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The Gospel Of Nicodemus - Unknown

Title Page


Chapter 1. Having called a council, the high priests and scribes Annas and Caiaphas and Semes andà

Chapter 2. And Pilate seeing this, was afraid, and sought to go away from the tribunalà

Chapter 3. And Pilate, filled with rage, went outside of the prætoriumà

Chapter 4. And leaving Jesus within the prætorium, Pilate went out to the Jewsà

Chapter 5. And one Nicodemus, a Jew, stood before the procuratorà

Chapter 6. One of the Jews, stepping up, asked leave of the procurator to say a word.à

Chapter 7. And a woman cried out from a distance, and saidà

Chapter 8. And others, a multitude both of men and womenà

Chapter 9. And having summoned Nicodemus and the twelve men that said He was not born ofà

Chapter 10. And Jesus went forth out of the prætorium, and the two malefactors with Him.à

Chapter 11. And it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the earth untilà

Chapter 12. And the Jews, hearing that Joseph had begged the body of Jesusà

Chapter 13. And while they were still sitting in the synagogueà

Chapter 14. And Phinees a priest, and Adas a teacher, and Haggai a Leviteà

Chapter 15. And Nicodemus stood up, and stood before the Sanhedrinà

Chapter 16. And the rulers of the synagogue, and the priests and the Levitesà


Chapter 1. Our Lord Jesus Christ having wrought in Judæa many and great and extraordinary miraclesà

Chapter 2. Pilate says to Jesus: Hearest thou what these testify against theeà

Chapter 3. Pilate therefore went outside in rage and anger, and says to Annas and Caiaphasà

Chapter 4. Pilate therefore, leaving Christ alone, went outside, and says to the Jewsà

Chapter 5. A God-fearing Jew, therefore, Nicodemus by name, stood up in the midstà

Chapter 6. And when Nicodemus had thus spoken, another Hebrew rose upà

Chapter 7. There was found there also a woman named Veronicaà

Chapter 8. Other men cried: This man is a prophet, and the demons are afraid of him.à

Chapter 9. Then he summoned Nicodemus and the twelve God-fearing Jewsà

Chapter 10. The sentence to this effect, then, having been passed by Pilateà

Chapter 11. Then Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, Fatherà

Chapter 12. When the Jews were made acquainted with these things done by Joseph and Nicodemusà

Chapter 13. And upon this there came up one of the soldiers guarding the tombà

Chapter 14. And a few days after there came from Galilee to Jerusalem three men.à

Chapter 15. Nicodemus says: O children of the inhabitants of Jerusalemà

Chapter 16. When Joseph had thus spoken, the chief priests cried out to the peopleà

Chapter 1 (17). Joseph says: And why do you wonder that Jesus has risen? But it is wonderfulà

Chapter 2 (18). O Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection and the life of the worldà

Chapter 3 (19). While John, therefore, was thus teaching those in Hadesà

Chapter 4 (20). And when all were in such joy, came Satan the heir of darknessà

Chapter 5 (21). While Satan and Hades were thus speaking to each otherà

Chapter 6 (22). Immediately Hades cried out: We have been conquered: woe to us! But who art thouà

Chapter 7 (23). And Hades receiving Satan, said to him: Beelzebul, heir of fire and punishmentà

Chapter 8 (24). While Hades was thus discoursing to Satan, the King of glory stretched out His rightà

Chapter 9 (25). And setting out to paradise, He took hold of our forefather Adam by the handà

Chapter 10 (26). While they were thus speaking, there came another lowly manà

Chapter 11 (27). All these things we saw and heard; we, the two brothersà


Chapter 1. Annas and Caiaphas, Summas and Datam, Gamaliel, Judas, Levià

Chapter 2. And Pilate seeing, fear seized him, and immediately he wished to rise from the tribunal.à

Chapter 3. Pilate, filled with fury, went forth outside of the prætoriumà

Chapter 4. Pilate therefore, leaving Jesus within the prætorium, went out to the Jewsà

Chapter 5. But one Nicodemus, a Jew, stood before the governorà

Chapter 6. And of the Jews a certain other one, starting upà

Chapter 7. And also a certain woman, Veronica by name, from afar off cried out to theà

Chapter 8. And certain others, a multitude of men and womenà

Chapter 9. And Pilate, calling Nicodemus and the twelve men who said that He was not bornà

Chapter 10. And when Jesus was scourged, he delivered Him to the Jews to be crucifiedà

Chapter 11. And it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole earthà

Chapter 12. And the Jews, hearing that Joseph had begged the body of Jesusà

Chapter 13. And while they were sitting in the synagogue, and recriminating about Josephà

Chapter 14. And Finees a certain priest, and Addas a teacherà

Chapter 15. And Nicodemus rising up, stood in the midst of the counselà

Chapter 16. And the rulers of the synagogue, and the priests and the Levitesà

Chapter 1 (17). And Joseph rose up and said to Annas and Caiaphasà

Chapter 2 (18). O Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection and the life of the deadà

Chapter 3 (19). And when the first created, father Adam, had heard thisà

Chapter 4 (20). And when all the saints were exulting, lo, Satanà

Chapter 5 (21). And as Prince Satan and Hades were thus speaking to each other in turnà

Chapter 6 (22). When this was seen by Hades and Death, and their impious officersà

Chapter 7 (23). Then Hades, receiving Prince Satan, said to him, with vehement revilingsà

Chapter 8 (24). And the Lord stretched out His hand, and saidà

Chapter 9 (25). And the Lord, holding the hand of Adam, delivered him to Michael the archangelà

Chapter 10 (26). And while the saints Enoch and Elias were thus speakingà

Chapter 11 (27). These are the divine and sacred mysteries which we saw and heardà

Chapter 12 (28). After this, Pilate going into the temple of the Jewsà

Chapter 13 (29). Pilate, hearing these words of Annas and Caiaphas, laid them all up in the actsà

Chapter 1 (17). Then Rabbi Addas, and Rabbi Finees, and Rabbi Egiasà

Chapter 2 (18). I Karinus.à

Chapter 3 (19). Then Satan said to Hades: Make thyself ready to receive him whom I shall bringà

Chapter 4 (20). And the saints of God heard the wrangling of Satan and Hades.à

Chapter 5 (21). Then all the saints, hearing this again, exulted in joy.à

Chapter 6 (22). After that, another standing there, pre-eminent as it wereà

Chapter 7 (23). And again there came the voice of the Son of the Father most highà

Chapter 8 (24). And, behold, suddenly Hades trembled, and the gates of death and the bolts were shatteredà

Chapter 9 (25). Then the Lord Jesus, the Saviour of all, affectionate and most mildà

Chapter 10 (26). Then all the saints of God asked the Lord to leave as a sign ofà

Chapter 11 (27). And when the paper was finished and read throughà

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