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The Writings Of Julius Africanus - Julius Africanus

Title Page

Introductory Notice to Julius Africanus

Writing I. Africanus on the Genealogy in the Holy Gospels.à

Writing II. For whereas in Israel the names of their generations were enumerated either according to natureà

Writing III. But in order that what I have said may be made evidentà

Writing IV. Nor indeed is this incapable of proof, neither is it a rash conjecture.à

Writing V. But as up to that time the genealogies of the Hebrews had been registered inà

Writing VI. Matthan, descended from Solomon, begat Jacob.à

The best introduction to this production will be the following preface, as given in Migne

Fragment I. On the Mythical Chronology of the Egyptians and Chaldeans.à

Fragment II. When men multiplied on the earth, the angels of heaven came together with the daughtersà

Fragment III. Adam, when 230 years old, begets Seth; and after living other 700 years he diedà

Fragment IV. On the Deluge.à

Fragment V. Noe was 600 years old when the flood came on.à

Fragment VI. And after the flood, Sem begot Arphaxad.à

Fragment VII. In the year of the world 3277, Abraham entered the promised land of Canaan.à

Fragment VIII. Of Abraham.à

Fragment IX. Of Abraham and Lot.à

Fragment X. Of the Patriarch Jacob.à

Fragment XI. From Adam, therefore, to the death of Joseph, according to this bookà

Fragment XII. From this record, therefore, we affirm that Ogygus, from whom the first flood in Atticaà

Fragment XIII. 1. Up to the time of the Olympiads there is no certain history among theà

Fragment XIV. Æschylus, the son of Agamestor, ruled the Athenians twenty-three yearsà

Fragment XV. And Africanus, in the third book of his Historyà

Fragment XVI. On the Seventy Weeks of Daniel.à

Fragment XVII. On the Fortunes of Hyrcanus and Antigonus, and on Herodà

Fragment XVIII. On the Circumstances Connected with Our Saviour's Passion and His Life-Giving Resurrection.à

Fragment XIX. For we who both know the measure of those wordsà

IV.--The Passion of St. Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons.


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