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Christian Books
: At The Masters Feet
At The Masters Feet
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Title Page
SECTION I The Disciple, -- O Master, Fountain of life! Why dost Thou hide Thyself from thoseà
SECTION II The Disciple, -- Master, if Thou wouldst make a special manifestation of Thyself to theà
SECTION I The Disciple, -- Master, it is clear to almost everyone that to disobey God andà
SECTION II The Disciple, -- Master, in these days some learned men and their followers regard Thyà
SECTION I The Disciple, -- Sometimes this question is asked, |Since God is fully aware of ourà
SECTION II 1. To pray does not imply that without prayer God would not give us anythingà
SECTION III 1. To pray is as it were to be on speaking terms with Meà
SECTION I The Disciple, -- Master, what is the real meaning of service? Is it that weà
SECTION II 1. Love is the touchstone by which the reality of truth is perceivedà
SECTION I The Disciple, -- What is the meaning and purpose of the crossà
SECTION II 1. In the bitter cold of winter the trees stand bare of leavesà
SECTION I The Disciple, -- Master, what are heaven and hellà
SECTION II The Disciple, -- Master, some people say that the comfort and joy that believers experienceà
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