H.J. Vine ( - )
Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker H.J. Vine in text and pdf format. H.J. Vine was involved in the early Plymouth Brethren movement. The Plymouth Brethren are a conservative, low church, nonconformist, Evangelical Christian movement whose history can be traced to Dublin, Ireland in the late 1820s, originating from Anglicanism.
Among other beliefs, the group emphasizes sola scriptura, the belief that the Bible is the supreme authority for church doctrine and practice over and above "the [mere] tradition of men" (Mark 7:8). Brethren generally see themselves, not as a denomination, but as a network (or even as a collection of overlapping networks) of like-minded independent churches.
showing from 51 to 100 of 195 articles
Honour the Son
“That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honours not the Son honours not the Father which has sent Him” (John 5:23).
In gatherings where a deep sense of God’s presence has been realized, one has often experienc ... read more
How God is Known as Father
The highest knowledge of all is obtained through our Lord Jesus Christ alone! Advanced religious thought and modernism deny this! While they profess to reverence Him in measure, they refuse the honour which essentially belongs to Him as the Revealer of th ... read more
How to Conduct Oneself in God’s House which is the Assembly of the Living God
The above words are given to us by the Spirit in 1 Timothy 3:15, where we are also told that the assembly is “the pillar and base of the truth.” It is where the faith of God’s elect is found, where the faith which was once delivered to the saints is ... read more
I Come Quickly: Hold Fast
Revelation 3:11
The Lord is coming again, and Scripture shows plainly what will mark those who are prepared for that momentous event. Enoch was ready to go when God took him, and Elijah also, in his day, and they were both translated.
Those who are ... read more
I have Loved Thee . . . I Come Quickly
Revelation 3:9-11
These words are said by our Lord Jesus Christ, not to men who are prominent in world affairs or who are famous for great learning or successful work, but to His saints who have a “little power,” and who look with eager longing for ... read more
I Have Overcome
Those who believe on the Son of God have something to overcome. Eternal life is theirs through faith in Him and they can never perish, but there is that which is antagonistic, and it is dangerous to be indifferent in regard to the matter, lest we be overc ... read more
I Trust My Soul to Jesus
Tom was the son of a miner living in the north of England. His parents loved him tenderly, and, being earnest Christians, they often prayed that he might be brought to accept the Saviour, who was so dear to them. He was indifferent, however, and loved the ... read more
In Christ Jesus
2 Timothy
In the second letter to Timothy “the difficult times” that should be present in the last days are spoken of once, but of that which is ours “in Christ Jesus” seven times.
This is surely significant, and it would be healthful if we ... read more
In the Midst of the Assembly
Who is in the Midst of the Assembly?
The answer to this question determines for us the nature and character of the gathering; and seeing it is our Lord Jesus Christ Himself—as Hebrews 2:12 tells us—the One who is exalted above all as Heir of all th ... read more
In Thy Presence
From the darkness and the perils
Of a world by Satan swayed
Peace we find in God’s own presence,
Where our minds on Him are stayed;
Leaving thoughts that once distressed us,
Holy themes our tongues employ;
Grace and truth are k ... read more
Inclusive and Exclusive
It is important, in relation to the oneness of the saints of God, to understand the truth of the one body; to grasp in faith the fact of it “There is one body.” This is a fact whether we grasp it or not, but the Holy Spirit has given us the truth of i ... read more
The ties of Divine love which bind the Lord to His own and His own to Him are close, and real, and living. Whether we view Him as the Head of His body, the assembly, and our oneness with Him thus, as the Spirit shows us through Paul, or as the risen Son o ... read more
Jerusalem and its Royal Owner (As seen by Zechariah)
To those who belong to the assembly of which our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head it is declared, “Jerusalem above is free, which is our mother”; and our character is now being formed by God according to that of the heavenly city. It is revealed in its s ... read more
Jesus, The Son of God
A welcome calm followed the bitter storm! Certain religious leaders questioned a poor man regarding his life-long blindness, and how he was saved from it. Born blind, he now stood before them with good eye-sight. How was this to be explained?
The blind ... read more
Let Him Boast
1 Corinthians 1:31, N.Tr.
In what does this scripture ask us to boast? Certainly not in the state of the world! Its present condition has caused large numbers to abandon their former boastings as to its progress. Nor do the inspired words above quoted ... read more
Leviticus and Hebrews
Nearness and Response
One of the great distinctions of this third book of the Bible is found in the name given by Leah to her third son. She called him Levi, which means joined or united, for she said, “Now this time will my husband be joined unto me ... read more
Light For All
Perhaps nothing has so effectively warped and dwarfed those who have been delivered from the world systems of religion like such expressions as “special light,” “more light,” “new light,” and “the light is with us.” This claiming of “lig ... read more
Love in Redemption
In creation the eternal power and divinity of God are declared: in government His authority is displayed: in redemption His great love is revealed.
The present gospel of the grace of God has to do with the last; the future gospel of the kingdom with th ... read more
Love to All the Saints
The love of God told out in Christ upon the cross of Calvary has been shed abroad in the hearts of those who have believed the gospel, and it has produced what the law demanded but could not secure—love to Him who first loved them. God and His love are ... read more
Love to the Brethren
For anyone to be entirely devoid of “love to the brethren,” is a sure sign that he is still unregenerate. “He that loves not his brother abides in death,” we are told. There may be proud claims of light and righteousness, of being in advance of ot ... read more
Lovers! Of What and Whom
God’s own love has begotten a family which loves Him, so that we read in the Word of “them that love God” (Rom. 8; 1 Cor. 2). His love is declared to be “His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins;” and we are called up ... read more
Made Nigh
Favoured by the Son of God, there was one who enjoyed a special place of nearness to Him; “Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with Him” (John 12:2).
About to be dishonoured in the regal city, Jerusalem, Jesus received royal honour outsid ... read more
Ministering To The Lord in Assembly
The first king of Israel fought with mistaken zeal for the freedom of God’s people from their enemies and to establish their national supremacy, but he became himself an oppressor. The second king, David, fought from a different point of view altogether ... read more
Moral Bankruptcy or Spiritual Wealth
Religious leaders, ecclesiastics, politicians, judges and others who are keenly interested in present conditions, all speak of the “moral bankruptcy” which is prevalent. The shipwreck is visible on all sides and the wreckage is cast up before the gaze ... read more
Musical Instruments of God
1 Chronicles 16:42
In order that Israel, God’s chosen people for earth, might give expression to their thanksgivings, praise and worship to God, minerals were quarried from the hills, wood was gotten from the forests, and strings from animals slain. ... read more
My Father
Exceedingly dear to the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ were the things which He spake of as “My Father’s.” Those who contemplated His glory on earth, afterwards said, when the Holy Spirit was given, it was “a glory as of an only-begotten with a fa ... read more
My Soul Waits upon God
“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not be fai ... read more
Not Ashamed
Various kinds of messengers have been used by God. Angels have brought His messages to men. But it is His way today to use sinners saved by grace. He enables them by His Holy Spirit to tell of forgiveness and salvation through His Son, our Lord Jesus Chri ... read more
Not Forsaking the Assembling of Ourselves Together
The Lord is coming again! The midnight cry has gone forth after long ages of slumber! “BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM! GO FORTH TO MEET HIM” (Matt. 24). This was foretold in the Scriptures of Truth. And to it and to the glory of the coming One, the Spirit is b ... read more
Notes of Bible Readings on Romans, 1911
1. The Peace of God and the God of Peace (Philippians 4)
It is said that the fruit of the Spirit is “love, joy, peace,” etc. (Gal. 5:22); and this comes out in Philippians in a way found in no other part of the Scriptures. God would have this f ... read more
“One in the Father and the Son” (John 17:21)
Article 1
In the heart of every true believer on the Son of God, there is a desire for the manifest oneness of those who belong to our Lord Jesus Christ; for the oneness of those who are the love gift ... read more
Our Great Example
The incomparable perfection of our Lord Jesus Christ shines in unsullied beauty, whether in His exaltation and glory or in the lowly circumstances of this life. It is this unchanging excellency which distinguishes Him from all others. The “yesterday” ... read more
Our Spirits
At any moment the bodies of the redeemed may be glorified! Our Lord Jesus Christ will fashion them like unto His body of glory in “the twinkling of an eye,” when He returns to claim His own. Meanwhile our spirits are constantly cared for by God our Fa ... read more
Seven times in the epistles we read of “the God of Peace,” and surely He will supply abundance of peace for those who love Him. Once is that beautiful title given to Christ by the Spirit—“the Lord of peace.” How encouraging is the verse where it ... read more
Power To Apprehend The Truth
The might of divine power is in constant energy on behalf of those who are saved by grace, and who are sealed by the Spirit. In Ephesians 1:19, it is called the surpassing greatness of God’s power towards us who believe;—the power by which the Lord Je ... read more
Praising and Blessing God
With the above words the inspired gospel of the perfect Man ends (Luke 24:53), and we may well ask, what caused the disciples’ hearts to rise up thus and with such great joy to praise and bless God? They had just seen that perfect Man ascend from earth ... read more
Pray Unceasingly
God has graciously unfolded to us the wonderful thoughts that filled His heart concerning His beloved Son before the ages of time began to roll. What exceeding grace is this, and what cause we have, in consequence, to lift up our hearts in joyful praise t ... read more
“That in all things He might have the Pre-eminence” (Colossians 1:18).
The question of pre-eminence has been settled long since. It has been settled unalterably by the One who could do it with authority and finality—by our blessed God Himself. Pr ... read more
Precious Stones of Scripture
1. The Chrysolite
“The seventh, chrysolite” (Revelation 21:20).
The harmony which any simple believer is enabled to trace all through the Bible confirms him as to its divine inspiration in a way that no mere literary study could do. And that bea ... read more
Present Effects of the “Blessed Hope”
Notes of an Address
There is no truth in Scripture that produces greater practical results when properly received than the truth of the Lord’s Second Coming. An illustration will help us to understand this. Look at that home; the young mother and all ... read more
Progress and Prosperity
Storms, difficulties, trials, tempests and rough seas are often allowed to bring out the qualities of the traveller or the spiritual mariner.
Many are awakened, and deep desires to make progress in the things of God have arisen in their souls. They see ... read more
Purpose of Heart
Just as he was nearing the end of a strenuous race, Paul earnestly encouraged Timothy to keep the straight track—to “strive lawfully,” for Paul was finishing his course, he had kept the faith. “Continue thou,” he said to the younger runner, “i ... read more
Questions on Prophetic Subjects
“A Great Wonder in Heaven”
REVELATION 12:1 reads, “And there appeared a great sign in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” Explain these symbols.
THE WOMAN is Israel, f ... read more
Romans 5:10-11; 11:13-15; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Four times, beloved, we have “reconciliation,” as such, spoken of in the New Testament, and the very fact that it crowns the first great division of the Epistle to the Romans, shows its importance. Fo ... read more
Recover us Again
There is a response awakened in many hearts by that deep-toned chord of Psalm 85:6, “Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee.” The word “revive” could be read “recover” (khaw-yaw, the same as in Isaiah 38:9).
The ... read more
Redeemed and Reconciled
“I have redeemed this valuable watch!” remarked a man to his friend, who replied, “I could purchase one at the jewellers just like it!” “That may be true, but you could not have obtained this one, for you had not the right of redemption. It is m ... read more
“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).
How encouraging for the weary, how cheering for the weak, how heartening for the heavily burdened, for those who faint by the way, to know that they may renew their spiritual energy an ... read more
Revelation and Reconciliation
Behold in a far-off city a youth of unhappy countenance. A deep sense of disgrace weighs heavily upon his spirit. He is also struggling against adversity, although in his distant home he has a wealthy, godly father, who loves him dearly. The fact is, he h ... read more
Salt is Good
In Leviticus 2:13 it is said, “Every oblation of thy meat-offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat-offering; with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt”; and th ... read more
Salvation and Reconciliation
Oftentimes when gathered together in assembly character as worshippers in the presence of God, a wonderful sense of His own greatness, and also of the greatness of His salvation, have moved us to sing with glad hearts and with good reason:
“How rich i ... read more
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