H.J. Vine ( - )
Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker H.J. Vine in text and pdf format. H.J. Vine was involved in the early Plymouth Brethren movement. The Plymouth Brethren are a conservative, low church, nonconformist, Evangelical Christian movement whose history can be traced to Dublin, Ireland in the late 1820s, originating from Anglicanism.
Among other beliefs, the group emphasizes sola scriptura, the belief that the Bible is the supreme authority for church doctrine and practice over and above "the [mere] tradition of men" (Mark 7:8). Brethren generally see themselves, not as a denomination, but as a network (or even as a collection of overlapping networks) of like-minded independent churches.
showing from 1 to 50 of 195 articles
A Great Change
Great and wonderful is the change which takes place in the believer in Christ, in his moral being, in his spirit, mind, and affections, when his thoughts are elevated in the power of the Spirit to view the truth of God from the divine side, from the heave ... read more
A Song of the Son of Man
SONG of my praise, O Son of Man,
Our minstrel strains shall swell
With ringing notes to tell Thy ways,
For Thou dost all things well:
For Thou dost all things well, we sing
With flowing melody,
And voice Thy praise in joyful lay ... read more
A Stone, Elect, Precious
In a day that is coming, we are told, “Fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he has built thereupon (on Jesus Christ, the only Foundation) he shall receive a reward” (1 Cor. 3:13). It is said, the day sh ... read more
A Victory for the Truth
“Now in the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam began Abijah to reign over Judah . . . And there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam . . . And Abijah said, Hear me than Jeroboam and all Israel . . . Ye think to withstand the kingdom of the Lord in the hand ... read more
Administration and Reconciliation
Administration and reconciliation differ in their activities and are distinct in the results they attain, but their importance is great and evident if we judge by the large place that the Holy Spirit gives to them in the inspired writings. Both are necess ... read more
Answered Questions
The Lord Jesus asked a question of the Jews that remains unanswered by them to this day, What think ye of Christ, whose son is He? was the first challenging question. They replied, “The Son of David.” Then came the question that they refused to answer ... read more
Are Believers to Seek “More Light”?
Not so: they are in the light, and are sons of light; their eyes have been opened, and they have turned from darkness to light; what they need now is rather to grow in the apprehension of the truth. Light is usually spoken of world-wards, i.e. towards tho ... read more
Are You Really Free?
There are many, thank God, who truly rejoice in being righteously made free from the burden of their sins: in being justified freely by God’s grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. They know that His atoning work is so perfect, that God ... read more
As He That Serves
Luke 22:27
Our Lord Jesus Christ has served in putting away sin. In wondrous love He has by His sacrifice righteously and eternally removed our sins. And, as the Son of the Father’s love, He gives His own true freedom in God’s things.
By Him and ... read more
Assembling Together
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).
A seasonable exhortation! And while it becomes “the custom” of some ... read more
“A Great High Priest Over the House of God”
These wonderful words are given by the Spirit for our encouragement. The value of His work and the grace of the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ are made known to us, so that we may boldly draw nigh to God by them “having boldness by the blood of Jesus,â ... read more
“A Letter as to the Truth and Those who Hold It” (3 John)
“It was helpful and encouraging, beloved in the Lord, to have the third letter of John set before us in the May number of Scripture Truth.”
There are many beloved brethren who desire to walk in truth like the much esteemed Gaius. They have been ins ... read more
“A Place For You”
The above words were used twice (see John 14), by our Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
A certain teacher of religion, used ... read more
“Christ Jesus, Our Hope”
When you pray, dear brethren, about a meeting, and in the presence of God, are led to read and consider the very two Scriptures that have already been read in your hearing, and unknown to yourself, the other servant labouring with you has also been led to ... read more
’Twas For Me My Saviour Suffered
’Twas for me my Saviour suffered
On the cross of Calvary,
’Twas for me Himself He offered,
To procure my liberty.
Oh! His love for me . . .
Oh! His love for me . . .
’Twas for me my Saviour suffered,
Oh! His love for me ... read more
Bless the Lord! or Lest we forget
“And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which He sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not, and houses full of all good things which t ... read more
Called Out and Called Into
“THE GOD OF GLORY” called ABRAHAM out of his country, and from his kindred, into the land of promise (see Acts 7:2-3); he was called out of one place and called into another, and he became the friend of God. The calling out cost him much exercise of s ... read more
The usual indiscriminate condemnation of change is a great mistake. Truly, some change for the worse; but there is change of the right and necessary sort, which is a mark of the true believer.
From the cold dark winter, the weather changes to the brigh ... read more
Christ and His Brethren
1. His grace for them now
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is wonderful. Those who know it have reason to rejoice for “He is not ashamed to can them brethren” (Heb. 2:11), yet they should not presume upon such inimitable favour on His part, or ov ... read more
Christ and Oneness
Let us consider the way that the Lord takes to gather His well-loved flock, His favoured family, these sheep of God’s pasture, the children of God. First His death was necessary, for only so could He “gather together in one the children of God who wer ... read more
Christ in Isaiah
Who is this to whom the Old Testament from Genesis onwards so constantly points, raising in our hearts the very highest expectations, as it speaks of “the Woman’s Seed,” “Abraham’s Seed,” and “David’s Seed?” Who is this ... read more
Christ in Isaiah - Part 2
The Wisdom of God
The mere religionist looks for a sign, whilst the desire of the rationalist is for wisdom. The Sign which God gives is also His Wisdom. The Sign of Isaiah (I) is the Servant of Isaiah (II), and He is the wise Servant, “Behold, My Se ... read more
Christ the Beloved
A great military leader returns from his campaigns on the battlefield to receive the well-earned rewards of victory. Many rejoice at his triumph, but all do not know him in the same way. The soldiers who fought under him speak of him as the general. The s ... read more
Christ, The Son over God’s House
Isaiah 53:10; Colossians 1:12-22
We have been encouraged, beloved brethren, during this series of meetings to recognise ourselves through God’s grace, as not only of the assembly as the body of Christ, but also as the House of God.
There are thing ... read more
Complete in Him who is the Head
With strong and subtle energy various influences were ceaselessly at work to side-track the brethren in Christ at Colosse. Paul was aware of this, and though he had never seen them, he was guided by the Spirit to write showing them the all-sufficiency of ... read more
Jottings from an address on John 10:9-12
A servant of Christ, who is now with the Lord, once remarked, “Abide in the love of Christ! That will constrain you to live to His glory as nothing else can.” Yes, the secret lies there, in continuing in His ... read more
Continue in the Son and the Father
John 2:24
There is some good reason for THE SON being named before THE FATHER in the above Scripture.
The whole verse reads, “As for you, let that which ye have heard from the beginning abide in you: if that ye have heard from the beginning abides ... read more
Correspondence—The Lord’s Table
On the principle of “Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the rest judge” (1 Cor. 14:29), we publish the following letters and notes, only remarking that all must be tested by the Scriptures.
Beloved Brother, . . . As to 1 Corinthians 10 an ... read more
Perfect is the grace and divine is the skill with which the Holy Spirit seeks to quicken the footsteps of those who are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. With heavenly wisdom He speaks of the crowns that await them, and cheers them onward and upwa ... read more
Desiring but not Progressing
“When one knows that he is saved and desires to get on; but has very little desire for prayer or the fellowship of saints, and makes no progress, which is a grief to him, what would you say is wrong? What would you advise?”
Such an one as this ques ... read more
Divine Assurance
It is the way of the word of God to impart divine assurance to the hearts of those who believe on God’s beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
The knowledge of the Father has been relegated by some to those who are considered very advanced in the truth; ... read more
Divine Delight
Twice did the voice of God from the excellent glory express His Pleasure in His beloved Son, as a man upon the earth, He who revealed to us in full perfection the grace and truth and love of God, ever yielded a sweet savour to God our Father.
The work ... read more
Divine Strengthening
1. “According to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell, through faith, in your hearts” (Ephesians 3:16-17).
2. “To walk worthily of the Lord, . . . strengthened with all power ... read more
Divisions: Are they Justifiable?
Through the grace of God we have been set “in Christ” in the place where we reside. The Holy Spirit so addresses the saints of God, “in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi,” “in Christ . . . in Colosse,” etc. The surpassing power and love of God ... read more
Eternal Life and Eternal Relationship
It is an inestimable privilege to be before God in the conscious enjoyment of eternal life, and of the eternal relationship connected with that life. No failure on the part of men need hinder those who belong to the Son of God from having the abiding bles ... read more
Faith” and “The Faith”
From the days of Abel right on to the present time there have been men of faith, but it was not till Christ came that the faith was “delivered to the saints.”
Previous to that, we are told, they were “kept under the law, shut up unto the faith wh ... read more
Fear Not!
“Fear not! Fear not!” the voice divine
To storm-tossed rowers clearly calls!
The word of cheer, like melody
Sounds sweetly o’er the angry sea.
As music on the ear it falls.
“Be of good courage! It is I!
Be not afraid!” The ... read more
Fear Ye Not
After their father’s death Joseph’s brethren lost their peace, and fear seized upon them. They judged Joseph according to the thoughts of their own hearts, thinking that, after all, he would requite them for the evil they had done unto him. Again Jose ... read more
Fountains of Living Water
“With Thee is the Fountain of Life”
It has been said, “When the woman of the fourth chapter of John came to Jesus, she came to the well: and when she came to the well she came to Jesus.” The Living one and “the Fountain” (N.Tr.) are togethe ... read more
From Wretchedness to Rejoicing
How often the daily records speak of a Judge justly sentencing some guilty wretch to the punishment he deserves; but where is to be found the record of a Judge who arranged for a condemned man’s punishment to be borne by another and then took him, a new ... read more
Gatherings of Assembly Character
During special seasons of revival, and the various activities which accompany such times, there is usually present the danger of being carried to extremes, so that the safe ground of the faith is practically forsaken, and that which is designated by the S ... read more
Genesis: The Beginning and End
The first man, Adam, appears at the beginning. He sinned, and was shut out from Paradise and the tree of life. At the end of Genesis another is raised up; Joseph is divinely marked out for supremacy; and, through rejection, defamation, suffering, imprison ... read more
Glorify God in Your Body”
Thus Paul wrote to the believers at Corinth, for they were in danger of using their bodies in a wrong way (1 Cor. 6:18-20).
A day is approaching when the bodies of the redeemed will be altogether for the praise of God’s glory. They are bodies of humi ... read more
God’s Children
“God is Love”
Only in one chapter in the Bible do these glorious words occur, but twice are they given there (1 John 4:8, 16). Love is the nature of the eternal God. This has been declared and manifested in the fact that He sent His only-begotten S ... read more
God’s Order in Wilderness Disorders
A Brief Study of the Book of Numbers
Rich with instruction for the redeemed of the Lord, who are journeying heavenward, is this Book of Numbers, the fourth book of the inspired Word of God. It unveils the resource and grace of God an carrying out His d ... read more
God’s Organism or Man’s Organizations?
“There is one body and one Spirit” (Ephesians 4:4).
There is one living organism, so constituted by the one Holy Spirit of God, who indwells the members of that vital system. It is the one body which is inclusive of every true believer in Christ, t ... read more
Grace Reigns
Let us not hide the glorious truth that grace reigns today! Let none silence or hinder the telling-forth of “the gospel of the grace of God!” and let it be known to all who believe on our Lord Jesus Christ, that they are “not under law but under gra ... read more
Great Rejoicing and Manifold Trials
Great rejoicing amid many trials is the experience of many today, and these things have marked the elect of God from the earliest days of the Faith. Peter wrote to those who were “scattered,” and he desired that “grace and peace” should be multipl ... read more
He . . . Became Obedient”
When the Holy Spirit speaks of the moral glories of Jesus Christ, there is a delicacy of expression and refinement of language which, though very simple, is altogether Divine, and in a world which is a compound of Assyrian haughtiness and Babylonish corru ... read more
He Saw No Corruption”
Some notes relating to Incorruptibility
The apostle to the Gentiles urged this fact concerning our Lord Jesus Christ upon those who heard him at Antioch: contrasting Christ with the Psalmist he said, “David indeed having in his own generation ministe ... read more
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