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Christian Books
: The Work Of The Holy Spirit
The Work Of The Holy Spirit
Abraham Kuyper
Title Page
I. Careful Treatment Required.
II. Two Standpoints.
III. The Indwelling and Outgoing Works of God.
IV. The Work of the Holy Spirit Distinguished.
V. The Principle of Life in the Creature.
VI. The Host of Heaven and of Earth.
VII. The Creaturely Man.
VIII. Gifts and Talents.
IX. Creation and Re-Creation.
X. Organic and Individual.
XI. The Church Before and After Christ.
XII. The Holy Scripture.
XIII. The Scripture a Necessity.
XIV. The Revelation to Which the Scripture of the Old Testament Owes Its Existence.
XV. The Revelation of the Old Testament in Writing.
XVI. Inspiration.
XVII. Like One of Us.
XVIII. Guiltless and Without Sin.
XIX. The Holy Spirit in the Mystery of the Incarnation.
XX. The Holy Spirit in the Mediator.
XXI. Not Like unto Us.
XXII. The Holy Spirit in the Passion of Christ.
XXIII. The Holy Spirit in the Glorified Christ.
XXIV. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
XXV. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Other than in the Old.
XXVI. Israel and the Nations.
XXVII. The Signs of Pentecost.
XXVIII. The Miracle of Tongues.
XXIX. The Apostolate.
XXX. The Apostolic Scriptures.
XXXI. Apostolic Inspiration.
XXXII. Apostles To-Day?
XXXIV. The Need of the New Testament Scripture.
XXXV. The Character of the New Testament Scripture.
XXXVII. Spiritual Gifts.
XXXVIII. The Ministry of the Word.
XXXIX. The Government of the Church.
I. The Man to be Wrought upon.
II. The Work of Grace a Unit.
III. Analysis Necessary.
IV. Image and Likeness.
V. Original Righteousness.
VI. Rome, Socinus, Arminius, Calvin.
VII. The Neo-Kohlbruggians.
VIII. After the Scripture.
IX. The Image of God in Man.
X. Adam Not Innocent, but Holy.
XI. Sin Not Material.
XII. Sin Not a Mere Negation.
XIII. Sin a Power in Reversed Action.
XIV. Our Guilt.
XV. Our Unrighteousness.
XVI. Our Death.
XVII. What Is It?
XVIII. What It Is Not.
XIX. Old and New Terminology.
XX. Its Course.
XXI. Regeneration the Work of God.
XXII. The Work of Regeneration.
XXIII. Regeneration and Faith.
XXIV. Implanting in Christ.
XXV. Not a Divine-Human Nature.
XXVI. The Mystical Union with Immanuel.
XXVII. The Calling of the Regenerate:
XXVIII. The Coming of the Called.
XXIX. Conversion of All That Come.
cXXX. Justification.
XXXI. Our Status.
XXXII. Justification from Eternity
XXXIII. Certainty of Our Justification.
XXXIV. Faith in General.
XXXV. Faith and Knowledge.
XXXVI. Brakel and Comrie.
XXXVII. Faith in the Sacred Scriptures.
XXXVIII. The Faculty of Faith.
XXXIX. Defective Learning.
XL. Faith in the Saved Sinner Alone.
XLI. Testimonies.
I. Sanctification.
II. Sanctification Is a Mystery.
III. Sanctification and Justification.
IV. Sanctification and Justification (Continued).
V. Holy Raiment of One's Own Weaving.
VI. Christ Our Sanctification.
VII. Application of Sanctification.
VIII. Sanctification in Fellowship with Immanuel
IX. Implanted Dispositions.
X. Perfect in Parts, Imperfect in Degrees.
XI. The Pietist and the Perfectionist.
XII. The Old Man and the New.
XIII. The Work of God in Our Work.
XIV. The Person Sanctified.
XV. Good Works.
XVI. Self-Denial.
XVII. Natural Love.
XVIII. Love in the Triune Being of God.
XIX. The Manifestation of Holy Love.
XX. God the Holy Spirit the Love which Dwells in the Heart.
XXI. The Love of the Holy Spirit in Us.
XXII. Love and the Comforter.
XXIII. The Greatest of These Is Love.
XXIV. Love in the Blessed Ones.
XXV. The Communion of Saints.
XXVI. The Communion of Goods.
XXVII. The Communion of Gifts.
XXVIII. The Suffering of Love.
XXIX. Love in the Old Covenant.
XXX. Organically One.
XXXI. The Hardening Operation of Love.
XXXII. The Love Which Withers.
XXXIII. The Hardening in the Sacred Scripture.
XXXIV. Temporary Hardening.
XXXV. The Hardening of Nations.
XXXVI. The Apostolic Love.
XXXVII. The Sin Against the Holy Ghost.
XXXVIII. Christ or Satan.
XXXIX. The Essence of Prayer.
XL. Prayer and the Consciousness.
XLI. Prayer in the Unconverted.
XLII. The Prayer of the Regenerated.
XLIII. Prayer for and with Each Other.
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