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Hymns Of The Apostolic Church - John Brownlie

Title Page





St. Gregory Nazianzen


Justinian I.

St. Andrew of Crete


St. Anatolius

St. John of Damascus

St. Cosmas, the Melodist

St. Joseph of the Studium


Metrophanes of Smyrna


The morning dawns; on gilded height,

See, from the eastern hills, the morn

Light in the dark, before the dawn awaking

Awake! the morn is here,

The crimson blush of morning glows

The morn awakes; from eastern hills

All glorious, see, the morning breaks;

EVENING cThe darkness deepens in the skies,

Cathismata of the Resurrection

O Lord of light, Thy beams display,

The sun has reached his western goal,

The longing eyes that sought the light

O Despotou philanthropias!

angeloi meta poimenon doxazousi.

Doxa kurie to Stauro sou.


Christos aneste ek nekron.

Life from the dead the King Immortal gives,

Light more glorious than the sun,

thanato thanaton kathesas.

Go, tell the world the Lord hath risen,

The stone is rolled away,

Glory to God, the promised day awakes,

Light, ere the dawn in beauty broke,

epi tes theias phulakes.

At earliest dawn the Lord awoke,

ge de agalliastho· Christos gar egegertai.

Christos aneste ek nekron, thanato thanaton patesas.

hos egerthe ho kurios, thanatosas ton thanaton.

The light that from the fire of love

Kurie, e en pollais hamartias.

kai ten pros hupsos ouranou theian analepsin.

See the King of kings ascending

Now let the gates be lifted up,

Wrapt in wonder and amaze,

anephereto eis ton ouranon.

When Jesus at the feast reclined,

zoes choregos, elthe, kai skenoson en hemin,

O Holy Ghost, eternal Lord

Eternal Spirit, Lord of grace,

O God of grace, Thou Spirit blest,

O Lord of mercy, at Thy gate

When God for judgment sets His throne,

Watchers, let your lights be burning,

When the Lord to earth returning,

Behold the victor host appear,

The saints of God in yonder realm,

The saints of God who sufferings bore,

The chariots of the Lord are strong,

Night and a storm, and hearts with sore affright,

Darkly the tempest swept,

Lord, give me sight for I am blind,

O praise the wisdom of our God,

He climbed the slopes of Olivet

|Thou art my portion,| saith my soul,

My soul doth wait on God,

The burden of my sin was great,

Bowed with grief and anguish low,

To praise is comely, O my soul,

The Lord is very good to those

he philanthropia tou Patros.

pistos ho theos.

Hear me, O Lord, in mercy hear,

Open to me the gates of lovingkindness,

When clouds obscure the rising sun,

VARIOUS cergo Soter mou deiknueis, hoti su ei he panton anastasis.

alethos mataiotes ta sumpanta ho de bios skia kai enupnion.

kurie, anapauson to nepion.

From the Office for Baptism

eleous pege, huparchon Huperagathe.

O God, most good, forget me not--

Death's dark and moonless night,

O Light of lights around my pathway shining,


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