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We have been "bought with a price" to be "ambassadors for Christ" and our "salvation is nearer to us than when we believed" so let us "cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God" "so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming." (1Cor 6:20, 2Cor 5:20, Ro 13:11, 2Cor 7:1, 1Jn 2:28)
showing from 1 to 50 of 1749 articles
Abandon (desert, forsake) (1459) egkataleipo
Deserted (forsake, abandon, leave, left) (1459) (egkataleipo from en = in + kataleipo = forsake, desert) means literally to leave down in. It conveys the sense of deserting someone in a set of circumstances that are against them. The idea is to let one do ... read more
Abba (Aramaic for "father") (3962) abba
Abba (0005 - click to listen to pronunciation accentuating second syllable) (Abba) is transliterated as Abba into English from the corresponding Aramaic word which was used in the everyday language of families as a term addressing one's father. Children, ... read more
Abhor (655) apostugeo
Abhor (655) (apostugeo from apo = from + stugeo = to hate) (used only in Ro 12:9 in NT and none in Lxx) expresses a strong feeling of horror or bitter hatred regarding evil and implies loathing, abhorrence and disgust. The preposition (apo) serves a two ... read more
Abhor (948) bdelusso
Abhor (948) (bdelusso from bdéo = stink or reek) is a verb which means literally to emit a foul odor or to render foul and figuratively means to strongly detest something on the basis that it is abominable (as used in Rev 21:8) (abominable = quite disagr ... read more
Abide (1961) epimeno
Continue (1961) (epimeno from epí = upon, in or at + méno = abide, endure, continue, stay or remain > epí intensifies the meaning and so this word is a strengthened form of méno and gives the force of adherence to and persistence in what is referred t ... read more
Abide (3306) (meno)
Abide (3306)(meno) in simple terms means to remain in the same place or position over a period of time. It means to reside, stay, live, lodge, tarry or dwell. Meno describes something that remains where it is, continues in a fixed state, or endures.
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Able (can, could) (1410) dunamai
Able (1410) (dunamai) conveys the basic meaning of that which has the inherent ability to do something or accomplish some end. Thus dunamai means to be able to, to be capable of, to be strong enough to do or to have power to do something. It is usually tr ... read more
Able (can, could) (2480) ischuo
Can do (2480) (ischuo from ischus = might) means to be strong in body or in resources. Ischuo can speak of physical power (Mk 2:17, 5:4, 9:12). It can speak of having the required personal resources to accomplish some objective as here in Php 4:13 or conv ... read more
Able (mighty, possible, strong) (1415) dunatos
Able (1415) (dunatos from dunamai = referring to power one has by virtue of inherent ability and resources; see study of dunamis) means powerful, able, strong.
Able describes that which has sufficient or necessary power, means, skill, or resources to a ... read more
Able (verb) (1414)(dunateo)
Able (verb) (1414)(dunateo from dunatos = one who possesses power; from dunamai = describes power in one by virtue of inherent ability and/or resources) means to show oneself to be able to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. In Ro 14:4 dunateo is fo ... read more
Able to judge (2924) kritikos
Able to judge (2924) (kritikos = verbal adjective -ikos, from krino = to divide, separate, to judge, to sift out and analyze evidence) means related to judges, fit for judging, skilled in judging. The Word is able to discern or decide as the surgeon has t ... read more
Able to teach (1317) didaktikos
Able to teach (1317) (didaktikos from didaktos = pertains to that which is taught or instructed from didasko [from dáo= know or teach; see study of related noun didaskalia]) means to provide instruction or information in a formal or informal setting. = p ... read more
Abolished (2673) katargeo
Nullified (2673) (katargeo from kata = intensifies meaning + argeo = to be idle or inactive from argos = ineffective, idle, inactive from a = without + érgon = work) literally means to reduce to inactivity. The idea is to make the power or force of some ... read more
Abominable (unlawful) (111) athemitos
Abominable (111) (athemitos from a = negative + themis = statute, an adjective from themis = law) is literally contrary to statute, and thus illegal or unlawful. It describes that which is forbidden.
Vincent writes...
More literally, unlawful, empha ... read more
Abomination (e.g., of desolation) (946) bdelugma
In Leviticus 20 the Lxx translates toebah with bdelugma (946) (derived from bdelusso [see word study] = emit foul odor, turn away from something or someone on account of the "stench". A loathing or disgust, abhor i ... read more
Abound (surpass, overflow) (4052) perisseuo
Lavished (4052) (perisseuo from perissos = abundant, exceeding some number, measure, rank or need, over and above) means to cause to superabound, to be superfluous, to overflow, to be in affluence, to excel or to be in abundance with the implication of b ... read more
Abounded (overflow) (5248) huperperisseuo
Abounded (5248) (huperperisseuo [hypererisseuo] from hupér [hyper] = over, super + perisseuo = be over and above, cause to overflow or superabound) means to superabound (even more than "superabound"!) or to abound much more in a comparative sense. The id ... read more
Above (upward) (507) ano
Above (507)(ano) is an adverb of place and means higher in place, a position above another position, and used figuratively of heaven (Jn 8:23, Gal 4:26, Php 3:14, Col 3:1,2), of the direction upward (Lxx of Ex 20:4, Dt 4:39; when Jesus prayed Jn 11:41ESV, ... read more
Above reproach (beyond reproach, blameless, unreproveable) (299) amomos
Blameless (299) (amomos from a = without + momos = spot, blemish in physical sense or moral sense, blot, flaw, shame or disgrace {as a moral disgrace}) is literally without spot or blemish. It was used literally of the absence of defects in sacrificial an ... read more
Above reproach (blameless, unreproveable) (410) anegkletos
Above reproach (410) (anegkletos or anenkletos from a = without, negative particle + egkaleo/enkaleo {en = in + kaleo = call} = to call in {as a debt or demand}, to bring to account, to accuse in court, call into account, bring a charge against - in Roman ... read more
Above reproach (without reproach, unrebukeable) (423) anepileptos
Without...reproach (423) (anepileptos from a = without + epilambáno = to seize, to lay firm hold) is an adjective which literally describes that which cannot be seized. It is one who cannot be laid hold upon, so to speak, which metaphorically describes ... read more
Abstain (depart, desert, fall or draw away, withdraw) (868) aphistemi
Abstain (868) (aphistemi from apo = separation of one thing from another + histemi = stand and is the root of our English = apostasy) literally means to stand off from means to withdraw, to stand off, to forsake, to depart from or to remove oneself from. ... read more
Abstain (keep away from, avoid)(568) apechomai or apecho
Abstain (568)(apechomai or apecho from apó = away from - conveys the idea of putting some distance between; serves as a marker of dissociation, implying a rupture from a former association + écho = have) means to be away or be at a distance (see discu ... read more
Abundance (4050) perisseia
That remains (4050)(perisseia from perissós = over and above) is a noun which means abundance/superabundance, overabundance, excess, superfluity, overflow, surplus. Perisseia is that which is over and above, something that is beyond the ordinary or that ... read more
Accept (1209) dechomai
Accepted (1209) (dechomai = middle voice of a primary verb) means to to receive something offered or transmitted by another (Luke 2:28). To take something into one's hand and so to grasp (Luke 2:28, 22:17). To be receptive to someone (Mt 10:14, 40). To ta ... read more
Accept (4327) prosdechomai
Looking for (4327) (prosdechomai from pros = in compound Greek words implies motion or direction toward + dechomai [word study] = a deliberate and ready reception) means to accept favorably, to receive one into intercourse/companionship, to give access to ... read more
Accept (receive, take aside) (4355) proslambano
Accept (4355) (proslambano from prós = to, toward + lambáno = to take) means literally to take to or toward. To take in addition to (Acts 17:5). It can mean to take hold of or grasp ( Acts 27.36). It can mean to take aside or lead off to oneself (can im ... read more
Acceptable (2101) euarestos
Well pleasing (2101) (euarestos from eu = good, well + arestos = pleasing, desirable, proper, fit, agreeable from aresko = to please or be pleasing/acceptable to) means that which causes someone to be pleased. It is something which is well approved, emin ... read more
Acceptable (favorable) (1184) (dektos from dechomai)
Acceptable (favorable) (1184) (dektos from dechomai - to accept or receive favorably) means accepted (see Webster below), acceptable, welcome (willing permitted or admitted), pleasing (giving pleasure, agreeable, gratifying). Dektos describes one of whom ... read more
Acceptance (594) apodoche
Acceptance (594) (apodoche from apodéchomai = take fully, welcome) defines that which receives a favorable reception and includes a sense of approval and appreciation. The idea is "to come to believe something to be true and to respond accordingly, with ... read more
Access (4318) prosagoge
Introduction (4318) (prosagoge from pros = toward + ago = bring, lead) literally means a bringing near, a leading or bringing into the presence of. The act of bringing to, a moving to. It means providing admission or access (freedom, permission and/or th ... read more
Accomplish (bring about, do, produce) (2716) katergazomai
Work out (2716) (katergazomai from katá = intensifies meaning of verb + ergazomai = labor, work or engage in an activity involving considerable expenditure of effort) means to work out fully and thoroughly, to accomplish or achieve an end (implying tho ... read more
Accomplished (2005) epiteleo
Accomplished (2005) (epiteleo from epí = intensifies meaning, in the sense of meaning "fully" + teleo = to complete, bring not just to the end but to the destined goal from télos = end, goal. Note: télos originally meant the turning point, hinge, the c ... read more
Accomplished (4135) plerophoreo
Being fully assured (4135) (plerophoreo from pleres = full + phero = to bear or bring) means literally to carry fully and so to bring to fullness or to bring to a full measure. To fill completely. To satisfy fully. To be completely certain or absolutely s ... read more
Accountable (5267) hupodikos
Accountable (5267) (hupodikos from hupó = under + dike = justice, what is right, judicial hearing or decision especially sentence of condemnation, execution of a sentence) literally means under justice or under judgment, and thus liable to judgment or pu ... read more
Accumulate (2002) episoreuo
Accumulate (2002) (episoreuo from epi = upon + soreuo = heap, pile = heap one thing on another like coals on one's head - Ro 12:20-note) means to accumulate in piles and figuratively means to increase greatly or significantly increase the number of someth ... read more
Accurately (199) akribos
Circumspectly (199) (akribos) means characterized by exactness, thoroughness, precision, accuracy in addition to the associated idea of looking, examining, and investigating something with great care and alertness. Akribos pertains to strict conformity to ... read more
Accursed (anathema) (331) anathema
Accursed (Anathema) (331) (anathema from anatíthemi = to place, lay up) means strictly speaking something set up or placed so as to be kept, such as a votive [free will] offering which is "set up" in the temple (eg, see Lk 21:5 but see note below). Most ... read more
Accuse (2723) kategoreo
Accusing (2723)(kategoreo from kata = against + agora = the assembly, a place of public speaking. Other sources have agoreuo = to speak. The prefixed preposition suggests animosity!) means to speak against a person before a public tribunal or bring an acc ... read more
Accused, accusation (2724) kategoria
Accused (2724) (kategoria from verb kategoreo, to accuse -- click use <> in turn from kata = against + agora = the assembly, a place of public speaking) refers to a speaking against a person before a public tribunal or bringing an accusation in court.
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Act unbecomingly (be rude) (807) aschemoneo
Act unbecomingly ("unseemly" KJV) (807) (aschemoneo from aschemon = uncomely, indecent from a = without + schema = outward shape, external form) is literally contrary to schema or form, fashion, or manner of what is proper. The idea is to behave in an ugl ... read more
Active (1756) energes
Active (1756) (energes from en = in + érgon = work) describes that which is working, efficient, effective, operative or powerful. Energes describes activity which produces results or which is effective in causing something to happen or to come about. The ... read more
Active service (4754) strateuomai
Wage war (4754) (strateuomai from strategos = army, stratos = an encamped army) means literally to perform military service, serve as a soldier in the army, go to fight, carry on a military campaign, make a military expedition, lead soldiers to war or to ... read more
Add (2023) epichoregeo
Supply (2023) (epichoregeo from epi = upon + choregeo = supply) means to furnish upon. To furnish besides or in addition. To supply further. To add more unto. Epichoregeo then conveys the thought of a generous and lavish provision - give lavishly, give g ... read more
Addicted to wine(3943) paroinos
Addicted to wine (3943) (paroinos from para = beside, near + oinos = wine) is literally " tarrying at wine" (Vine), one who stays near, continually alongside or in the presence of wine. The picture is of a man who always has a bottle (wineskin) on the tab ... read more
Address (1941) epikaleomai
Address (1941) (epikaleomai = middle voice of epikaleo from epí = upon + kaléo = call) literally means to call upon and was often used in secular Greek to refer to calling upon deity for any purpose, especially for aid. It also means to invoke (to petit ... read more
Adequate (2425) hikanos
Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard a ... read more
Adequate (739) artios
Adequate (739) (artios from root ar- which indicates appropriateness, suitability, usefulness, aptitude) means to be fit, complete, qualified for a function, sufficient, completely qualified and thus proficient in the sense of being able to meet all deman ... read more
Adjure (3726) enorkizo
Adjure (3726) (enorkizo from hórkos = an oath) (the only use in Scripture) means to put someone under (or bind by) an oath or to make to swear. To place someone under a solemn charge. Figuratively, the idea is that of an earnest appeal. Enorkizo is found ... read more
Administration (3622) oikonomia
Administration (3622) (oikonomia from oíkos = house + némo = manage, distribute) (Click study of related word oikonomos) in secular Greek referred literally to the management of a household by the oikonomos, the steward manages a house and is accountab ... read more
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