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Christian Books
: Writings In Connection With The Donatist Controversy
Writings In Connection With The Donatist Controversy
St. Augustine
Title Page
writings in connection with the donatist controversy.
Introductory Essay.
Chapter I. --Bibliography.
Chapter II. --An Analysis of Augustin's Writings Against the Donatists.
The Seven Books of Augustin, Bishop of Hippo On Baptism, Against the Donatists
He proves that baptism can be conferred outside the Catholic communion by heretics or schismaticsà
Chapter 1. -- 1. In the treatise which we wrote against the published epistle of Parmenianus toà
Chapter 2. -- 3. And so the Donatists in some matters are with usà
Chapter 3. -- 4. There are two propositions, moreover, which we affirmà
Chapter 4. -- 5. Further, if any one fails to understand how it can be that weà
Chapter 5. -- 6. I prefer, he says, to receive Christ's baptism where both parties agree thatà
Chapter 6. -- 8. Between us, then, and what we may call the genuine Donatistsà
Chapter 7. -- 9. For, in the next place, that I may not seem to rest onà
Chapter 8. -- 10. Nor indeed were the prayers of the Gentile Cornelius unheardà
Chapter 9. -- 12. Let them see how many things, and what important thingsà
Chapter 10. -- 13. But they think within themselves that they show very great subtlety in askingà
Chapter 11. -- 15. They ask also, |Whether sins are remitted in baptism in the party ofà
Chapter 12. -- 18. What if he approached baptism itself in deceit? were his sins remittedà
Chapter 13. -- 21. For it often happens that a man has an enemy whom he hatesà
Chapter 14. -- 22. It is to no purpose, then, that they say to usà
Chapter 15. -- 23. For it is the Church that gives birth to allà
Chapter 16. -- 25. But the same mother which brought forth Abelà
Chapter 17. -- 26. Therefore, whether they seem to abide withinà
Chapter 18. -- 27. On the question of baptism, then, I think that I have argued atà
Chapter 19. -- 29. But that I may not seem to be uttering these praises of theà
In which Augustin proves that it is to no purpose that the Donatists bring forwardà
Chapter 1. -- 1. How much the arguments make for usà
Chapter 2. -- 3. |When, on the calends of September, very many bishops from the provinces ofà
Chapter 3. -- 4. Now let the proud and swelling necks of the heretics raise themselvesà
Chapter 4. -- 5. Wherefore the holy Cyprian, whose dignity is only increased by his humilityà
Chapter 5. -- 6. And so it is that often something is imperfectly revealed to the moreà
Chapter 6. -- 7. What then, ye Donatists, what have ye to say to this? If ourà
Chapter 7. -- 10. Wherefore, then, have ye severed yourselves? If there is any sense left inà
Chapter 8. -- 13. Nor do I think that the blessed Cyprian had any other motive inà
Chapter 9. -- 14. |This, moreover,| says he, |Agrippinus, a man of excellent memoryà
Chapter 10. -- 15. But what attitude do they assume, when it is shown that the holyà
Chapter 11. -- 16. For this reason, then, we hold them to be enemiesà
Chapter 12. -- 17. What answer they can give about the followers of Maximianus whom they haveà
Chapter 13. -- 18. But who can fail to understand what they may be saying in theirà
Chapter 14. -- 19. But which is the worse, not to be baptized at allà
Chapter 15. -- 20. Since the Catholic Church, both in the time of the blessed Cyprian andà
Augustin undertakes the refutation of the arguments which might be derived from the epistle ofà
Chapter 1. -- 1. I think that it may now be considered clear to every oneà
Chapter 2. -- 2. Nevertheless, I see what may still be required of meà
Chapter 3. -- 4. Let us therefore, seeing that we adhere to the example of Cyprianà
Chapter 4. -- 6. Next his colleagues proceed to deliver their several opinions.à
Chapter 5. -- 7. But if any one should ask what I hold in the meantimeà
Chapter 6. -- 9. Libosus also of Vaga says: |The Lord says in the gospelà
Chapter 7. -- 10. Zosimus also of Tharassa said: |When a revelation of the truth has beenà
Chapter 8. -- 11. Likewise Felix of Buslacene said: |In admitting heretics without the baptism of theà
Chapter 9. -- 12. Likewise Honoratus of Tucca said: |Since Christ is the Truthà
Chapter 10. -- 13. Therefore Cyprian writes to Jubaianus as followsà
Chapter 11. -- 16. But Cyprian was right in not being moved by what Jubaianus wroteà
Chapter 12. -- 17. But the blessed Cyprian shows that it was no new or sudden thingà
Chapter 13. -- 18. But as regards the remission of sinsà
Chapter 14. -- 19. Nor is it material, when we are considering the question of the genuinenessà
Chapter 15. -- 20. Accordingly, if Marcion consecrated the sacrament of baptism with the words of theà
Chapter 16. -- 21. But when it is said that |the Holy Spirit is given by theà
Chapter 17. -- 22. |For as regards the fact that to preserve the figure of unity theà
Chapter 18--23. |As my Father hath sent me,| says our Lordà
Chapter 19. -- 25. They indeed who say that baptism is not to be repeatedà
In which he treats of what follows in the same epistle of Cyprian to Jubaianus.à
Chapter 1. -- 1. The comparison of the Church with Paradise shows us that men may indeedà
Chapter 2. -- 2. All the more, then, because |we are fighting for the honor and unity|à
Chapter 3. -- 4. And if they would have obeyed himà
Chapter 4. -- 6. We do not, therefore, |acknowledge the baptism of hereticsà
Chapter 5. -- 8. |Further,| Cyprian goes on to say, |in vain do someà
Chapter 6. -- 9. But as regards his saying, |Nor let any one affirm that what theyà
Chapter 7. -- 11. For in fact, as to what some opposed to the reasoning of Cyprianà
Chapter 8. -- 12. In short, we may see how great an evil in itself is envyà
Chapter 9. -- 13. By this patience of Christian love he not only endured the difference ofà
Chapter 10. -- 15. But some one may say that the tares within may more easily beà
Chapter 11. -- 18. What shall we say of what is also wonderfulà
Chapter 12. -- 19. But he urges that |we find that the apostlesà
Chapter 13. -- 20. There is therefore |no fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousnessà
Chapter 14. -- 22. But we must not despair of the conversion of any manà
Chapter 15. -- 23. To go on to the point which he pursues at great lengthà
Chapter 16. -- 24. Some one says, Does it then make no differenceà
Chapter 17. -- 25. |Can the power of baptism,| says Cyprianà
Chapter 18. -- 26. Nor indeed, is it of heresies alone that the apostle says |that theyà
Chapter 19. -- 27. Let us therefore not flatter the Catholic who is hemmed in with allà
Chapter 20. -- 28. But on the question whether we ought to prefer a Catholic of theà
Chapter 21. -- 29. With regard to the objection brought against Cyprianà
Chapter 22. -- 30. That the place of baptism is sometimes supplied by martyrdom is supported byà
Chapter 23. -- 31. But what is the precise value of the sanctification of the sacrament whichà
Chapter 24. -- 32. And if any one seek for divine authority in this matterà
Chapter 25. -- 33. By all these considerations it is proved that the sacrament of baptism isà
Chapter 26. -- 34. A few things still remain to be noticed in the epistle to Jubaianusà
He examines the last part of the epistle of Cyprian to Jubaianusà
Chapter 1. -- 1. We have the testimony of the blessed Cyprianà
Chapter 2. -- 2. But now that we have begun a disputation with a man of peaceà
Chapter. 3. -- 3. But in what Cyprian adds, saying, |Nor yet because men once have erredà
Chapter 4. -- 4. But since now, as I said beforeà
Chapter 5. -- 5. Wherefore, even if heretics should be truly anxious to correct their error andà
Chapter 6. -- 7. For when this is done occasionally in the case of individualsà
Chapter 7. -- 8. Truly, when I look at the actual words of Cyprianà
Chapter 8. -- 9. Wherefore, as the apostle said of the lawà
Chapter 9. -- 10. Now we must see what is said of the baptism of John.à
Chapter 10. -- 12. I ask, therefore, if sins were remitted by the baptism of Johnà
Chapter 11. -- 13. For we must look at the point which especially concerns the matter beforeà
Chapter 12. -- 14. Accordingly, I too might use the words of the blessed Cyprian to turnà
Chapter 13. -- 15. For the Lord Jesus might, if He had so thought fità
Chapter 14. -- 16. Accordingly we find the apostles using the expressionsà
Chapter 15. -- 17. That therefore the baptism of John was not the same as the baptismà
Chapter 16. Wherefore, Since it is manifest that the baptism remains in the baptized person when heà
Chapter 17. -- 22. But, having considered and handled all these pointsà
Chapter 18. -- 24. Whence Cyprian himself again admonishes us with the greatest fullnessà
Chapter 19. -- 25. Wherefore, as regards those who received the persons who came from heresy inà
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21. -- 29. But as to what he says, that |he who comes to the Churchà
Chapter 22. -- 30. Accordingly we agree with Cyprian that |heretics cannot give remission of sinsà
Chapter 23. -- 31. Cyprian writes also to Pompeius about this selfsame matterà
Chapter 24. -- 34. I remember that I have already discussed at sufficient length the question ofà
Chapter 25. -- 36. I am unwilling to go on to handle again what Cyprian poured forthà
Chapter 26. -- 37. To go on to what he saysà
Chapter 27. -- 38. And in that the Church is thus described in the Song of Songsà
Chapter 28. -- 39. Hence, therefore, we have now set before us an easier and more simpleà
In which is considered the Council of Carthage, held under the authority and presidency ofà
Chapter 1. -- 1. It might perhaps have been sufficient, that after the reasons have been soà
Chapter 2. -- 3. Again, if any one not having charityà
Chapter 3. -- 5. But I think that we have sufficiently shownà
Chapter 4. -- 6. And so it is clear that no good ground is shown herein whyà
Chapter 5. -- 7. Wherefore all bad men are separated in the spirit from the goodà
Chapter 6. -- 9. First, then, let us record for further consideration the case proposed for decisionà
Chapter 7. -- 10. I have already, I think, argued to the best of my powerà
Chapter 8. -- 11. Cæcilius of Bilta said: |I know of one baptism in the one Churchà
Chapter 9. -- 13. The elder Felix of Migirpa said: |I think that every one coming fromà
Chapter 10. -- 15. To the declaration of Polycarp of Adrumetumà
Chapter 11. -- 16. Novatus of Thamugadis said: |Though we know that all Scripture gives its testimonyà
Chapter 12. -- 18. Nemesianus of Tubunæ said: |That the baptism which is given by heretics andà
Chapter 13. -- 20. Januarius of Lambæse said: |Following the authority of the holy Scripturesà
Chapter 14. -- 22. Lucius of Castra Galbæ said: |Since the Lord hath said in His gospelà
Chapter 15. -- 24. Crescens of Cirta said: |The letters of our most beloved Cyprian to Jubaianusà
Chapter 16. -- 26. Nicomedes of Segermi said: |My judgment is that heretics coming to the Churchà
Chapter 17. -- 28. Monnulus of Girba said: |The truth of our motherà
Chapter 18. -- 30. Secundinus of Cedias said: |Since our Lord Christ saidà
Chapter 19. -- 32. Felix of Bagai said: |As when the blind leads the blindà
Chapter 20. -- 34. Polianus of Mileum said: |It is right that a heretic should be baptizedà
Chapter 21. -- 36. Theogenes of Hippo Regius said: |According to the sacrament of the heavenly graceà
Chapter 22. -- 38. Dativus of Badiæ said |We, so far as lies within our powerà
Chapter 23. -- 40. Successus of Abbir Germaniciana said: |Heretics may either do nothing or everything.à
Chapter 24. -- 42. Fortunatus of Thuccabori said: |Jesus Christ our Lord and Godà
Chapter 25. -- 46. Sedatus of Tuburbo said: |Inasmuch as waterà
Chapter 26. -- 49. Privatianus of Sufetula said: |He who says that heretics have the power ofà
Chapter 27. -- 51. Privatus of Sufes said: |What can be said of the man who approvesà
Chapter 28. -- 53. Hortensianus of Lares said: |How many baptisms there areà
Chapter 29. -- 55. Cassius of Macomades said: |Since there cannot be two baptismsà
Chapter 30. -- 57. Another Januarius of Vicus Cæsaris said: |If error does not obey truthà
Chapter 31. -- 59. Another Secundinus of Carpis said: |Are heretics Christians or not? If they areà
Chapter 32. -- 61. Victoricus of Thabraca said: |If heretics may baptizeà
Chapter 33. -- 63. Another Felix of Uthina said: |No one can doubtà
Chapter 34. -- 65. Quietus of Burug said: |We who live by faith ought with believing observanceà
Chapter 35. -- 67. Castus of Sicca said: He who presumes to follow custom in despite ofà
Chapter 36. -- 69. Eucratius of Theni said: |Our God and Lord Jesus Christà
Chapter 37. -- 71. Libosus of Vaga said: |The Lord says in the gospelà
Chapter 38. -- 73. Lucius of Thebaste said: |I declare my judgment that hereticsà
Chapter 39. -- 75. Eugenius of Ammedera said: |I too pronounce this same judgmentà
Chapter 40. -- 77. Also another Felix of Ammacura said: |I tooà
Chapter 41. -- 79. Also another Januarius of Muzuli said: |I wonder thatà
Chapter 42. -- 81. Adelphius of Thasbalte said: |It is surely without cause that they find faultà
Chapter 43. -- 83. Demetrius of the Lesser Leptis said: |We uphold one baptismà
Chapter 44. -- 85. Vincentius of Thibari said: |We know that heretics are worse than heathens.à
In which the remaining judgments of the Council of Carthage are examined.à
Chapter 1. -- 1. Let us not be considered troublesome to our readersà
Chapter 2. -- 2. Marcus of Mactaris said: |It is not to be wondered at if hereticsà
Chapter 3. -- 4. Satius of Sicilibba said: |If heretics receive forgiveness of their sins in theirà
Chapter 4. -- 6. Victor of Gor said: |Seeing that sins are forgiven only in the baptismà
Chapter 5. -- 8. Aurelius of Utica said: |Since the apostle says that we ought not toà
Chapter 6. -- 10. Iambus of Germaniciana said: |Those who approve the baptism of heretics disapprove oursà
Chapter 7. -- 12. Lucianus of Rucuma said: |It is writtenà
Chapter 8. -- 14. Pelagianus of Luperciana said: |It is writtenà
Chapter 9. -- 16. Jader of Midila said: |We know that there is but one baptism inà
Chapter 10. -- 18. Likewise another Felix of Marazana said: |There is one faithà
Chapter 11. -- 20. Paul of Bobba said: |I for my part am not moved if someà
Chapter 12. -- 22. Pomponius of Dionysiana said: |It is manifest that heretics cannot baptize and giveà
Chapter 13. -- 24. Venantius of Tinisa said: |If a husbandà
Chapter 14. -- 26. Aymnius of Ausuaga said: |We have received one baptismà
Chapter 15. -- 28. Saturninus of Victoriana said: |If heretics may baptizeà
Chapter 16. -- 30. Another Saturninus of Tucca said: |The Gentilesà
Chapter 17. -- 32. Marcellus of Zama said: |Since sins are remitted only in the baptism ofà
Chapter 18. -- 34. Irenæus of Ululi said: |If the Church does not baptize a hereticà
Chapter 19. -- 36. Donatus of Cibaliana said: |I acknowledge one Churchà
Chapter 20. -- 38. Zozimus of Tharassa said: |When a revelation has been made of the truthà
Chapter 21. -- 40. Julianus of Telepte said: |It is writtenà
Chapter 22. -- 42. Faustus of Timida Regia said: |Let not these persons flatter themselves who favorà
Chapter 23. -- 44. Geminius of Furni said: |Certain of our colleagues may prefer heretics to themselvesà
Chapter 24. -- 46. Rogatianus of Nova said: |Christ established the Churchà
Chapter 25. -- 48. Therapius of Bulla said: |If a man gives up and betrays the baptismà
Chapter 26. -- 50. Also another Lucius of Membresa said: |It is writtenà
Chapter 27. -- 52. Also another Felix of Buslaceni said: |In admitting heretics to the Church withoutà
Chapter 28. -- 54. Another Saturninus of Abitini said: |If Antichrist can give to any one theà
Chapter 29. -- 56. Quintus of Aggya said: |He who has a thing can give ità
Chapter 30. -- 58. Another Julianus of Marcelliana said: |If a man can serve two mastersà
Chapter 31. -- 60. Tenax of Horrea Celiæ said: |There is one baptismà
Chapter 32. -- 62. Another Victor of Assuras said: |It is writtenà
Chapter 33. -- 64. Donatulus of Capse said: |I also have always entertained this opinionà
Chapter 34. -- 66. Verulus of Rusiccade said: |A man that is a heretic cannot give thatà
Chapter 35. -- 68. Pudentianus of Cuiculi said: |My recent ordination to the episcopate induced meà
Chapter 36. -- 70. Peter of Hippo Diarrhytus said: |Since there is one baptism in the Catholicà
Chapter 37. -- 72. Likewise another Lucius of Ausafa said: |According to the motion of my mindà
Chapter 38. -- 74. Felix of Gurgites said: |I give my judgmentà
Chapter 39. -- 76. Pusillus of Lamasba said: |I believe that baptism is not unto salvation exceptà
Chapter 40. -- 78. Salvianus of Gazaufala said: |It is generally known that heretics have nothingà
Chapter 41. -- 80. Honoratus of Tucca said: |Since Christ is the truthà
Chapter 42. -- 82. Victor of Octavus said: |As ye yourselves also knowà
Chapter 43. -- 84. Clarus of Mascula said: |The sentence of our Lord Jesus Christ is manifestà
Chapter 44. -- 86. Secundianus of Thambei said: |We ought not to deceive heretics by our tooà
Chapter 45. -- 88. Also another Aurelius of Chullabi said: |The Apostle John has laid down inà
Chapter 46. -- 90. Litteus of Gemelli said: |If the blind lead the blindà
Chapter 47. -- 92. Natalis of Oëa said: |It is not only I myself who am presentà
Chapter 48. -- 94. Junius of Neapolis said: |I do not depart from the judgment which weà
Chapter 49. -- 96. Cyprian of Carthage said: |My opinion has been set forth with the greatestà
Chapter 50. -- 98. It is indeed worth while to consider the whole of the passage inà
Chapter 51. -- 99. Taking all these things, therefore, into considerationà
Chapter 52. -- 100. Of all these several classes, then, no one doubts respecting those firstà
Chapter 53. -- 101. The question is also commonly raised, whether baptism is to be held validà
Chapter 54. -- 103. But now I think that it is fully time for me to bringà
Written in the form of a letter addressed to the Catholicsà
Chapter 1. -- 1. Ye know that we have often wished to bring forward into open notorietyà
Chapter 2. -- 3. Whence, then, is a man to be cleansed who receives baptismà
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4. -- 5. Wherefore, if they were in error, and would have perished had they notà
Chapter 5. -- 6. We ask, therefore, since he says, |He who receives faith from the faithlessà
Chapter 6. -- 7. Wherefore, whether a man receive the sacrament of baptism from a faithful orà
Chapter 7. -- 8. But if it is perfect madness to hold such a view for ità
Chapter 8. -- 9. When he hears, |Every good tree bringeth good fruità
Chapter 9. -- 10. Again, when he hears, |He that is washed by one deadà
Chapter 10. -- 11. Lastly, if they are willing to give the name of dead neither toà
Chapter 11. -- 12. Of these I would ask, whether by coming to their sea they wereà
Chapter 12. -- 13. But our brethren themselves, the sons of the aforesaid churchesà
Chapter 13. -- 14. If, in the interests of the unity of the party of Donatusà
Chapter 14. -- 15. Therefore, brethren, let it suffice us that they should be admonished and correctedà
Chapter 15. -- 16. Look at the states of Musti and Assuraà
Chapter 16. -- 17. As for the words which follow in his letterà
Chapter 17. -- 18. Then he further adds: |Both are without the life of baptismà
Chapter 18. -- 20. He says: |You who are a most abandoned traditor have come out inà
Chapter 19. -- 21. What, then, does he mean by quoting in his letter the words withà
Chapter 20. -- 22. Wherefore all this about the generation of vipersà
Chapter 21. -- 23. Lastly, it has been said, as he himself has also quotedà
Chapter 22. -- 24. What if the holy and TRUE Church of Christ were to convince andà
Chapter 23. -- 25. In conclusion, the Testament is said to have been given to the flamesà
Chapter 24. -- 26. But let us turn to the consideration of your fruits.à
Chapter 25. -- 27. I think that I have left unanswered none of the statements in theà
Chapter 26. -- 28. But it is possible that you may expect of me that I shouldà
Chapter 27. -- 29. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, though that error is exposed and overcome in manyà
Chapter 28. Finally, they think that the question of baptism is hiddenà
Chapter 29. -- 31. These things, brethren, I would have you retain as the basis of yourà
In which Augustin replies to all the several statements in the letter of Petilianusà
Chapter 1. -- 1. That we made a full and sufficient answer to the first part ofà
Chapter 2. -- 4. Petilianus said: |Those who have polluted their souls with a guilty laverà
Chapter 3. -- 6. Petilianus said: |For what we look to is the conscience of the giverà
Chapter 4. -- 8. Petilianus said: |For he who receives faith from the faithlessà
Chapter 5. -- 10. Petilianus said: |For everything consists of an origin and rootà
Chapter 6. -- 12. Petilianus said: |This being the case, brethrenà
Chapter 7. -- 14. Petilianus said: |And again, He who is baptized by one that is deadà
Chapter 8. -- 17. Petilianus said: |We must consider, I sayà
Chapter 9. -- 21. Petilianus said: |Hemmed in, therefore, by these offensesà
Chapter 10. -- 23. Petilianus said: |Did the apostle persecute any one? or did Christ betray anyà
Chapter 11. -- 25. Petilianus said: |Yet some will be found to sayà
Chapter 12. -- 27. Petilianus said: |The Lord Jesus said to the Jews concerning Himselfà
Chapter 13. -- 29. Petilianus said: Over and over again He reproaches the FALSE speakers and liarsà
Chapter 14. -- 31. Petilianus said: |In the third place, alsoà
Chapter 15. -- 34. Petilianus said: |David also spoke of you as persecutors in the following termsà
Chapter 16. -- 36. Petilianus said: |The Lord Christ also warns usà
Chapter 17. -- 38. Petilianus said: |Thus, thus, thou wicked persecutorà
Chapter 18. -- 40. Petilianus said: |Nor is it, after allà
Chapter 19. -- 42. Petilianus said: |The Lord Jesus Christ commands usà
Chapter 20. -- 44. Petilianus said: |The Lord Christ cries again from heaven to Paulà
Chapter 21. -- 47. Petilianus said: |Accordingly, as we have saidà
Chapter 22. -- 49. Petilianus said: |It may be urged that Christ said to His apostlesà
Chapter 23. -- 51. Petilianus said: |But if you say that we give baptism twice overà
Chapter 24. -- 56. Petilianus said: |But you will answer that you abide by the same declarationà
Chapter 25. -- 58. Petilianus said: |For when you in your guilt perform what is falseà
Chapter 26. -- 60. Petilianus said: |For if you mix what is FALSE with what is trueà
Chapter 27. -- 62. Petilianus said: |It will be urged against usà
Chapter 28. -- 64. Petilianus said: |But yet, if I may be allowed the comparisonà
Chapter 29. -- 66. Petilianus said: |But to pass rapidly through these minor pointsà
Chapter 30. -- 68. Petilianus said: |Or if any one chance to recollect the chants of aà
Chapter 31. -- 70. Petilianus said: |For there is no power but of Godà
Chapter 32. -- 72. Petilianus said: |For although there is only one baptismà
Chapter 33. -- 77. Petilianus said: |But that I may thoroughly investigate the baptism in the nameà
Chapter 34. -- 79. Petilianus said: |For if the apostles were allowed to baptize those whom Johnà
Chapter 35. -- 81. Petilianus said: |Nor indeed will it be possible that the Holy Spirit shouldà
Chapter 36. -- 83. Petilianus said: |Which Holy Spirit certainly cannot come on youà
Chapter 37. -- 85. Petilianus said: |But that the truth of this may be made manifest fromà
Chapter 38. -- 90. Petilianus said: |If you declare that you hold the Catholic Churchà
Chapter 39. -- 92. Petilianus said: |But there is no fellowship of darkness with lightà
Chapter 40. -- 95. Petilianus said: |Paul the apostle also bids usà
Chapter 41. -- 97. Petilianus said: |And, again, he taught us that schisms should not ariseà
Chapter 42. -- 99. Petilianus said: |If Paul uttered these words to the unlearned and to theà
Chapter 43. -- 101. Petilianus said: |Can it be that the traitor Judas hung himself for youà
Chapter 44. -- 103. Petilianus said: |For we, as it is writtenà
Chapter 45. -- 105. Petilianus said: |But if these are the partiesà
Chapter 46. -- 107. Petilianus said: |In the first Psalm David separates the blessed from the impiousà
Chapter 47. -- 109. Petilianus said: |But the same Psalmist has sung the praises of our baptism.à
Chapter 48. -- 111. Petilianus said: |Yet that you should not call yourselves holyà
Chapter 49. -- 113. Petilianus said: |For, granting that you faithless ones are acquainted with the lawà
Chapter 50. -- 115. Petilianus said: |But that we may destroy your arguments one by oneà
Chapter 51. -- 117. Petilianus said: |If you wretched men claim for yourselves a seatà
Chapter 52. -- 119. Petilianus said: |If you suppose that you can offer sacrificeà
Chapter 53. -- 121. Petilianus said: |If you make prayer to Godà
Chapter 54. -- 123. Petilianus said: |But if it should so happenà
Chapter 55. -- 125. Petilianus said: |Even though you do very virtuous actionsà
Chapter 56. -- 127. Petilianus said: |But even if, as you yourselves supposeà
Chapter 57. -- 129. Petilianus said: |It is written, Thou shalt not commit adultery.à
Chapter 58. -- 131. Petilianus said: |It is written, Thou shalt not bear FALSE witness against thyà
Chapter 59. -- 133. Petilianus said: |It is written, Thou shalt not covet anything that is thyà
Chapter 60. -- 135. Petilianus said: |Under what law, then, do you make out that you areà
Chapter 61. -- 137. Petilianus said: |But the Lord Christ saysà
Chapter 62. -- 139. Petilianus said: |And again it is writtenà
Chapter 63. -- 141. Petilianus said: |But wherein do you fulfill the commandments of God? The Lordà
Chapter 64. -- 143. Petilianus said: |Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.à
Chapter 65. -- 145. Petilianus said: |Blessed are they that mournà
Chapter 66. -- 147. Petilianus said: |Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousnessà
Chapter 67. -- 149. Petilianus said: |Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.à
Chapter 68. -- 151. Petilianus said: |Blessed are the pure in heartà
Chapter 69. -- 153. Petilianus said: |Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the childrenà
Chapter 70. -- 155. Petilianus said: |Though the Apostle Paul saysà
Chapter 71. -- 157. Petilianus said: |To you the prophet saysà
Chapter 72. -- 159. Petilianus said: |Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sakeà
Chapter 73. -- 161. Petilianus said: |Since then you are not blessed by falsifying the commands ofà
Chapter 74. -- 163. Petilianus said: |But these things do not alarm us Christiansà
Chapter 75. -- 165. Petilianus said: |O wretched traditors! Thus indeed it was fitting that Scripture shouldà
Chapter 76. -- 167. Petilianus said: |But to us the Lord Christà
Chapter 77. -- 169. Petilianus said: |Paul also, the apostle, whilst he was suffering fearful persecutions atà
Chapter 78. -- 171. Petilianus said: |For what kind of faith is that which is in youà
Chapter 79. -- 173. Petilianus said: |And again, Charity suffereth longà
Chapter 80. -- 175. Petilianus said: |Lastly, what is the justification of persecution? I ask youà
Chapter 81. -- 177. Petilianus said: |But I answer you, on the other handà
Chapter 82. -- 179. Petilianus said: |But the holy apostle said thisà
Chapter 83. -- 181. Petilianus said: |If then there are not some to whom all this powerà
Chapter 84. -- 183. Petilianus said: |But if authority had been given by some law for personsà
Chapter 85. -- 185. Petilianus said: |For the Lord Christ saysà
Chapter 86. -- 188. Petilianus said: |Is it then the case that God has ordered the massacreà
Chapter 87. -- 190. Petilianus said: |For neither has the Lord God at any time rejoiced inà
Chapter 88. -- 192. Petilianus said: |We advise you, therefore, if so be that you will hearà
Chapter 89. -- 194. Petilianus said: |Here you have the fullest possible proof that a Christian mayà
Chapter 90. -- 196. Petilianus said: |Therefore I say, He ordained that we should undergo death forà
Chapter 91. -- 198. Petilianus said: |But you scatter thorns and taresà
Chapter 92. -- 200. Petilianus said: |Where is the saying of the Lord Christà
Chapter 93. -- 202. Petilianus said: |But what have you to do with the kings of thisà
Chapter 94. -- 214. Petilianus said: |Where is the law of God? where is your Christianityà
Chapter 95. -- 216. Petilianus said: |If you wish that we should be your friendsà
Chapter 96. -- 218. Petilianus said: |But what reason is thereà
Chapter 97. -- 220. Petilianus said: |Choose, in short, which of the two alternatives you prefer.à
Chapter 98. -- 223. Petilianus said: |Lastly, as we have often said beforeà
Chapter 99. -- 225. Petilianus said: |On you, yes you, you wretched menà
Chapter 100. -- 227. Petilianus said: |But we who are poor in spirit are not apprehensive forà
Chapter 101. -- 229. Petilianus said: |Inasmuch as we live in the fear of Godà
Chapter 102. -- 231. Petilianus said: |You, therefore, who prefer rather to be washed with the mostà
Chapter 103. -- 234. Petilianus said: |Imitate indeed the prophets, who feared to have their holy soulsà
Chapter 104. -- 236. Petilianus said: |David also said, The oil of the sinner shall not anointà
Chapter 105. -- 238. Petilianus said: |But he thus praises the ointment of concord among brethrenà
Chapter 106. -- 240. Petilianus said: |Woe unto you, therefore, whoà
Chapter 107. -- 242. Petilianus said: |And that none who is a layman may claim to beà
Chapter 108. -- 244. Petilianus said: |By this sentence, again, the apostle places in the same categoryà
Chapter 109. -- 246. Petilianus said: |Come therefore to the Churchà
In this book Augustin refutes the second letter which Petilianus wrote to him after havingà
Chapter 1. -- 1. Being able to read, Petilianus, I have read your letterà
Chapter 2. -- 3. Hear therefore, all ye who have read his revilingsà
Chapter 3. -- 4. These comparisons of the gospel you doubtless recognize.à
Chapter 4. -- 5. Nor would I therefore be understood to urge that ecclesiastical discipline should beà
Chapter 5. -- 6. Do you, therefore, holy scions of our one Catholic motherà
Chapter 6. -- 7. Furthermore, whether concerning Christ, or concerning His Churchà
Chapter 7. -- 8. Whilst we bear the testimony of God to this and the like effectà
Chapter 8. -- 9. Nor is it only you that are safeà
Chapter 9. -- 10. Therefore, as I have often said beforeà
Chapter 10. -- 11. Let these things suffice you, my beloved Christian brethren of the Catholic Churchà
Chapter 11. -- 12. What wonder is it then, if, when I draw in the grain thatà
Chapter 12. -- 13. For I am a man of the threshing-floor of Christà
Chapter 13. -- 14. If, therefore, I am a servant of the Lordà
Chapter 14. -- 15. Furthermore, if I have obtained from youà
Chapter 15. -- 17. Read now the most profuse revilings which he has poured forth whilst puffedà
Chapter 16. -- 19. Let him go now, and with panting lungs and swollen throat find faultà
Chapter 17. -- 20. Let him further go on, in his discourse of many but manifestly emptyà
Chapter 18. -- 21. Certainly in all these things, as you can learn or refresh your memoryà
Chapter 19. -- 22. For perhaps some one of you will say to meà
Chapter 20. -- 23. All these statements in my letter Petilianus set before himself for refutation.à
Chapter 21. -- 24. But see, when he is reduced to straits in the argumentà
Chapter 22. -- 26. Lastly, if these two or three wordsà
Chapter 23. -- 27. And, in the first place, with regard to that first expressionà
Chapter 24. -- 28. Whatever, therefore, he finds in these two wordsà
Chapter 25. -- 29. And yet Petilianus, to avoid answering what I have saidà
Chapter 26. -- 31. But why do we make inquiry into these points? Why do we bothà
Chapter 27. -- 32. But this is not what we are now inquiring.à
Chapter 28. -- 33. This is what we look upon with horror in your partyà
Chapter 29. -- 34. I entreat of you, pay attention to thisà
Chapter 30. -- 35. Accordingly this precedent is wholly without bearing on the matter in hand.à
Chapter. 31. -- 36. |And where,| he says, |is the word that I addedà
Chapter 32. -- 37. What shall we say of what he himself advanced in his epistleà
Chapter 33. -- 38. See now how Petilianus, to avoid answering this questionà
Chapter 34. -- 39. Petilianus quotes also the warning of the Apostle Johnà
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36. -- 42. But after this, when Petilianus came to that objection of oursà
Chapter 37. -- 43. Furthermore, according to our tenets, neither he of whom Petilianus said that heà
Chapter 38. -- 44. For, to pass over others dwelling in different quarters of the earthà
Chapter 39. -- 45. But as for you, when the case of the followers of Maximianus isà
Chapter 40. -- 46. For if the baptism which Prætextatus and Felicianus administered in the communion ofà
Chapter 41. -- 49. Lastly, he has ended his epistle with an exhortation and warning to hisà
Chapter 42. -- 51. For what I just now said is put with the greatest clearness inà
Chapter 43. -- 52. These things, I think, I put with clearness and truth in my formerà
Chapter 44. -- 53. Then a little after, as he had saidà
Chapter 45. -- 54. But that neither he nor any one of you might say thatà
Chapter 46. -- 55. Now, seeing that when Petilianus attributes this to me as though it wereà
Chapter 47. -- 57. Furthermore, in like manner as those who denied the resurrection of the deadà
Chapter 48. -- 58. When we ask, therefore, by what means the man is to be cleansedà
Chapter 49. -- 59. Do not therefore any longer say, |The conscience of one that gives inà
Chapter 50. -- 60. But if it is clear that Petilianus has made no answer to thoseà
Chapter 51. -- 63. Next, listen for a short time to the kind of way in whichà
Chapter 52. -- 64. But if you wish to see that the object of Petilianus in hisà
Chapter 53. -- 65. Then who is there that could fail to perceive from what a veinà
Chapter 54. -- 66. Finally, again, a little afterwards, when he resolved and was firmly purposedà
Chapter 55. -- 67. A minister, therefore, that is a dispenser of the word and sacrament ofà
Chapter 56. -- 68. And if this is rightly said of the gospelà
Chapter 57. -- 69. Furthermore, if, while I have continued without intermission to prove how entirely theà
Chapter 58. -- 70. For when he quoted a passage from the gospel as making against usà
Chapter 59. But according to all these four hypotheses, the truth is on the side of the communion of the Catholic Churchà
A Treatise
Chapter 1. -- 1. I must express my satisfaction, and congratulationsà
Chapter 2. -- 6. I would add, moreover, that they themselvesà
Chapter 3. -- 12. But those who are unacquainted with their habits think that they only killà
Chapter 4. -- 15. And indeed, before those laws were put in force by the emperors ofà
Chapter 5. -- 19. But as to the argument of those men who are unwilling that theirà
Chapter 6. -- 21. It is indeed better as no one ever could deny that men shouldà
Chapter 7. -- 25. However, before those laws were sent into Africa by which men are compelledà
Chapter 8. -- 32. But they, as we have sometimes said before in other placesà
Chapter 9. -- 35. As to the charge that they bring against usà
Chapter 10. -- 43. But this, they say, is the very thing which disquiets usà
Chapter 11. -- 48. But as to what they say, arguing as followsà
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