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: Of Holy Virginity
Of Holy Virginity
St. Augustine
Title Page
Of Holy Virginity
Section 2. This we have undertaken in our present discourseà
Section 4. Her virginity also itself was on this account more pleasing and acceptedà
Section 7. I have said this, lest haply married fruitfulness dare to vie with virgin chastityà
Section 8. Therefore no fruitfulness of the flesh can be compared to holy virginity even ofà
Section 10. For not even herein ought such as are married to compare themselves with theà
Section 12. Let marriages possess their own good, not that they beget sonsà
Section 14. It is, therefore, the present necessity that we are to avoidà
Section 15. After that the same Apostle adds, and saysà
Section 16. Yet he added, |But such shall have tribulation of the fleshà
Section 19. But lest any should think that of two worksà
Section 20. Far be it, therefore, that the Apostle so saidà
Section 21. Here some one will say, What has this to do with holy virginityà
Section 22. And now by plainest witnesses of divine Scripturesà
Section 23. Lastly, let us hear the Lord Himself delivering most plain judgment on this matter.à
Section 25. Nor indeed hath the Holy Spirit failed to speak what should be of openà
Section 27. Therefore go on, Saints of God, boys and girlsà
Section 28. Therefore let the rest of the faithful, who have lost virginityà
Section 29. But, lo, That Lamb goeth by a Virgin roadà
Section 30. Ye also who have not yet made this vowà
Section 31. Whence the greatness of this service, unto the undertaking of which we have accordingà
Section 32. Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mindà
Section 33. Whereas, then, all Christians have to guard humilityà
Section 35. Certainly we are to contemplate in Christ Himselfà
Section 36. Let them hear Thee, and let them come to Theeà
Section 37. But regard the troops of virgins, holy boys and girlsà
Section 38. I send thee not, soul that art religiously chasteà
Section 39. I fear, I say, greatly for thee, lestà
Section 40. And what members of the holy body, which is the Churchà
Section 41. Or are we indeed to believe that it is for any other reasonà
Section 42. Wherefore let this be the first thought for the putting on of humilityà
Section 43. Concerning continence also itself hath it not been most openly saidà
Section 44. Next let not man, now that he knoweth that by the grace of Godà
Section 46. But this is so great, that certain understand it to be the fruit anà
Section 47. But, as I had begun to say, whether the fruit an hundred-fold be virginityà
Section 48. What now shall I say concerning the very carefulness and watchfulness against sin? |Whoà
Section 49. Wherefore also the virgins of God without blame indeedà
Section 50. But, again, lest by occasion of this sentenceà
Section 52. Here some one will say, This is now not to write of virginityà
Section 53. Wherefore this do ye, virgins of God, this do yeà
Section 54. Lo, already ye are such, as that in the rest of your conduct alsoà
Section 55. If, therefore, ye despise marriages of sons of menà
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