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The Works Of Dionysius - Dionysius

Title Page

Introductory Note

I.--From the Two Books on the Promises.

I. In Opposition to Those of the School of Epicurus Who Deny the

II. A Refutation of This Dogma on the Ground of Familiar Human Analogies.

III. A Refutation on the Ground of the Constitution of the Universe.

IV. A Refutation of the Same on the Grounds of the Human Constitution.

V. That to Work is Not a Matter of Pain and Weariness to God.

On the Notion that Matter is Ungenerated.

From the First Book.

From the Same First Book.

From the Same First Book.

From the Second Book.

From the Same Second Book.

From the Same Second Book.

From the Third Book.

From the Fourth Book.

About the Middle of the Treatise.

the most divine Trinity

The Conclusion of the Entire Treatise.

Canon I. Dionysius to Basilides, my beloved son, and my brotherà

Canon II. The question touching women in the time of their separationà

Canon III. Moreover, those who are competent, and who are advanced in yearsà

Canon IV. As to those who are overtaken by an involuntary flux in the night-timeà

Epistle I.--To Domitius and Didymus.

Epistle II.--To Novatus.

Epistle III.--To Fabius, Bishop of Antioch.

Epistle IV.--To Cornelius the Roman Bishop.

Epistle V.--Which is the First on the Subject of Baptism Addressed to Stephen, Bishop of Rome.

Epistle VI.--To Sixtus, Bishop.

Epistle VII.--To Philemon, a Presbyter.

Epistle VIII.--To Dionysius.

Epistle IX.--To Sixtus II.

Epistle X.--Against Bishop Germanus.

Epistle XI.--To Hermammon.

Epistle XII.--To the Alexandrians.

Epistle XIII.--To Hierax, a Bishop in Egypt.

Epistle XIV.--From His Fourth Festival Epistle.


Chapter I.

Chapter II.

Chapter III.

II.--The Gospel According to Luke.

III.--On Luke XXII. 42, Etc.

IV.--An Exposition of Luke XXII. 46, Etc.

V.--On John VIII. 12.

VI.--Of the One Substance.

VII.--On the Reception of the Lapsed to Penitence.

Note by the American Editor.

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