the view of makingà
Letter I. A Letter of the Holy Presbyter Severus to His Sister Claudia Concerning the Last Judgment.à
Chapter I. On reading your letters, my feelings were, in many waysà
Chapter II. But because you have desired from me in all my letters which I had sentà
Chapter III. O how happy shall be that departure of oursà
Chapter IV. Against these, from among the company of the saintsà
Chapter V. After him, there will stand up David worthy of his descendant the Lordà
Chapter VI. After these, and several others who have discharged for us the duties of instructionà
Chapter VII. Then will the Evangelist repeat this to the wretched beingsà
Letter II. A Letter of Sulpitius Severus to His Sister Claudia Concerning Virginity.à
Chapter I. How great blessedness, among heavenly gifts, belongs to holy virginityà
Chapter II. For it is a great and a divine thingà
Chapter III. But that the merit of virginity may shine forth more clearlyà
Chapter IV. Now, therefore, since we have set forth, although in few wordsà
Chapter V. Now, there are three kinds of virtue, by means of which the possession of theà
Chapter VI. But you perhaps say here, |Teach me, then, what righteousness isà
Chapter VII. But as we had begun to remark it is not sufficient for a Christian toà
Chapter VIII. Do you flatter yourself on account of the attribute of virginity? Remember Adam and Eveà
Chapter IX. There follows the clause |how she may please Godà
Chapter X. Wherefore, I beseech you, O virgin, do not flatter yourself on the ground of yourà
Chapter XI. I believe that I have now set forth, briefly indeedà
Chapter XII. O Virgin, maintain thy purpose which is destined for a great reward.à
Chapter XIII. But perhaps you say, |Why did not the Apostles enjoin these things on virgins?| Becauseà
Chapter XIV. God seeks for adornment of this kind, and desires a soul arrayed in such aà
Chapter XV. If you wish, then, to be with Christ, you must live according to the exampleà
Chapter XVI. Take heed that ye love not human glory in any respectà
Chapter XVII. Avoid words of contention and causes of animosity: flee also from all occasions of discordà
Chapter XVIII. Delight thyself rather in fastings than in feastings, mindful of that widow who did notà
Chapter XIX. When you repeat a psalm, consider whose words you are repeating and delight yourself moreà
Letter III. A Letter of Severus to Holy Paul the Bishop.à
Letter IV. To the Same, on His Wisdom and Gentleness.à
Letter V. To an Unknown Person, Entreating Him to Deal Gently with His Brother.à
Letter VI. To Salvius: a Complaint that the Country People Were Harassedà
Letter VII. To an Unknown Person, Begging the Favor of a Letter.à
Chapter I. I address myself to give a condensed account of those things which are set forthà
Chapter II. The world was created by God nearly six thousand years agoà
Chapter III. God being offended by these things, and especially by the wickedness of mankindà
Chapter IV. Then Noah first of all erected an altar to Godà
Chapter V. Abraham, whose father was Thara, was born in the one thousand and seventeenth year afterà
Chapter VI. At the same time God spoke to Abraham, and promised that his seed was toà
Chapter VII. Almost at the same time, when Abraham was now a hundred years oldà
Chapter VIII. Now, Rebecca, having long been barren, at length, through the unceasing prayers of her husbandà
Chapter IX. Laban had two daughters, Leah and Rachel; but Leah had tender eyesà
Chapter X. Israel, therefore, avoiding the house of his brother, sent forward his company to Salemà
Chapter XI. About this same time, Judah, the son of Jacobà
Chapter XII. In the mean time, affairs having been well settled in Egypt to meet the famineà
Chapter XIII. It is almost incredible to relate how the Hebrews who had come down into Egyptà
Chapter XIV. But the Hebrews, oppressed by the multiplied evils of slaveryà
Chapter XV. But on the day before the people went out of Egyptà
Chapter XVI. Then Moses, exulting in the safety of his own peopleà
Chapter XVII. The people going on from thence, and being again tried with want of waterà
Chapter XVIII. These things being said by God, while the trumpets uttered their voicesà
Chapter XIX. Moses reported these words of God to the peopleà
Chapter XX. Then follows the book of Leviticus, in which the precepts bearing upon sacrifice are setà
Chapter XXI. There followed the revolt of those, who, with Dathan and Abiron as leadersà
Chapter XXII. After the death of Moses, the chief power passed into the hands of Joshua theà
Chapter XXIII. When this became known to the kings of the neighboring nationsà
Chapter XXIV. After the death of Joshua, the people acted without a leader.à
Chapter XXV. Accordingly, when the Midianites, as we have related aboveà
Chapter XXVI. But on the death of Gideon, his son Abimelechà
Chapter XXVII. The Israelites yet again turned to idols; and, being deprived of the divine protectionà
Chapter XXVIII. At that time Samson ruled over the Hebrews, the Philistines having been subdued by theà
Chapter XXIX. About these times, civil war, as we have saidà
Chapter XXX. The Hebrews, then, as I have narrated above, were living according to their own willà
Chapter XXXI. The Philistines, victorious in this prosperous battle, brought the ark of Godà
Chapter XXXII. At this time, Samuel the priest ruled over the Hebrewsà
Chapter XXXIII. Accordingly, Saul, having been first anointed by Samuel with the sacerdotal oilà
Chapter XXXIV. God, displeased with what had been done, spoke to Samuelà
Chapter XXXV. The hatred of the king towards him increased dailyà
Chapter XXXVI. At that time Samuel died.à
Chapter XXXVII. Saul having thus been cut off, David, when the news of his death was broughtà
Chapter XXXVIII. At this time, he knew in a guilty way Bersabeà
Chapter XXXIX. Solomon in the beginning of his reign surrounded the city with a wall.à
Chapter XL. Trusting in these resources, Solomon set about erecting a temple of immense size to Godà
Chapter XLI. For, on the death of Solomon in the fortieth year of his reignà
Chapter XLII. In his room Abiud his son held the kingdom at Jerusalem for six yearsà
Chapter XLIII. In the time of his reign, Ahab, the son of Ambrià
Chapter XLIV. At that time, Ahab, king of Samaria, coveted the vineyard of Nabothà
Chapter XLV. He, being sick in body, and having sent some of his servants to consult anà
Chapter XLVI. But Jeu possessed the kingdom of Joram.à
Chapter XLVII. Ozias, then, the son of Amassia, succeeded to him.à
Chapter XLVIII. The remarkable faith of the Ninevites is related to have been manifested about these times.à
Chapter XLIX. But in Samaria, Zacharia the king, who was very wickedà
Chapter L. To him succeeded Ezekias his son, a man very unlike his father in character.à
Chapter LI. By this news Sennacherim was led to return in order to defend his own territoriesà
Chapter LII. The government then passed to his son Josia.à
Chapter LIII. Joachas, his son, having then obtained the kingdom, held it for three monthsà
Chapter LIV. Meanwhile Sedechias, the king of the useless multitude, although without powerà
Chapter I. The times of the captivity have been rendered illustrious by the predictions and deeds ofà
Chapter II. At that time, Nabuchodonosor had a dream marvelous for that insight into the future whichà
Chapter III. Accordingly, as the prophet interpreted the matter, the image which was seen furnished a representationà
Chapter IV. But in Judæa, over which, as we have related aboveà
Chapter V. At this period of time, Nabuchodonosor elated with prosperityà
Chapter VI. After Nabuchodonosor, the kingdom fell to his son, whom I find called Euilmarodac in theà
Chapter VII. Those, therefore, who were possessed of power along with himà
Chapter VIII. Him Cyrus, his grandson by his daughter, expelled from the kingdomà
Chapter IX. In the meantime, those Jews, who, as we have said aboveà
Chapter X. Next, Darius, under whom the temple was restored, obtained the kingdomà
Chapter XI. There was at that time at Babylon one Nehemiahà
Chapter XII. At this period of time we think Esther and Judith livedà
Chapter XIII. At this time, Mardochæus was among those nearest to the kingà
Chapter XIV. To this series of events it will be right that I should append an accountà
Chapter XV. The Jews, then, having returned, as we have narrated aboveà
Chapter XVI. When this became known to Judith a widow woman of great wealthà
Chapter XVII. Against him Alexander of Macedon engaged in war.à
Chapter XVIII. For, first of all, under king Seleucus, the son of Antiochus the greatà
Chapter XIX. But that the order of the dates may be correctly preservedà
Chapter XX. At that time, Matthathias, the son of John, was high-priest.à
Chapter XXI. In the meantime, Matthathias dies, having appointed in his own place his son Judahà
Chapter XXII. Judah, on the defeat of the enemy, returned to Jerusalemà
Chapter XXIII. At that time Judah besieged the Syrians who were posted in the citadel.à
Chapter XXIV. While these things are going on in Judæa, a certain young man educated at Rhodesà
Chapter XXV. Demetrius, having thus obtained the kingdom, treated Jonathan with kindnessà
Chapter XXVI. Well, then, after Jonathan, his brother Simon, as has been said aboveà
Chapter XXVII. Then Herod, a foreigner, the son of Antipater of Askelonà
Chapter XXVIII. Luke made known the doings of the apostles up to the time when Paul wasà
Chapter XXIX. In the meantime, the number of the Christians being now very largeà
Chapter XXX. So then, after the departure of Nero, Galba seized the governmentà
Chapter XXXI. Then, after an interval, Domitian, the son of Vespasianà
Chapter XXXII. After Adrian, the churches had peace under the rule of Antoninus Pius.à
Chapter XXXIII. Well, the end of the persecutions was reached eighty-eight years agoà
Chapter XXXIV. Through the kind efforts of the same queen, the cross of the Lord was thenà
Chapter XXXV. Such were the things accomplished by Helena, while, under a Christian princeà
Chapter XXXVI. Accordingly, they first attack and condemn in his absence Athanasiusà
Chapter XXXVII. When, after an interval of some time had elapsedà
Chapter XXXVIII. But then the Arians, seeing that stratagem did not succeedà
Chapter XXXIX. From this first proof that the prince had been won over to their sideà
Chapter XL. In the meantime, the Arians, not secretly, as beforeà
Chapter XLI. Accordingly, the emperor orders a Synod to assemble at Ariminumà
Chapter XLII. In the meantime in the East, after the example of the Westà
Chapter XLIII. In the meantime, the emperor compels those deputies of our party who had been sentà
Chapter XLIV. But these, the fewer they became, showed themselves all the more powerfulà
Chapter XLV. Thus, then, the Arians, with their affairs in a very flourishing conditionà
Chapter XLVI. There follow the times of our own day, both difficult and dangerous.à
Chapter XLVII. So, then, after many controversies among them, which are not worthy of mentionà
Chapter XLVIII. And then Instantius, Salvianus, and Priscillian set out for Romeà
Chapter XLIX. But the power, not the will, to resist, failed Ithaciusà
Chapter L. Thus, then, all whom the process embraced were brought before the king.à
Chapter LI. But Ithacius, seeing how much ill-will it would excite against him among the bishopsà
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