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The Life Of Jesus Christ In Its Historical Connexion - Augustus Neander

Title Page






Section 1. The Indifference of Criticism rejected.

Section 2. The Truth, that Christ is God-MAN, presupposed.

Section 3. This presupposed Truth and the Historical Accounts mutually confirm and illustrate each other.

Section 4. Traditional Origin of the Synoptical Gospels.

Section 5. Genuineness of John's Gospel.

Section 6. Results of Criticism.

Section 7. Scantiness of our Information in regard to this Period of Christ's

Section 8. Fundamentally opposite Modes of apprehending the Accounts.

Section 9. The Miraculous Conception demanded à priori, and confirmed à

Section 10. Mythical View of the Miraculous Conception.--No trace of it in the Narrative.--No such Mythus could have originated among the Jews.

Section 11. Objections to the Narrative drawn from the subsequent Dispositions of Christ's Relatives, answered (1) from the nature of the case; (2) from the name Jesus.

Section 12. Analogical Ideas among the Heathen.

Section 13. The Birth of Christ in its Relations to the Jewish Theocracy.

Section 14. The Miraculous Events that accompanied the Birth of Christ.

Section 15. The Taxing.--Birth of Christ at Bethlehem.

Section 16. The Announcement to the Shepherds.

Section 17. The Sacrifice of Purification, and the Ransom of the First-born; their Weight as Proof against the Mythical Theory.

Section 18. Simeon's Prophetic Discourse.

Section 19. The Longing of the Heathen for a Saviour.--The Star of the Wise Men.

Section 20. The Massacre of the Innocents and the Flight into Egypt.

Section 21. The Return to Nazareth.

Section 22. Brothers and Sisters of Jesus; the Mention of them in the Gospel Narrative, Proof of its historical Character.

Section 23. Consciousness of Messiahship in the Mind of Jesus.--Jesus among the Doctors.


Section 24. The Pharisees.

Section 25. The Sadducees.

Section 26. The Essenes.

Section 27. Supposed Influence of the Alexandrian--Jewish Doctrines.

Section 28. Affinity of Christianity, as absolute Truth, for the various opposing Religious Systems.

Section 29. Christ's Teaching revealed from within, not received from without.

Section 30. The popular Sentiment in regard to Christ's Connexion with the Schools.

Section 31. Growing Consciousness of His Messiahship in Christ.

Section 32. How far the Baptist revived the Expectation of a Messiah.

Section 33. Causes of Obscurity in the Accounts left us of the Baptist.--Sources: The Evangelists. Josephus.

Section 34. The Baptist's Mode of Life and Teaching in the Desert.

Section 35. John as Baptist and Preacher of Repentance.

Section 36. Relations of the Pharisees and Sadducees to the Baptist.

Section 37. Relations of John to the People, and to the narrower circle of his own Disciples.

Section 38. John's Demands upon the People compared with those of Christ. --His humble Opinion of his own Calling.

Section 39. John's Explanation of his Relation to the Messiah. The Baptism by

Section 40. John's Conception of Messiah's Kingdom.

Section 41. John's Recognition of Jesus as the Messiah.

Section 42. The Phenomena at the Baptism, and their Import.

Section 43. The Hunger.

Section 44. The Pinnacle of the Temple.

Section 45. Dominion.

Section 46. Fundamental Idea.

Section 47. The Temptation rot an inward one, but the Work of Satan.

Section 48. Had Christ a conscious Plan?

Section 49. Connexion with the Old Testament Theocracy.

Section 50. Christ's Steadfast Consciousness of his Messiahship.

Section 51. No alterations of Christ's Plan.

Section 52. Two-fold bearing of the Kingdom of God--an inward, spiritual Power, and a world-renewing Power.

he question now arises, in what relation the new form of the kingdom

Section 53. Christ's Observance of the Jewish Worship and Law.

Section 54. His Manifestation greater than the |Temple.|

Section 55. The Conversation with the Samaritan Woman.

Section 56. The |Destroying| and |Fulfilling| of the Law.

Section 57. The Interpolation in Luke, vi., 4. (Cod. Cant.)

We close our survey of Christ's sayings in regard to his relations to the Old Testament with a remark directly suggested by it, from which the weightiest consequences may be deduced.

Section 58. The Names Son of God and Son of Man.

Section 59. Import of the Title Son of Man, as used by Christ himself--Rejection of Alexandrian and other Analogies.

Section 60. Import of the Title Son of God.

Section 61. Christ a Spiritual Teacher.

Section 62. Different Theatres of Christ's Labours as Teacher.

Section 63. Choice and Training of the Apostles to be subordinate Teachers.

Section 64. His mode of Teaching adapted to the Stand-point of his Hearers.

Section 65. His Teaching presented Seeds and Stimulants of Thought.

Section 66. Its Results dependent upon the Spirit of the Hearers.

Section 67. His Mode of Teaching corresponds to the General Law of Developement of the Kingdom of God.

Section 68 Idea of the Parable.--Distinction between Parable, Fable, and Mythus.

Section 69. Order in which the Parables were Delivered.--Their Perfection.--Mode of Interpreting them.

Section 70. Christ's Teaching not confined to Parables, but conveyed also in longer Discourses.

Section 71. John's Gospel contains chiefly connected and profound Discourses; and Why?

Section 72. The Parable of the Shepherd, in John, compared with the Parables in the other Gospels.

Section 73. Necessity of Accommodation.

Section 74. Distinction between Positive (Material) and Negative (Formal) Accommodation; the latter necessary, the former inadmissible.

Section 75. Christ's Application of Passages from the Old Testament.

Section 76 Christ's Relation to the Twelve.--Significance of the Number

Section 77. Choice of the Apostles.--Of Judas Iscariot.

Section 78. The Apostles Uneducated Men.

Section 79. Two Stages in the Dependence of the Apostles upon Christ.

Section 80. Christ's peculiar Method of training the Apostles.

Section 81. Founding of the Church.--Its Objects.

Section 82. Name of the Church.--Its Form traced back to Christ himself.

Section 83. Later Institution of Baptism as an Initiatory Rite.

Section 84. Connexion of Christ's Miracles with his Mode of Teaching.

Section 85. Negative Element of the Miracle.--Its Insufficiency.

Section 86. Positive Element.--Teleological Aim of Miracles.

Section 87. Relation of Miracles to the Course of Nature.

Section 88. Relation of the individual Miracles to the highest Miracle, the Manifestation of Christ.

Section 89. Relation of Miracles to History.

Section 90. Miracles deemed an essential Sign of Messiahship.

Section 91. Apparent Discrepancies, and Mode of Removing them.

Section 92. The Sign of the Prophet Jonah.

Section 93. |Destroy this Temple,| &c.

Section 94. Christ's Distinction between the material Element of Miracles and their essential Object.--John, vi., 26.

Section 95. Christ appealed to the Miracles as Testimonies; John, xv., 24.--Three different Stages of Faith.

Section 96. The Communication of the Divine Life the highest Miracle.--John, xiv., 12.

Section 97. Transition from the Natural to the Supernatural in the Miracles.

Section 98. The Spiritual Agencies employed.--Faith demanded for the Cure.

Section 99. Use of Physical Agencies in the Cure of Diseases.

Section 100. The Relation between Sin and Physical Evil.--Jewish Idea of Punitive Justice.--Christ's Doctrine on the Subject.

Section 101. Two Theories of the Affliction: (a) Possession by Evil Spirits (b) Insanity.--Analogous Phenomena in other Times.

Section 102. Connexion of the Phenomena with the State of the Times.--Conceptions of the Jews in regard to them: of the Demoniacs themselves.

Section 103. Accommodation of the two extreme Theories.

Section 104. Christ's Explanations of Demonism purely Spiritual.--His Accommodation to the Conceptions of the Demoniacs.

Section 105. Difference between Christ's Healing of the Demoniacs and the Operations of t/he Jewish Exorcists.

III. The Raising of the Dead.


To promote unity of view

Section 109. Differences as to the Theatre of Christ's Labours.

Section 110. Proof that Christ frequently exercised his Ministry in Judea and Jerusalem.


Section 111. Message of the Sanhedrim to John at Bethabara.

Section 112. John points to Jesus as the Suffering Messiah, and testifies to his Higher Dignity.

Section 113. John and Andrew, Disciples of John, attach themselves to Jesus.--Gradual Attraction of others.

Section 114. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes.--Effect of the Miracle on

Section 115. The Calling of Nathanael.

Section 116. The Change of Water into Wine.--Character and Import of the

Section 117. The Purifying of the Temple.

Section 118. The Saying of Christ, |Destroy this Temple,| &c.--Additional Exposition of it given by John.

Section 119. Interview of Christ with Nicodcmus.


Section 120. Jealousy of John's Disciples.--Final Testimony of the Baptist.--His Imprisonment.


Section 121. Impressions made upon the Samaritan Woman.

Section 122. Christ's Decision between the Worship of the Jews and that of the Samaritans.

Section 123. The Worship of God in Spirit and in Truth.

Section 124. The Spiritual Worship.--Its Bearing upon Practical Life.

Section 125. Christ's Glances at the future Progress of his Kingdom, and at his own Death.

Section 126. Subsequent State of the Samaritans.

Section 127. Christ heals the Nobleman's Son.--Chooses Capernaum for his

Section 128. Christ appears in the Synagogue at Nazareth.--His Life is Endangered. (Luke, iv., 16-30.)

Section 129. The Parable of the Sower. --Christ's Explanation of the Parable to the smaller Circle of his Disciples.

Section 130. Parable of the various Kinds of Fish in the Net. --Of the Wheat and the Tares.

Section 131. Christ subdues a Storm on the Sea.--Character of the Act as a Miracle.--Its moral Significance.

Section 132. The Gadarene Demoniac. --Christ's Treatment of him after the Cure.--Inferences from it.

Section 133. Christ Returns to the west side of Genesareth.--Healing of the Issue of Blood.

Section 134. Raising of Jairus's Daughter.--And of the Widow's Son at Nain.

Section 135. Doubts of John the Baptist in his Imprisonment. --His Message to Christ, and its Result.--Christ's Testimony concerning Him. --His view of the relation between the Old and New Dispensations.

Section 136. Christ shows the Relation of his Contemporaries to the Baptist and to Himself. --The Easy Yoke and the Light Burden.--Jewish Legalism contrasted with Christian Liberty.

Section 137. Christ's Conversation with the Pharisees in regard to the Mode of Life indulged by his Disciples. --The Morality of Fasting.

Section 138. The Parable of the New Patch on the Old Garment, and of the New Wine in Old Bottles.

Section 139. Forms of Prayer.--The Lord's Prayer; its Occasion and Import. --Encouragements to Prayer; God gives no Stone for Bread.

Section 140. Christ forgives the Magdalen at the House of Simon the Pharisee. --The reciprocal action of Love and Faith in the Forgiveness of Sins.

Section 141. Matthew the Publican called from the Custom-house.--Familial Intercourse of Christ with the Publicans at the Banquet.--The Pharisees blame the Disciples, and Christ justifies them.--|The Sick need the Physician.|

Section 142. Christ's different Modes of Reply to those who questioned his Conduct in consorting with Sinners.--The Value of a Soul.--Parable of the Prodigal Son.--Of the Pharisee and the Publican.

Section 143. The Miracle at the Pool of Bethesda.--The Words of Christ in the

Section 144. The Pharisees accuse Christ of Sabbath-breaking and Blasphemy.--His Justification. (John, v., 10, 17-19.)

Section 145. The Discourse continued: Christ intimates his future greater Works.--His Judgment, and the Resurrection. (John, v., 20-29.)

Section 146. The Discourse continued: Christ Appeals to the Testimony of his Works. (John, v., 30-37.)

Section 147. The Discourse continued: Incapacity of the Jews to Understand the Testimony of God as given in the Scriptures. (John, v., 37-47.)

UCH was the affiliation of parties throughout Judea, that the


I. The Beatitudes.

Section 150. Moral Result of Entering the Kingdom of God, viz.: The |Pure in Heart see God.|

Section 151. Moral Relations of the Members of the Kingdom to their Fellow men: viz., They are |Peace-makers,| and |Persecuted.|

II. Influence of the Members of the Kingdom of God in Renewing the World.

III. The Law of Christian Life the Fulfilment of the Old Law.

Section 154. |Fufilling of the Law| in the Higher Sense.--General Contrast between the Juridical and Moral stand-points.

Section 155. Fulfilling of the Law in the Higher Sense.--Particular Examples, viz., (1.) Murder; (2.) Adultery; (3.) Divorce; (4.) Perjury; (5.) Revenge; (6.) National Exclusiveness.

IV. True Religion contrasted with the Mock Piety of the Pharisees.

Section 157. Exhortation to Self-denial.--Caution against Seducers. (Matt., vii., 13-24.)

Section 158. Test of Discipleship. (Matt., vii., 24-27.)

Section 159. Healing of the Leper on the Road to Capernaum.

Section 160. Healing of the Heathen Centurion's Slave at Capernaum. --The Deputation of Elders.--Faith of the Centurion.

Section 161. Healing of the Deaf and Dumb Demoniac.--The Charge of a League with Beelzebub: a Visible Sign demanded.--The Charge refuted.

Section 162. The Conjurations of the Jewish Exorcists. (Luke, xi., 23-26.)

Section 163. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost and against the Son of Man. (Matt., xii., 32.)

Section 164. Purpose of Christ's Relatives to confine him as a Lunatic.--He declares who are his Relatives in the Spiritual Sense

Section 165. The Demand of a Sign from Heaven answered only by the Sign of the Prophet Jonah. (Luke, xi., 16, 29-36.)

Section 166. Discourse pronounced at a Feast against the Hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the Lawyers. (Luke, xi., 37-52.)

Section 167. Christ Warns his Disciples against the Pharisees.--The Power of Divine Truth. (Luke, xi., 52; xii., 3.)

Section 168. Christ Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum, and the Pharisees accuse him of Blasphemy.--The Accusation Repelled. (Matt, ix., 1; Mark, ii., 1; Luke, v. 17.)

Section 169. The Withered Hand healed on the Sabbath.--The Objections of the Pharisees anticipated and refuted. (Mark, iii., 1-6; Luke, vi., 6-8; Matt., xii., 10.)

Section 170. Cure of the Infirm Woman on the Sabbath; the Pharisees disconcerted. (Luke, xiii., 10.)--Of the Dropsical Man. (Luke, xiv.)

Section 171. The Strife for Precedence at Feasts.--The Poor, not the Rich, to be invited.--Parable of the Great Supper. (Luke, xiv.)

Section 172. The Pharisees attack the Disciples for plucking Corn on the Sabbath.--Christ defends them. (Luke, vi., 1; Matt., xii., 18.)

Section 173. Christ's Discourse against the merely outward Cleanliness of the Pharisees.--He explains the Discourse to his Disciples. (Matt., xv., 1.-20.)

Section 174. Trial Mission of the Apostles in Galilee. (Luke, ix.; Matt., x.)

Section 175. Various Opinions entertained of Jesus. (Luke, ix., 7-9.)

Section 176. Return of the Apostles.--Miraculous Feeding of the Five Thousand. (Matt., xiv.; Mark, vi.; Luke, ix.)--Object and Significance of the Miracle.--Its Effect upon the Multitude.

Section 177. Christ Walks upon the Waters. (John, vi., 16; Matt., xiv., 2; Mark, vi., 45.)

Section 178. Christ in the Synagogue at Capernaum. (John, vi.)

Section 179. Reasons for the Journey.

Section 180. Cure of the Blind Man at Bethsaida.--Peter's Second Confession.--The Power of the Keys. (Mark, viii.; Matt., xvi.)

Section 181. The Disciples prohibited to reveal Christ's Messianic Dignity.--The Weakness of Peter rebuked. (Matt., xvi., 20-28; Mark, viii., 30.)

Section 182. Monitions of Christ to the Apostles in regard to Prudence in their Ministry.--(1.) The Wisdom of Serpents and Harmlessness of Doves. (Matt., x., 16.)--(2.) The Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke, xvi., 1-13.)--(3.) |Make to yourselves friend

Section 183. Caution against imprudent Zeal in Preaching the Gospel.

Section 184. The Syro-Phoenician Woman. (Matt., xv., 21; Mark, vii., 24.)--(1.) Her Prayer.--(2.) Her Repulse.--(3.) Her Faith.--(4.) The Result.

Section 185. The Transfiguration of Christ. (Luke, ix., 29-36.)

Section 186. Elias a Forerunner of Messiah. (Matt., xvii., 10-13.)

Section 187. Christ Cures a Demoniacal Youth after the Disciples had attempted it in vain. (Mark, ix., 14; Matt., xvii., 14; Luke, ix., 37.)--He Reproves the unbelieving Multitude.

Section 188. Christ tells the Disciples the Cause of their Failure.--The Power of Faith.--Prayer and Fasting. (Matt., xvii., 20, 21.)

Section 189. Return to Capernaum.--Dispute among the Disciples for Precedence.--The Child a Pattern.--Acting in the Name of Christ. (Luke, ix., 46; Mark, ix., 33; Matt., xviii.)

Section 190. Christ's two Sayings: |He that is not against you is for you,| and, |He that is not for me is against me.| (Mark, ix., 40.)

Section 191. The Stater in the Fish. (Matt., xvii., 27.)

Section 192. His Precautions against the Persecutions of the Sanhedrim.

Section 193. He explains the Nature of his Doctrine as Divine Revelation (John, vii., 16-19.)

Section 194. The Pharisees attempt to arrest Christ.--He warns them that they should seek Him, but should not find Him. (John, vii., 30, seq.)

Section 195. Christ a Spring of Living Water, and the Light of the World. (John, vii., 38, seq.)--The Validity of His Testimony of Himself. (John, viii., 13, seq.)--He foretels the subsequent Relations of the Jews to Him. (John, viii., 21.)

Section 196. The Connexion between Steadfastness, Truth, and Freedom. (John, viii., 30-32.) Freedom and Servitude; their typical Meaning (33-38).

Section 197. Vain Attempts of the Sanhedrim against Christ. (John, vii., 40-53.)--Dispute in the Sanhedrim.--First Decision against Christ.

Section 198. A Man, born Blind, healed on the Sabbath.--Christ's Conversation at the Time.--Individual Sufferings not to be judged as Punishment for Sins.--Christ the Light of the World. (John, ix.)

Section 199. Attempts of the Sanhedrim to corrupt and alarm the restored Blind Man.--Christ's Conversation with him.--The Sight of the Blind, and the Blindness of the Seeing.

Section 200. Parable of the Good Shepherd.--The Parable extended. --Christ the Door.--Intimation of Mercy to the Heathen. (John, x.)

Section 201. Divisions among the People.--Christ's return into Galilee.

Section 202. Reasons for the Journey through Samaria. (Luke, ix., 51, seq.)

Section 203. Choice of the Seventy. (Luke, x.)--Import of the Number |Seventy.|

Section 204. Instructions to the Seventy on their Mission. (Luke, x.) The Wo to the Unbelieving Cities.

Section 205. Exultation of the Disciples on their Return.--The Overthrow of Satan's Kingdom.--Christ warns the Disciples against Vanity. (Luke, x., 17-20.)

Section 206. The Kingdom of God revealed to Babes. --The Blessedness of the Disciples in beholding it. (Luke, x., 21, 24.)

Section 207. The Signs of Discipleship. (Matt., vii., 22.)--Requisites, viz. Self-Denial and Resignation (Luke, ix., 56, 62): Taking up the Cross. (Luke, xiv., 25-35; Matt., x., 38; xvi., 24.)

Section 208. Self-Denial and Self-Sacrifice further illustrated.--Parable of the building of the Tower.--Of the Warring King. (Luke, xiv., 28-33.)--The Sacrificial Salt. (Mark, ix., 49, 50.)--The Treasure hid in the Field.--The Pearl of Great Price. (Matt

Section 209. Christ refuses to interfere in Civil Disputes. (Luke, xii., 13-15.)--His Decision in the Case of the Adulteress.

Section 210. Christ's Intimations of the Future.

Section 211. Parables of the Mustard Seed and of the Leaven. (Luke, xiii. 18-21.)--Points of Agreement and Difference.--Compared with the Parable of the Ripening Grain. (Mark, iv., 26.)

Section 212. The Fire to be Kindled.--The Baptism of Sufferings.--Christianity not Peace, but a Sword. (Luke, xii., 49-53.)

Section 213. The Kingdom of God comet/h not with Observation. (Luke, xvii., 20.)

Section 214. The personal Return of Christ to the Earth, and the Day of Judgment. (Luke, xvii., 22-37.)

Section 215. Exhortation to Watch for Christ's Coming (Luke, xii., 36-48): to Confidence in the Divine Justice.--The importunate Widow. (Luke, xviii., 1.)

Section 216. Call to entire Devotion.--The Strait Gate and the Narrow Way.--Heathen admitted to the Kingdom of Heaven. (Luke, xiii., 24-28.)

Section 217. The Signs of the Times. (Luke, xii., 54.)

Section 218. The contracted Jewish Theodicy Rejected. (Luke, xiii., 1-5.)

Section 219. The Parable of Dives and Lazarus. (Luke, xvi., 19-31.)

Section 220. Persecutions of Herod Antipas. (Luke, xiii., 31.)

Section 221. Christ's Words of his Death.

Section 222. Journey continued through Samaria. (Luke, xvii., 11, seq.)Inhospitality of certain Samaritans.--Displeasure of the Disciples. (Luke, ix., 54.)--Ingratitude of Nine Jewish Lepers that were Healed.--Gratitude of the Samaritan Leper. (Luke, xvii

Section 223. His Statement of the Proof of his Messiahship.--His Oneness with

Section 224. His Decision on the Question of Divorce.--Celibacy. (Matt., xix,

Section 225. The Blessing of Little Children. (Luke, xviii. 15-17; Matt., xix., 13-15; Mark, x., 13-16.)

Section 226. Christ's Conversation with the rich Ruler of the Synagogue (young man?). (Matt., xix., 16-24; Mark, x., 17, seq.; Luke, xviii., 18, seq.)

Section 227. The Danger of Wealth. (Matt., xix., 22, seq.; Mark, x., 22, seq.; Luke, xviii., 23, seq.)

Section 228. Believers are to Reign with Christ.

Section 229. The Family of Lazarus.--Martha and Mary; their different

Section 230. The Sickness of Lazarus; Christ's Reply to the Messengers who informed him of it. (John, xi., 1-4.)

Section 231. The Death of Lazarus; Christ's Conversation with the Disciples in regard to it. (John, xi., 11, seq.)

Section 232. The Death of Lazarus.--Christ's Conversation with Martha (John, xi., 21-28) and with Mary (v. 33, 34).--Jesus Weeps (v. 35).

Section 233. The Resurrection of Lazarus.--The Prayer of Christ. (John, xi., 38-44.)

Section 234. Measures taken against Christ by the Sanhedrim. (John, xi., 47, seq.)

Section 235. The Necessity for Christ's Death.

Section 236. Journey to Jericho.--The Healing of Blind Bartimeus. (Matt.,

Section 237. Christ Ledges with Zaccheus. (Luke, xix., 2, seq.)

Section 238. The Request of Salome.--The Ambition of the Disciples rebuked. (Matt., xx., 20-28; Mark, x., 35-45.)

Section 239. Parable of the Pounds. (Luke, xix., 11, seq.)

Section 240. Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. (Matt., xx., 1-16.)

Section 241. The Passion for Rewards rebuked. (Luke, xvii., 7.)

Section 242. Christ Anointed by Mary in Bethany. (John, xii., 1, seq.)

Section 243. The Entry into Jerusalem.

Section 244. Sadness of Christ at Sight of Jerusalem. (Luke, xix., 41-44.)

Section 245. The Fig-tree Cursed. (Matt., xxi., 18; Mark, xi., 12.)--Parable of the Fig-tree. (Luke, xiii., 6-9.)

Section 246. Machinations of the Pharisees.

Section 247. Combination of the Pharisees and Herodians.--Christ's Decision on paying Tribute to Caesar.

Section 248. Christ's Reply to the Sadducees about the Resurrection. (Matt., xxii., 23, seq.; Mark, xii., 18; Luke, xx., 27.)

Section 249. Christ's Exposition of the First and Great Commandment. (Mark, xii., 28--34.)

Section 250. The Parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke, x., 25, seq.)

Section251. Christ's Interpretation of Psalm cx., 1. (Mark, xii., 35-37.)

Section 252. The Widow's Mite. (Luke, xxi., 1-4; Mark, xii., 41-44.)

Section 253. Christ predicts the Divine Judgments upon Jerusalem. (Matt., xxiii.)

Section 254. Christ's Prediction of the Coming of the Kingdom of God, and of his Second Advent. (Mark, xiii.; Matt., xxiv.)

Section 255. Parable of the Marriage Feast of the King's Son. (Matt., xxii., 1-14.)

Section 256. Parable of the Wicked Husbandman. (Matt., xxi., 33-44; Mark, xii., 1-12; Luke, xx., 9-18.)

Section 257. Parable of the Talents (Matt., xxv., 14-30) compared with that of the Pounds (Luke, xix., 12).

Section 258. Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. (Matt., xxv., 1-13.)

Section 259. Christ teaches that Faith must prove itself by Works. (Matt. xxv., 31-46.)

Section 260. The Heathens with Christ. (John, xii., 20, seq.)

Section 261. Christ's Struggles of Soul, and Submission to the Divine Will.--The Voice from Heaven. (John, xii., 27-29.)

Section 262. Christ closes his Public Ministry.--Final Words of warning to the Multitude.

Section 263. Machinations of Christ's Enemies.

Section 264. The Motives of Judas in betraying Jesus.

Section 265. Object of Christ in the Last Supper.

Section 266. Christ washes the Disciples' Feet. Conversation with Peter in regard to it. (John, xiii., 2-16.)

Section 267. The Words of Christ with and concerning his Betrayer. (John, xiii., 11, 21, seq.)

Section 268. The Institution of the Eucharist. (Luke, xxii., 17-20.)

Section 269. The New Commandment. (John, xiii., 33-35.)

Section 270. The Request of Peter.--Christ predicts Peter's Denial of Him. (John, xiii., 36-38.)

Section 271. Christ predicts the Danger of the Disciples in their new Relations to the People. (Luke, xxii., 35-38.)

Section 272. Christ consoles the Disciples with the Promise of his Return. (John, xiv.)

Section 273. Conversation with Philip and Thomas.--Christ the Way. (John, xiv.)

Section 274. Of Prayer in the Name of Christ. He promises the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter; and His own Return. (John, xiv., 13-26.)

Section 275. Christ's Salutation of Peace; its Import. (John, xiv., 27, seq.)

Section 276. Similitude of the Vine and Branches.--The Law of Love. (John,

Section 277. Promise of the Holy Ghost.--Concluding Words of Comfort to the Disciples. (John, xvi., 7-33.

Section 278. Christ's Prayer as High-priest. (John, xvii.)

Section 279. Comparison of John's Gospel with the Synoptical Gospels in

Section 280. The Agony in the Garden. (Matt., xxvi.; Mark, xiv.; Luke, xxii.)

Section 281. The Arrest of Christ.--Peter's Haste, and its Reproof.--The Power of Darkness.

Section 282. Night-Examination before Annas.

Section 283. Morning.--Examination before Caiaphas.

Section 284. Double Dealing of the Sanhedrim.

Section 285. Jesus before Pilate.--Christ's Kingdom not |of this World.|

Section 286. Jesus sent to Herod.

Section 287. Pilate's fruitless Efforts to save Jesus.--The Dream of Pilate's Wife.

Section 288. Last Conversation of Jesus with Pilate.--The Sentence.

Section 289. Jesus led to Calvary.--Simon of Cyrene.--The Words of Christ to the Weeping Women.

Section 290. Details of the Crucifixion.

Section 291. Christ Prays for his Enemies.-- The Two Thieves.

Section 292. Christ's Exclamation: Psalm xxii.--His Last Words.

Section 293. Phenomena accompanying the Death of Christ: the Earthquake the Darkness; the Rending of the Temple-veil.

Section 294. Did Christ predict his Resurrection?

Section 295. Dejection of the Apostles immediately after Christ's Death.--Their Joy and Activity at a later Period.--The Reappearance of Christ necessary to explain the Change.

Section 296. Was the Reappearance of Christ a Vision?

Section 297. Was Christ's a real Death?

Section 298. The Resurrection intended only for Believers.

Section 299. The Women, Peter, and John at the Grave.

Section 300. Christ appears to the Women at the Tomb; to Mary; to the two Disciples on the Way to Emmaus.

Section 301. Christ appears to Peter; and to the rest of the Apostles, except Thomas.--The |Breathing| upon the Apostles.

Section 302. Christ appears to five hundred Believers; to his Brother James to the Apostles, Thomas included.--His Conversation with Thomas.

Section 303. Christ's Appearances in Galilee; to the Seven on the Sea of Genesareth.--The Draught of Fishes.--The Conversation with Peter.

Section 304. Christ appears in Galilee for the last Time.--The Commission of the Apostles.

Section 305. Christ appears for the last Time near Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives.

Section 306. Connexion of the Ascension with the Resurrection.

Section 307. The Ascension necessary for the Conviction of the Apostles.

Section 308. Connexion of all the Supernatural Facts in Christ's Manifestation.



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