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The Paschal Canon Of Anatolius Of Alexandria - Anatolius

Title Page

Introductory Notice to Anatolius and Minor Writers.

Anatolius and Minor Writers.

Section I. As we are about to speak on the subject of the order of the timesà

Section II. There is, then, in the first year, the new moon of the first monthà

Section III. Nor is this an opinion confined to ourselves alone.à

Section IV. But this Aristobulus also adds, that for the feast of the Passover it was necessaryà

Section V. I am aware that very many other matters were discussed by themà

Section VI. And, therefore, in this concurrence of the sun and moonà

Section VII. To us, however, with whom it is impossible for all these things to come aptlyà

Section VIII. Accordingly, it is not the case, as certain calculators of Gaul allegeà

Section IX. But what wonder is it that they should have erred in the matter of theà

Section X. But nothing was difficult to them with whom it was lawful to celebrate the Passoverà

Section XI. Moreover, the allegation which they sometimes make against usà

Section XII. But this again is held by other wise and most acute men to be anà

Section XIII. The moon's age set forth in the Julian Calendar.à

Section XIV. The Paschal or Easter Table of Anatolius.à

Section XV. This cycle of nineteen years is not approved of by certain African investigators who haveà

Section XVI. Furthermore, as to the proposal subjoined to your epistleà

Section XVII. Be not ignorant of this, however, that those four determining periodsà

Fragments of the Books on Arithmetic.

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