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Christian Books
: On The Good Of Marriage
On The Good Of Marriage
St. Augustine
Title Page
On the Good of Marriage
Section 1. Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human raceà
Section 3. This we now say, that, according to this condition of being born and dyingà
Section 4. There is this further, that in that very debt which married persons pay oneà
Section 6. Further, in the very case of the more immoderate requirement of the due ofà
Section 7. But I marvel, if, as it is allowed to put away a wife whoà
Section 8. |Honorable,| therefore, |is marriage in all, and the bed undefiled.à
Section 9. Truly we must consider, that God gives us some goodsà
Section 11. And yet not to these themselves is marriage a sinà
Section 12. For, whereas that natural use, when it pass beyond the compact of marriageà
Section 14. And not without just cause a doubt is raisedà
Section 15. For what Christian men of our time being free from the marriage bondà
Section 16. Therefore if haply, which whether it can take placeà
Section 18. For what food is unto the conservation of the manà
Section 19. Therefore as many women as there are nowà
Section 22. If, therefore, even they who are united in marriage only for the purpose ofà
Section 23. Nor, in that the Law orders a man to be purified even after intercourseà
Section 24. Marriage, I say, is a good, and may beà
Section 26. But, in order that it may be more clearly understoodà
Section 27. Therefore at that time, when the Law alsoà
Section 28. Therefore, if we compare the things themselves, we may no way doubt that theà
Section 32. Therefore the good of marriage throughout all nations and all men stands in theà
Section 33. And, the case being thus, enough and more than enough answer has been madeà
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