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Christian Books
: Basil Letters And Select Works
Basil Letters And Select Works
Title Page
I. Life.
III.--Life at Cæsarea; Baptism; and Adoption of Monastic Life.
IV.--Basil and the Councils, to the Accession of Valens.
V.--The Presbyterate.
VI.--Basil as Archbishop.
VII.--The Breach with Gregory of Nazianzus.
VIII.--St. Basil and Eustathius.
IX.--Unbroken Friendships.
X.--Troubles of the Closing Years.
II. Works.
VII.--Writings Spurious and Dubious.
VIII.--Writings Mentioned, But Lost.
IX.--Additional Notes on Some Points in St. Basil's Doctrinal and Ecclesiastical Position.
X.--Editions and Manuscripts.
Chapter I. Prefatory remarks on the need of exact investigation of the most minute portions of theology.
Chapter II. The origin of the heretics' close observation of syllables.
Chapter III. The systematic discussion of syllables is derived from heathen philosophy.
Chapter IV. That there is no distinction in the scriptural use of these syllables.
Chapter V. That |through whom| is said also in the case of the Father, and |of whom| in the case of the Son and of the Spirit.
Chapter VI. Issue joined with those who assert that the Son is not with the Father, but after the Father. Also concerning the equal glory.
Chapter VII. Against those who assert that it is not proper for |with whom| to be said of the Son, and that the proper phrase is |through whom.|
Chapter VIII. In how many ways |Throughwhom| is used; and in what sense |with whom| is more suitable. Explanation of how the Son receives a commandment, and how He is sent.
Chapter IX. Definitive conceptions about the Spirit which conform to the teaching of the Scriptures.
Chapter X. Against those who say that it is not right to rank the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son.
Chapter XI. That they who deny the Spirit are transgressors.
Chapter XII. Against those who assert that the baptism in the name of the Father alone is sufficient.
Chapter XIII. Statement of the reason why in the writings of Paul the angels are associated with the Father and the Son.
Chapter XIV. Objection that some were baptized unto Moses and believed in him, and an answer to it; with remarks upon types.
Chapter XV. Reply to the suggested objection that we are baptized |into water.| Also concerning baptism.
Chapter XVI. That the Holy Spirit is in every conception separable from the Father and the Son, alike in the creation of perceptible objects, in the dispensation of human affairs, and in the judgment to come.
Chapter XVII. Against those who say that the Holy Ghost is not to be numbered with, but numbered under, the Father and the Son. Wherein moreover there is a summary notice of the faith concerning right sub-numeration.
Chapter XVIII. In what manner in the confession of the three hypostases we preserve the pious dogma of the Monarchia. Wherein also is the refutation of them that allege that the Spirit is subnumerated.
Chapter XIX. Against those who assert that the Spirit ought not to be glorified.
Chapter XX. Against those who maintain that the Spirit is in the rank neither of a servant nor of a master, but in that of the free.
Chapter XXI. Proof from Scripture that the Spirit is called Lord.
Chapter XXII. Establishment of the natural communion of the Spirit from His being, equally with the Father and the Son, unapproachable in thought.
Chapter XXIII. The glorifying of the enumeration of His attributes.
Chapter XXIV. Proof of the absurdity of the refusal to glorify the Spirit, from the comparison of things glorified in creation.
Chapter XXV. That Scripture uses the words |in| or |by,| en, cf. note on p. 3, in place of |with.| Wherein also it is proved that the word |and| has the same force as |with.|
Chapter XXVI. That the word |in,| in as many senses as it bears, is understood of the Spirit.
Chapter XXVII. Of the origin of the word |with,| and what force it has. Also concerning the unwritten laws of the church.
Chapter XXVIII. That our opponents refuse to concede in the case of the Spirit the terms which Scripture uses in the case of men, as reigning together with Christ.
Chapter XXIX. Enumeration of the illustrious men in the Church who in their writings have used the word |with.|
Chapter XXX. Exposition of the present state of the Churches.
Introduction to the Hexæmeron.
Homily I. In the Beginning God made the Heaven and the Earth.
Homily II. |The Earth was Invisible and Unfinished.|
Homily III. On the Firmament.
Homily IV. Upon the gathering together of the waters.
Homily V. The Germination of the Earth.
Homily VI. The creation of luminous bodies.
Homily VII. The creation of moving creatures.
Homily VIII. The creation of fowl and water animals.
Homily IX. The creation of terrestrial animals.
Introduction to the Letters.
Letter I. To Eustathius the Philosopher.
Letter II. Basil to Gregory.
Letter III. To Candidianus.
Letter IV. To Olympius.
Letter V. To Nectarius.
Letter VI. To the wife of Nectarius.
Letter VII. To Gregory my friend.
Letter VIII. To the Cæsareans. A defence of his withdrawal, and concerning the faith.
Letter IX. To Maximus the Philosopher.
Letter X. To a widow.
Letter XI. Without address. To some friends.
Letter XII. To Olympius.
Letter XIII. To Olympius.
Letter XIV. To Gregory his friend.
Letter XV. To Arcadius, Imperial Treasurer.
Letter XVI. Against Eunomius the heretic.
Letter XVII. To Origenes.
Letter XVIII. To Macarius and John.
Letter XIX. To Gregory my friend.
Letter XX. To Leontius the Sophist.
Letter XXI. To Leontius the Sophist.
Letter XXII. Without address. On the Perfection of the Life of Solitaries.
Letter XXIII. To a Solitary.
Letter XXIV. To Athanasius, father of Athanasius bishop of Ancyra.
Letter XXV. To Athanasius, bishop of Ancyra.
Letter XXVI. To Cæsarius, brother of Gregory.
Letter XXVII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter XXVIII. To the Church of Neocæsarea. Consolatory.
Letter XXIX. To the Church of Ancyra. Consolatory.
Letter XXX. To Eusebius of Samosata.
Letter XXXI. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter XXXII. To Sophronius the Master.
Letter XXXIII. To Aburgius.
Letter XXXIV. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter XXXV. Without address.
Letter XXXVI. Without address.
Letter XXXVII. Without address.
Letter XXXVIII. To his Brother Gregory, concerning the difference between ousia and hupostasis .
Letter XXXIX. Julian to Basil.
Letter XL. Julian to Basil.
Letter XLI. Basil to Julian.
Letter XLII. To Chilo, his disciple.
Letter XLIII. Admonition to the Young.
Letter XLIV. To a lapsed Monk.
Letter XLV. To a lapsed Monk.
Letter XLVI. To a fallen virgin.
Letter XLVII. To Gregory.
Letter XLVIII. To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata .
Letter XLIX. To Arcadius the Bishop.
Letter L. To Bishop Innocentius.
Letter LI. To Bishop Bosporius.
Letter LII. To the Canonicæ.
Letter LIII. To the Chorepiscopi.
Letter LIV. To the Chorepiscopi.
Letter LV. To Paregorius, the presbyter.
Letter LVI. To Pergamius.
Letter LVII. To Meletius, Bishop of Antioch.
Letter LVIII. To Gregory my brother.
Letter LIX. To Gregory, his uncle.
Letter LX. To Gregory his uncle.
Letter LXI. To Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXII. To the Church of Parnassus.
Letter LXIII. To the Governor of Neocæsarea.
Letter LXIV. To Hesychius.
Letter LXV. To Atarbius.
Letter LXVI. To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXVII. To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXVIII. To Meletius, bishop of Antioch.
Letter LXIX. To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXX. Without address.
Letter LXXI. Basil to Gregory.
Letter LXXII. To Hesychius.
Letter LXXIII. To Callisthenes.
Letter LXXIV. To Martinianus.
Letter LXXV. To Aburgius.
Letter LXXVI. To Sophronius the Master.
Letter LXXVII. Without inscription: about Therasius.
Letter LXXVIII. Without inscription, on behalf of Elpidius.
Letter LXXIX. To Eustathius bishop of Sebastia.
Letter LXXX. To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXXXI. To Bishop Innocent.
Letter LXXXII. To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter LXXXIII. To a Magistrate.
Letter LXXXIV. To the President.
Letter LXXXV. That the oath ought not to be taken.
Letter LXXXVI. To the Governor.
Letter LXXXVII. Without address on the same subject.
Letter LXXXVIII. Without address on the subject of the exaction of taxes.
Letter LXXXIX. To Meletius, bishop of Antioch.
Letter XC. To the holy brethren the bishops of the West.
Letter XCI. To Valerianus, Bishop of Illyricum.
Letter XCII. To the Italians and Gauls.
Letter XCIII. To the Patrician Cæsaria, concerning Communion.
Letter XCIV. To Elias, Governor of the Province.
Letter XCV. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter XCVI. To Sophronius, the master.
Letter XCVII. To the Senate of Tyana.
Letter XCVIII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter XCIX. To Count Terentius.
Letter C. To Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata.
Letter CI. Consolatory.
Letter CII. To the citizens of Satala.
Letter CIII. To the people of Satala.
Letter CIV. To the prefect Modestus.
Letter CV. To the deaconesses, the daughters of Count Terentius.
Letter CVI. To a soldier.
Letter CVII. To the Widow Julitta.
Letter CVIII. To the guardian of the heirs of Julitta.
Letter CIX. To the Count Helladius.
Letter CX. To the prefect Modestus.
Letter CXI. To Modestus, the prefect.
Letter CXII. To Andronicus, a general.
Letter CXIII. To the presbyters of Tarsus.
Letter CXIV. To Cyriacus, at Tarsus.
Letter CXV. To the heretic Simplicia.
Letter CXVI. To Firminius.
Letter CXVII. Without address.
Letter CXVIII. To Jovinus, Bishop of Perrha.
Letter CXIX. To Eustathius, Bishop of Sebasteia.
Letter CXX. To Meletius, bishop of Antioch.
Letter CXXI. To Theodotus, bishop of Nicopolis.
Letter CXXII. To Poemenius, bishop of Satala.
Letter CXXIII. To Urbicius, the monk.
Letter CXXIV. To Theodorus.
Letter CXXV. A transcript of the faith as dictated by Saint Basil, and subscribed by Eustathius, bishop of Sebasteia.
Letter CXXVI. To Atarbius.
Letter CXXVII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXXVIII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXXIX. To Meletius Bishop of Antioch.
Letter CXXX. To Theodotus bishop of Nicopolis.
Letter CXXXI. To Olympius.
Letter CXXXII. To Abramius, bishop of Batnæ.
Letter CXXXIII. To Peter, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter CXXXIV. To the presbyter Poeonius.
Letter CXXXV. To Diodorus, presbyter of Antioch.
Letter CXXXVI. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXXXVII. To Antipater, on his assuming the governorship of Cappadocia.
Letter CXXXVIII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXXXIX. To the Alexandrians.
Letter CXL. To the Church of Antioch.
Letter CXLI. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXLII. To the prefects' accountant.
Letter CXLIII. To another accountant.
Letter CXLIV. To the prefects' officer.
Letter CXLV. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXLVI. To Antiochus.
Letter CXLVII. To Aburgius.
Letter CXLVIII. To Trajan.
Letter CXLIX. To Trajan.
Letter CL. To Amphilochius in the name of Heraclidas.
Letter CLI. To Eustathius the Physician.
Letter CLII. To Victor, the Commander.
Letter CLIII. To Victor the Ex-Consul.
Letter CLIV. To Ascholius, bishop of Thessalonica.
Letter CLV. Without address. In the case of a trainer.
Letter CLVI. To the Presbyter Evagrius.
Letter CLVII. To Amiochus.
Letter CLVIII. To Antiochus.
Letter CLIX. To Eupaterius and his daughter.
Letter CLX. To Diodorus.
Letter CLXI. To Amphilochius on his consecration as Bishop.
Letter CLXII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CLXIII. To Count Jovinus.
Letter CLXIV. To Ascholius.
Letter CLXV. To Ascholius, bishop of Thessalonica.
Letter CLXVI. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CLXVII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CLXVIII. To Antiochus.
Letter CLXIX. Basil to Gregory.
Letter CLXX. To Glycerius.
Letter CLXXI. To Gregory.
Letter CLXXII. To Sophronius, the bishop.
Letter CLXXIII. To Theodora the Canoness.
Letter CLXXIV. To a Widow.
Letter CLXXV. To Count Magnenianus.
Letter CLXXVI. To Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium.
Letter CLXXVII. To Saphronius the Master.
Letter CLXXVIII. To Aburgius.
Letter CLXXIX. To Arinthæus.
Letter CLXXX. To the Master Sophronius, on behalf of Eunathius.
Letter CLXXXI. To Otreius, bishop of Melitene.
Letter CLXXXII. To the presbyters of Samosata.
Letter CLXXXIII. To the Senate of Samosata.
Letter CLXXXIV. To Eustathius, bishop of Himmeria.
Letter CLXXXV. To Theodotus, bishop of Beræa.
Letter CLXXXVI. To Antipater, the governor.
Letter CLXXXVII. Antipater to Basil.
Letter CLXXXVIII. (Canonica Prima.)
Letter CLXXXIX. To Eustathius the physician.
Letter CXC. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CXCI. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CXCII. To Sophronius the Master.
Letter CXCIII. To Meletius the Physician.
Letter CXCIV. To Zoilus.
Letter CXCV. To Euphronius, bishop of Colonia Armeniæ.
Letter CXCVI. To Aburgius.
Letter CXCVII. To Ambrose, bishop of Milan.
Letter CXCVIII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CXCIX. Canonica Secunda.
Letter CC. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCI. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCII. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCIII. To the bishops of the sea coast.
Letter CCIV. To the Neocæsareans.
Letter CCV. To Elpidius the bishop.
Letter CCVI. To Elpidius the bishop. Consolatory.
Letter CCVII. To the clergy of Neocæsarea.
Letter CCVIII. To Eulancius.
Letter CCIX. Without address.
Letter CCX. To the notables of Neocæsarea.
Letter CCXI. To Olympius.
Letter CCXII. To Hilarius.
Letter CCXIII. Without address.
Letter CCXIV. To Count Terentius.
Letter CCXV. To the Presbyter Dorotheus.
Letter CCXVI. To Meletius, bishop of Antioch.
Letter CCXVII. To Amphilochius, the Canons.
Letter CCXVIII. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCXIX. To the clergy of Samosata.
Letter CCXX. To the Beræans.
Letter CCXXI. To the Beræans.
Letter CCXXII. To the people of Chalcis.
Letter CCXXIII. Against Eustathius of Sebasteia.
Letter CCXXIV. To the presbyter Genethlius.
Letter CCXXV. To Demosthenes, as from the synod of bishops.
Letter CCXXVI. To the ascetics under him.
Letter CCXXVII. Consolatory, to the clergy of Colonia.
Letter CCXXVIII. To the magistrates of Colonia.
Letter CCXXIX. To the clergy of Nicopolis.
Letter CCXXX. To the magistrates of Nicopolis.
Letter CCXXXI. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCXXXII. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCXXXIII. To Amphilochius, in reply to certain questions.
Letter CCXXXIV. To the same, in answer to another question.
Letter CCXXXV. To the same, in answer to another question.
Letter CCXXXVI. To the same Amphilochius.
Letter CCXXXVII. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CCXXXVIII. To the presbyters of Nicopolis.
Letter CCXXXIX. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CCXL. To the Presbyters of Nicopolis.
Letter CCXLI. To Eusebius, bishop of Samosata.
Letter CCXLII. To the Westerns.
Letter CCXLIII. To the bishops of Italy and Gaul concerning the condition and confusion of the Churches.
Letter CCXLIV. To Patrophilus, bishop of Ægæ.
Letter CCXLV. To Theophilus the Bishop.
Letter CCXLVI. To the Nicopolitans.
Letter CCXLVII. To the Nicopolitans.
Letter CCXLVIII. To Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium.
Letter CCXLIX. Without address. Commendatory.
Letter CCL. To Patrophilus, bishop of Ægæ.
Letter CCLI. To the people of Evæsæ.
Letter CCLII. To the bishops of the Pontic Diocese.
Letter CCLIII. To the presbyters of Antioch.
Letter CCLIV. To Pelagius, bishop of the Syrian Laodicea.
Letter CCLV. To Vitus, bishop of Charræ.
Letter CCLVI. To the very well beloved and reverend brethren the presbyters Acacius, Aetius, Paulus, and Silvanus; the deacons Silvinus and Lucius, and the rest of the brethren the monks, Basil, the bishop.
Letter CCLVII. To the monks harassed by the Arians.
Letter CCLVIII. To Epiphanius the bishop.
Letter CCLIX. To the monks Palladius and Innocent.
Letter CCLX. To Optimus the bishop.
Letter CCLXI. To the Sozopolitans.
Letter CCLXII. To the Monk Urbicius.
Letter CCLXIII. To the Westerns.
Letter CCLXIV. To Barses, bishop of Edessa, in exile.
Letter CCLXV. To Eulogius, Alexander, and Harpocration, bishops of Egypt, in exile.
Letter CCLXVI. To Petrus, bishop of Alexandria.
Letter CCLXVII. To Barses, bishop of Edessa, in exile.
Letter CCLXVIII. To Eusebius, in exile.
Letter CCLXIX. To the wife of Arinthæus, the General. Consolatory.
Letter CCLXX. Without Address. Concerning Raptus.
Letter CCLXXI. To Eusebius, my comrade, to recommend Cyriacus the presbyter.
Letter CCLXXII. To Sophronius the magister officiorum.
Letter CCLXXIII. Without address. Concerning Hera.
Letter CCLXXIV. To Himerius, the master.
Letter CCLXXV. Without address. Concerning Hera.
Letter CCLXXVI. To the great Harmatius.
Letter CCLXXVII. To the learned Maximus.
Letter CCLXXVIII. To Valerianus.
Letter CCLXXIX. To Modestus the Prefect.
Letter CCLXXX. To Modestus the Prefect.
Letter CCLXXXI. To Modestus the Prefect.
Letter CCLXXXII. To a bishop.
Letter CCLXXXIII. To a widow.
Letter CCLXXXIV. To the assessor in the case of monks.
Letter CCLXXXV. Without Address.
Letter CCLXXXVI. To the Commentariensis.
Letter CCLXXXVII. Without address.
Letter CCLXXXVIII. Without address. Excommunicatory.
Letter CCLXXXIX. Without address. Concerning an afflicted woman.
Letter CCXC. To Nectarius.
Letter CCXCI. To Timotheus the Chorepiscopus.
Letter CCXCII. To Palladius.
Letter CCXCIII. To Julianus.
Letter CCXCIV. To Festus and Magnus.
Letter CCXCV. To monks.
Letter CCXCVI. To a widow.
Letter CCXCVII. To a widow.
Letter CCXCVIII. Without address.
Letter CCXCIX. To a Censitor.
Letter CCC. Without address.
Letter CCCI. To Maximus.
Letter CCCII. To the wife of Briso.
Letter CCCIII. To the Comes Privatarum.
Letter CCCIV. To Aburgius.
Letter CCCV. Without address.
Letter CCCVI. To the Governor of Sebasteia.
Letter CCCVII. Without address.
Letter CCCVIII. Without address.
Letter CCCIX. Without address.
Letter CCCX. Without address.
Letter CCCXI. [Commendatory: short and of no importance.]
Letter CCCXII. [Commendatory: short and unimportant.]
Letter CCCXIII. [Commendatory of the interests of Sulpicius.]
Letter CCCXIV. Without address.
Letter CCCXV. Without address.
Letters CCCXVI., CCCXVII., CCCXVIII., CCCXIX. Without address.
Letter CCCXX. Without address.
Letter CCCXXI. To Thecla.
Letter CCCXXII. Without address.
Letter CCCXXIII. To Philagrius Arcenus.
Letter CCCXXIV. To Pasinicus, the Physician.
Letter CCCXXV. To Magninianus.
Letter CCCXXVI. Without address.
Letter CCCXXVII. Without address.
Letter CCCXXVIII. To Hyperectius.
Letter CCCXXIX. To Phalirius.
Letters CCCXXX., CCCXXXI., CCCXXXII., CCCXXXIII. [All short and without address. Letters from CCCXXIII. to CCCXXXIII. have no importance.]
Letter CCCXXXIV. To a writer.
Letter CCCXXXV. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCXXXVI. Libanius to Basilius.
Letter CCCXXXVII. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCXXXVIII. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXXXIX. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCXL. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXLI. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXLII. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCXLIII. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXLIV. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCXLV. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXLVI. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXLVII. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCXLVIII. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCXLIX. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCL. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCLI. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCLII. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCLIII. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCLIV. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCLV. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCLVI. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCLVII. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCLVIII. Libanius to Basil.
Letter CCCLIX. Basil to Libanius.
Letter CCCLX.
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