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: Of The Manner In Which The Persecutors Died
Of The Manner In Which The Persecutors Died
Title Page
Chap. I. The Lord has heard those supplications which you, my best beloved Donatusà
Chap. II. In the latter days of the Emperor Tiberius, in the consulship of Ruberius Geminus andà
Chap. III. After an interval of some years from the death of Neroà
Chap. IV. This long peace, however, was afterwards interrupted.à
Chap. V. And presently Valerian also, in a mood alike franticà
Chap. VI. Aurelian might have recollected the fate of the captived emperorà
Chap. VII. While Diocletian, that author of ill, and deviser of miseryà
Chap. VIII. What was the character of his brother in empireà
Chap. IX. But the other Maximian Galerius, chosen by Diocletian for his son-in-lawà
Chap. X. Diocletian, as being of a timorous disposition, was a searcher into futurityà
Chap. XI. The mother of Galerius, a woman exceedingly superstitious, was a votary of the gods ofà
Chap. XII. A fit and auspicious day was sought out for the accomplishment of this undertakingà
Chap. XIII. Next day an edict was published, depriving the Christians of all honours and dignitiesà
Chap. XIV. But Galerius, not satisfied with the tenor of the edictà
Chap. XV. And now Diocletian raged, not only against his own domesticsà
Chap. XVI. Thus was all the earth afflicted; and from east to westà
Chap. XVII. The wicked plan having been carried into execution, Diocletianà
Chap. XVIII. Within a few days Galerius Cæsar arrived, not to congratulate his father-in-law on the re-establishmentà
Chap. XIX. Matters having been thus concerted, Diocletian and Galerius went in procession to publish the nominationà
Chap. XX. Galerius having effected the expulsion of the two old menà
Chap. XXI. Having thus attained to the highest power, he bent his mind to afflict that empireà
Chap. XXII. And now that cruelty, which he had learned in torturing the Christiansà
Chap. XXIII. But that which gave rise to public and universal calamityà
Chap. XXIV. Already the judgment of God approached him, and that season ensued in which his fortunesà
Chap. XXV. Some few days after, the portrait of Constantine, adorned with laurelsà
Chap. XXVI. Things seemed to be arranged in some measure to the satisfaction of Galeriusà
Chap. XXVII. But Maximian, who knew the outrageous temper of Galeriusà
Chap. XXVIII. After the flight of Galerius, Maximian, having returned from Gaulà
Chap. XXIX. Then Maximian returned into Gaul; and after having made some stay in those quartersà
Chap. XXX. Maximian, having thus forfeited the respect due to an emperor and a father-in-lawà
Chap. XXXI. From Maximian, God, the avenger of religion and of His peopleà
Chap. XXXII. Maximin Daia was incensed at the nomination of Licinius to the dignity of emperorà
Chap. XXXIII. And now, when Galerius was in the eighteenth year of his reignà
Chap. XXXIV. |Amongst our other regulations for the permanent advantage of the commonwealà
Chap. XXXV. This edict was promulgated at Nicomedia on the day preceding the kalends of Mayà
Chap. XXXVI. Daia, on receiving this news, hasted with relays of horses from the Eastà
Chap. XXXVII. While occupied in this plan, he received letters from Constantine which deterred him from proceedingà
Chap. XXXVIII. But that which distinguished his character, and in which he transcended all former emperorsà
Chap. XXXIX. Now Daia, in gratifying his libidinous desires, made his own will the standard of rightà
Chap. XL. There was a certain matron of high rank who already had grandchildren by more thanà
Chap. XLI. But the empress, an exile in some desert region of Syriaà
Chap. XLII. At this time, by command of Constantine, the statues of Maximian Herculius were thrown downà
Chap. XLIII. Of the adversaries of God there still remained oneà
Chap. XLIV. And now a civil war broke out between Constantine and Maxentius.à
Chap. XLV. Constantine having settled all things at Rome, went to Milan about the beginning of winter.à
Chap. XLVI. The armies thus approaching each other, seemed on the eve of a battle.à
Chap. XLVII. So the two armies drew nigh; the trumpets gave the signalà
Chap. XLVIII. Not many days after the victory, Licinius, having received part of the soldiers of Daiaà
Chap. XLIX. While Licinius pursued with his army, the fugitive tyrant retreatedà
Chap. L. Thus did God subdue all those who persecuted His nameà
Chap. LI. Valeria, too, who for fifteen months had wandered under a mean garb from province toà
Chap. LII. I relate all those things on the authority of well-informed personsà
Fragments of Lactantius
The Phoenix
A Poem on the Passion of the Lord
General Note.
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