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The Journal Of John Wesley - John Wesley

Title Page






Wesley Begins his Work

Origin of the Holy Club

Wesley Sails for America

Life on Board

Memorable Atlantic Storms

Wesley Arrives in Georgia

Begins His Ministry at Savannah

|I Waked Under Water|

Talks to the Indians

Fearless of Rains and Dews

Desires to Go Among the Indians

Begins to Learn Spanish

Warrant for Wesley's Arrest

The Jury's Charge against Wesley

Why Wesley left Georgia

Lost in the Woods

Farewell to America

The Voyage to England

Lands at Deal

In London Again

Wesley Meets Peter Bohler

Wesley's Four Resolutions

Incidents on the Manchester Road

Companions on Horseback

Preaches in Oxford Castle

Talks with Bohler

|I Felt My Heart Strangely Warmed|

Wesley Preaches in Newgate Gaol

Wesley Begins Field-preaching

The First Methodist Building

Wesley's Living Arguments

Beau Nash Argues with Wesley

|All the World My Parish|

Susanna Wesley and her Son

Talks with Whitefield

Press-gang Disturbs the Sermon

The New Name of Methodism

An Accident and a Long Sermon

Wesley in Wales

|A Terrible Sight|

|Yonder Comes Wesley, Galloping|

The Colliers of Kingswood

Wesley's Correspondents

A Sermon and a Riot

Preaching Incidents

Wesley's Labor Colony

Dispute with Whitefield

Wesley at Northampton and Nottingham

An Ox in the Congregation

Wesley at Cardiff

A Curious Interruption

Wesley's Congregation Stoned

A Bull in the Congregation

Wesley Was |the Better Mounted|

A Big Crowd at Newcastle

Wesley on His Father's Tombstone

|Let Them Convert the Scolds|

Death of Wesley's Mother

Mrs. Wesley as Preacher

She Speaks to Two Hundred

How the Wesleys Were Brought up

|Conquer the Child's Will|

They Had Nothing They Cried For

Keeping the Wesley Children in Order

Susanna Wesley's |By-laws|

Mr. Stephenson and Wesley

Newcastle's First Methodist Room


Wesley Refused the Sacrament at Epworth

Wesley and the Cock-fighter

Wesley in Seven Dials

Wesley's Horses Give Trouble

Wesley Goes to Cornwall

The Cornish Tinners

In the Scilly Isles

Remarkable Service at Gwennap

A Mob at Wednesbury

Wesley in Danger

His Presence of Mind

|What Soft Hair He Has|

Wesley's Defenders

The Sleepy Magistrates' Proclamation

Wesley Nearly Drowned

Methodism on the Stage

The First Conference

Wesley's Chancery Bill

Wesley's Effective Letter

Press Gang and Methodists

Reading the Riot Act

Wesley Seized for a Soldier

Dramatic Scenes at Falmouth

|I am John Wesley|

Wesley Pushed from a High Wall

Riot Act and a Sermon

Pelted by the Mob at Leeds

Great Excitement at Newcastle

Wesley's Letter to the Mayor

Preaching under Difficulties

The Blasphemous Troops

Bonfires Everywhere


Wesley Encounters Severe Weather

Preaching to the Lead Miners

How Wesley Dealt with a Mob

The Bargemen and their Clubs

Remarkable Accident to Wesley

A Shower of Stones

A Horrible Proposition

Incidents in Ireland

Wesley Lives on Apple-tea

A Determined Preacher

Zealous Protestants

Wesley Protests Against Lawlessness

Beaten by the Mob

Defending Field Preaching

Three Remarkable Shots with Stones

Wesley in Wales

Marries his Brother

Methodists Lease an Abbey

Wesley and the Soldiers' Class

A Ridiculous Question

A Rough Voyage

Remarkable Scenes at Bolton

Wesley at Dudley and Birmingham

Wesley in Wales

Waiting for the Irish Boat

|Where Is the Parson?|

Wesley Interviews Mrs. Pilkington

Wesley Burned in Effigy

Visits to Kinsale and Cork

At an Irish Funeral

Wesley Rides Ninety Miles

He Left One Shilling and Fourpence

Wesley as Editor

In Canterbury Cathedral


Wesley Decides to Marry

Marriage and Preaching

Wesley and His Barber

Wesley's Impressions of Scotland

Wesley's Remarkable Vitality

A Crowded Coach

Wesley Sleeps in a Cellar

Round Chester Walls

A Boiling Sea

Wesley's Forgiveness

The Pay of Preaching

Wesley in Glasgow

Apprenticeship Customs

Cornish Smugglers

Wesley Writes His Epitaph

Wesley His Own Doctor


Wesley Retires to Paddington

Persecuting the Methodists

Wesley's Prescriptions

Wesley and the Sunshine

The Room Was Like and Oven

|This Is No Mazed Man|

Slandering Wesley in the Pulpit

Extraordinary Coincidence

Macbeth and Thunder at Drury Lane

At Dover Castle

Preaching to a Press-gang

Waiting for the Ferry

Irish Honesty

A Remarkable Premonition Fulfilled

Preaching in a Loft

A Terrible Dream

The Delights of North Wales

Wesley's Debt of 1236

Wesley on Electricity as a Cure


In Glasgow Cathedral

Wesley Sings a Scotch Psalm

|I Do Indeed Live by Preaching!|

Wesley at Charterhouse

Wesley Opposed by Mayor and Minister

Fire at Kingswood School

In Norfolk and Suffolk

Another Ninety-mile Journey

Wesley's Advice to Travelers

Wesley at Norwich and Colchester

The Sands of Ravenglass

Useless Doctors

Fire in a Coalpit

Newcastle as a Summer Resort

Wesley Likes a Soft Cushion

Defeating the Press-gang

Extraordinary Trances

Wesley Rides Twenty-four Hundred Miles in Seven Months

Field-preaching Expedient

Wesley Clothes French Prisoners

The Truth about Trances

Wesley and the Irish Question

Attack on Wesley's Hat

|A Kind of Waterspout|

A Tinner's Story

Wesley Writes to the London Chronicle

Preaching in the Inn Yard

Wesley Preaches at Aberdeen

Wesley's Criticism of Edinburgh

A Busy Week

Wesley and Impositions

A Monster Called a Declaration

Some Impudent Women

Seen in a Looking Glass

Wesley at Matlock Bath and Boston

Preaching by Moonlight

Some Rough Journeys

Remarkable Speaking Statue

Wesley and the Oatmeal Sellers

The Irish Whiteboys

Whitewashing Kilkenny Marble

Wesley in Cornwall

Wesley's Day of Pentecost

Wesley in Aberdeen Again

Plain Dealing in Scotland

The Drunkard's Magnificat

Methodists and Their Wealth

A Difficult Crossing

Wesley at Birmingham, Walsal, and Derby

|No Law for Methodists|

Wesley Unhorsed

Wesley on Holy Island

Wesley at the General Assembly

At Inverness

A Sermon and Congregation to Order

Wesley and a Scotch Communion

Wesley's Likes and Dislikes

She Thought, |I Laugh Prettily|

An Exhausting Day

Seven Hours on Horseback

The Ride from Pembroke to Swansea

Wesley's Experiments with Lions


Breakfast with Mr. Whitefield

Two Deeds

Wesley Covered with Mud

Wesley Secures Justice for Methodists

Gwennap's Famous Amphitheater

Wesley on a Country Life

Wesley and the Character of a Methodist

The Sexton's Strange Apparition

Queer Houses at Sheerness

Wesley in the Marshalsea Prison

Wesley Travels North

Preaching in a North Wind

Wesley Instructs Parents

Wesley and Mary Queen of Scots

Wesley at Scoon and Holyrood

Wesley's Old Schoolfellow

Wesley's Wife Ill

Wesley and Seaport Towns


Wesley's Land-shark

Wesley Opens a New Church

A Forsaken Beauty

Wesley at the Countess of Huntingdon's

The Gentleman with Rotten Eggs

Wesley on Geology and Rousseau

Swedenborg an Entertaining Madman

Wesley and His Horses

Wesley at Nairn, Elgin, and Aberdeen

Where Are the Highlands?

Wesley and the Turnpikes

Wesley in St. Albans Abbey

Wesley and the Druid Monuments

Congregation of 20,000

Fire at Portsmouth Dock

Wesley Preaches Whitefield's Funeral Sermon


The Earl of Desmond's Castle

Wesley in Winchester Cathedral

Wesley at Windsor Park

Wesley as Art Critic

Wesley on A Sentimental Journey

Wesley and the Boarding School

Wesley at Greenock and Glasgow

Wesley Receives the Freedom of Perth

Wesley Visits the Bass Rock

Through the Dales

Field-preaching as Wesley's Cross

Good or Bad Spirits?

A Remarkable Dream

Wesley's Letters and Friends

Wesley and His Chaise

Incidents in Ireland

A Neglected School

Mobbed by Masons

Wesley at Derry and Armagh

The Speaking Statue Again

The Earthquake at Madeley

A Man of Seventy Preaches to 30,000 People

A Monster Elm


Wesley Arrested in Edinburgh

Wesley's Terrible Ride

A Collier's Remarkable Escape

Wesley at Corfe Castle

A Methodist Isaac Newton

Wesley in the Fens

Wesley's Coach Upset

Wesley and the American War

Preaching from the Stocks

|A Very Extraordinary Genius|

Neat and Elegant Banff

A Town of Beggars

Wesley Criticizes the Scotch Universities

Smuggling in Cornwall

In Bethnal Green Hamlet

City Road Chapel Begun

Wesley in the Isle of Man

The Manx Men

|Taught by a Chaise Boy|

Are the Methodists a Fallen People?

Wesley Starts a Magazine

Wesley Discusses Old Sermons

Among the Ruins

City Road Chapel Opened

Wesley Goes North

Wesley Attended by Felons

|Make Your Will before You Sleep|

Wesley at the German Settlement

The Bishop of Durham's Tapestry

Wesley on |Boston Stump|

Wesley at Sevenoaks

Wesley Visits Lord George in the Tower


A Rough Voyage

In the Isle of Man

Preaching at Peel

An Ideal Circuit

|A Low, Soft, Solemn Sound|

Wesley Enters His Eightieth Year

No Repose for Wesley

A Christian Bishop's Furniture

|The Tide Is Now Turned|

Wesley Visits Holland

The Reverent Dutch

The Beautiful Hague

At Leyden and Amsterdam

The Warmly Affectionate Dutch

Wesley at Utrecht

Two Hours with Dr. Johnson

Wesley and Early Rising

Remarkable Escape from Prison

The Banks of the Spey

Twelve and a Half Miles in Heavy Rain

Incidents in Scotland

Wesley at 81

Burglary at Wesley's House


Wesley at Eighty-one Begs 200

Fifty Years Growth of Methodism

Wesley Visits the House of Lords

Wesley Visits Hatfield House

Wesley's Threat to Deptford

Wesley Visits the Irish Parliament House

A Visit to the Channel Islands

|A Little Circumstance|

At the Governor's House

|Because I Have Lived so Many Years|

Detained by Contrary Winds

Sails for Penzance

Wesley on His Old Age

Wesley's Reasons for His Long Life

An Important Conference

|The Gentle Steps of Age|

Wesley Sits to Romney

Wesley Explains Methodism

Wesley Describes Himself at Eighty-five

|How Is the Tide Turned!|

Wesley's Eighty-sixth Christmas

The Last Year of the Journal

A Backsliding Innkeeper

|I Am Become an Honorable Man|

Wesley's Last Entries


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