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showing from 1 to 50 of 192 articles

A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
      A hymn of glo-ry let us sing, New songs through-out the world shall ring; Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. Christ, by a road be-fore un-trod, A-scend-eth to the throne of God, Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. ... read more

A Mighty Fortress is Our God
      A might-y for-tress is our God, A bul-wark ne-ver fail-ing; Our help-er He a-mid the flood Of mor-tal ills pre-vail-ing. For still our an-cient foe Doth seek to work us woe— His craft and power are great, And armed with cru-el ha ... read more

Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended
      Ah, ho-ly Je-sus, how hast Thou of-fend-ed, That man to judge Thee hath in hate pre-tend-ed? By foes de-rid-ed, by Thine own re-ject-ed, O most af-flict-ed. Who was the guilt-y who brought this up-on Thee? A-las, my treas-on, Je-sus, hat ... read more

Alas! and Did my Savior Bleed?
      A-las! and did my Sav-ior bleed And did my Sov-ereign die? Would He de-vote that sa-cred Head For such a worm as I? Was it for crimes that I have done He groaned up-on the tree? A-maz-ing pit-y! Grace un-known! And love be-yond de ... read more

All Creatures of Our God and King
      All crea-tures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing; Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. Thou burn-ing sun with gold-en beam, Thou sil-ver moon with soft-er gleam, O praise Him, O praise Him, Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, al-le- ... read more

All Glory Be to Thee, Most High
      All glo-ry be to Thee, Most High, to Thee all ad-o-ra-tion; In grace and truth Thou draw-est nigh to of-fer us sal-va-tion; Thou show-est Thy good-will to men, and peace shall reign on earth a-gain; We praise Thy name for-ev-er. We praise, we ... read more

All Glory, Laud and Honor
      All glo-ry, laud and ho-nor To Thee, Re-deem-er, King, To whom the lips of child-ren Made sweet ho-san-nas ring. Thou art the King of Is-ra-el, Thou Da-vid's roy-al Son Who in the Lord's name com-est, The King and bles-sed One. ... read more

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Nam
      All hail the power of Je-sus' name! Let an-gels pros-trate fall; Bring forth the roy-al di-a-dem, And crown Him Lord of all; Bring forth the roy-al di-a-dem, And crown Him Lord of all! Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God, Who from ... read more

All People That on Earth Do Dwell
      All peo-ple that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice; Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye be-fore Him and re-joice. Know that the Lord is God in-deed: With-out our aid He did us make; We are His fo ... read more

All Praise to God, Who Reigns Abov
      All praise to God Who reigns above, The God of all cre-a-tion, The God of power, the God of love, The God of our sal-va-tion. With heal-ing balm my soul is filled And ev-ery faith-less mur-mur stilled: To God all praise and glo-ry. W ... read more

All Praise to Thee, My God
      All praise to Thee, my God, this night, For all the bless-ings of the light! Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Be-neath Thine own al-might-y wings. For-give me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done, That with the ... read more

All That I Am I Owe to Thee
      All that I am I owe to Thee; Thy wis-dom, Lord, has fash-ioned me. I give my Mak-er thank-ful praise, Whose won-drous works my soul a-maze. Ere in-to be-ing I was brought, Thine eye did see, and in Thy thought My life in all its per-fe ... read more

All Things Bright and Beautiful
      All things bright and beau-ti-ful, All crea-tures great and small, All things wise and won-der-ful, The Lord God made them all. Each lit-tle flow-er that o-pens, Each lit-tle bird that sings, He made their glow-ing col-ors, He mad ... read more

All Ye who Seek a Comfort Sure
      All ye who seek a com-fort sure In trou-ble and dis-tress, What-ev-er sor-row vex the mind, Or guilt the soul op-press. Je-sus, who gave Him-self for you Up-on the cross to die, O-pens to you His sa-cred heart; O to that heart dra ... read more

All You That Fear Jehovah's Name
      All you that fear Je-ho-vah's name, His glo-ry tell, His praise pro-claim; You chil-dren of His cho-sen race, Stand in awe be-fore His face, Stand in awe be-fore His face. The suf-fering One He has not spurned, Who un-to Him for he ... read more

Am I a Soldier of the Cross
      Am I a sol-dier of the cross, A fol-lower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause Or blush to speak His name? Must I be car-ried to the skies On flow-ery beds of ease, While oth-ers fought to win the prize And sailed throug ... read more

Amazing Grace!
      A-maz-ing grace! How sweet the sound-- That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears re-lieved; How pre-cious did that grace ap-pea ... read more

And Can It Be?
      And can it be that I should gain An in-terest in the Sav-ior's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pur-sued? A-maz-ing love! how can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? A-maz-ing love! how ca ... read more

Approach, My Soul, the Mercy Seat
      Ap-proach, my soul, the mer-cy seat, Where Je-sus ans-wers prayer; There hum-bly fall be-fore His feet, For none can per-ish there. Thy prom-ise is my on-ly plea, With this I ven-ture nigh; Thou cal-lest bur-dened souls to Thee, A ... read more

At the Name of Jesus
      At the name of Je-sus, every knee shall bow, Ev-ery tongue con-fess Him King of glo-ry now; 'Tis the Fa-ther's plea-sure we should call Him Lord, Who from the be-gin-ning was the might-y Word. Might-y and mys-ter-ious in the high-est height ... read more

At the Name of Jesus
      At the name of Je-sus, every knee shall bow, Ev-ery tongue con-fess Him King of glo-ry now; 'Tis the Fa-ther's plea-sure we should call Him Lord, Who from the be-gin-ning was the might-y Word. Might-y and mys-ter-ious in the high-est height ... read more

Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve
      A-wake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vi-gor on; A heav'n-ly race de-mands thy zeal, And an im-mor-tal crown, And an im-mor-tal crown. A cloud of wit-nes-ses around Hold thee in full sur-vey; For-get the steps al-r ... read more

Be Thou My Vision
      Be Thou my Vi-sion, O Lord of my heart; Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art-- Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Wak-ing or sleep-ing, Thy pres-ence my light. Be Thou my Wis-dom, and Thou my true Word; I ev-er with Thee a ... read more

Before Jehovah's Awesome Throne
      Be-fore Je-ho-vah's awe-some throne, Ye na-tions, bow with sa-cred joy; Know that the Lord is God a-lone; He can cre-ate, and He des-troy, He can cre-ate, and He des-troy. His sov-ereign pow-er, with-out our aid, Made us of clay, a ... read more

Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme
      Be-gin, my tongue, some heaven-ly theme And speak some bound-less thing: The might-y works or might-ier name Of our e-ter-nal King. Tell of His won-drous faith-ful-ness And sound His power a-broad; Sing the sweet prom-ise of His grace, ... read more

Behold the Glories of the Lamb
      Be-hold the glo-ries of the Lamb A-midst His Fa-ther's throne. Pre-pare new hon-ors for His Name, And songs be-fore un-known. Let el-ders wor-ship at His feet, The church a-dore a-round, With vi-als full of o-dors sweet, And harp ... read more

Bless, O My Soul! the Living God
      Bless, O my soul! the liv-ing God. Call home thy thoughts that rove a-broad. Let all the powers with-in me join In work and wor-ship so di-vine, In work and wor-ship so di-vine. Bless, O my soul! the God of grace. His fa-vors claim thy ... read more

Breathe on me, Breath of God
      Breathe on me, Breath of God, Fill me with life a-new, That I may love what Thou dost love, And do what Thou wouldst do. Breathe on me, Breath of God, Un-til my heart is pure, Until my will is one with Thine, To do and to en-dure. ... read more

Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
      Breth-ren we have met to wor-ship and a-dore the Lord our God; Will you pray with all your pow-er, while we try to preach the Word? All is vain un-less the Spir-it of the Ho-ly One comes down; Breth-ren, pray, and ho-ly man-na will be show-ere ... read more

Bright the Vision that Delighted
      Bright the vi-sion that de-light-ed Once the sight of Ju-dah's seer; Sweet the count-less tongues u-ni-ted To en-trance the pro-phet's ear. Round the Lord in glo-ry seat-ed Cher-u-bim and ser-a-phim Filled His tem-ple, and re-peat-ed ... read more

By Grace Alone
      Thou art our God, and we Thy race Elected by Thy Sovereign grace. Not by the works which we have done But by the cross the victory's won. Oh keep this truth within our heart, That from it we may ne'er depart. By nature we depraved di ... read more

By Grace I'm Saved, Grace Free and Boundless
      By grace I'm saved, grace free and bound-less; My soul, be-lieve and doubt it not. Why stag-ger at this word of prom-ise? Has Scrip-ture ev-er false-hood taught? No; then this word must true re-main: By grace you too shall heaven ob-ta ... read more

Christ hath a Garden Walled Around
      Christ hath a gar-den walled a-round, A Par-a-dise of fruit-ful ground, Cho-sen by love and fenced by grace From out the world's wide wil-der-ness. Like trees of spice His ser-vants stand, There plant-ed by His might-y hand; By E-den ... read more

Christ is Coming!
      Christ is com-ing! Let cre-a-tion From her groans and tra-vail cease; Let the glo-rious pro-cla-ma-tion Hope re-store and faith in-crease: Christ is com-ing! Christ is com-ing! Come, Thou bless-ed Prince of Peace. Earth can now but t ... read more

Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
      Christ is made the sure found-a-tion, Christ the head and cor-ner-stone; Cho-sen of the Lord and pre-cious, Bind-ing all the church in one; Ho-ly Zi-on's help for-ev-er, And her con-fi-dence a-lone. All that ded-i-ca-ted ci-ty, D ... read more

Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
      Christ, whose glo-ry fills the skies, Christ, the true, the on-ly Light, Sun of Right-eous-ness, a-rise, Tri-umph o'er the shades of night; Day-spring from on high, be near; Day-star, in my heart ap-pear. Dark and cheer-less is the mo ... read more

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
      Come, Thou Fount of ev-ery bless-ing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace; Streams of mer-cy, nev-er ceas-ing, Call for songs of loud-est praise. Teach me some mel-o-dious son-net, Sung by flam-ing tongues a-bove; Praise the mount! I'm f ... read more

Come, Christians, Join to Sing
      Come, Christians, join to sing Al-le-lu-ia! A-men! Loud praise to Christ our King; Al-le-lu-ia! A-men! Let all, with heart and voice, Be-fore His throne re-joice; Praise is His gra-cious choice. Al-le-lu-ia! A-men! Come, lift yo ... read more

Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
      Come, Ho-ly Spi-rit, heaven-ly Dove, With Your life giv-ing powers; Kin-dle a flame of sa-cred love In these cold hearts of ours. In vain we tune our for-mal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Ho-san-nas lan-guish on our tongues, A ... read more

Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
      Come, let us join our cheer-ful songs With an-gels round the throne. Ten thou-sand thou-sand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. "Wor-thy the Lamb that died," they cry, "To be ex-alt-ed thus!" "Wor-thy the Lamb," our l ... read more

Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord
      Come, let us sing un-to the Lord New songs of praise with sweet ac-cord; For won-ders great by Him are done, His hand and arm have vic-tory won. The great sal-va-tion of our God Is seen through all the earth a-broad; Be-fore the hea-th ... read more

Come, my soul, thy Suit Prepare
      Come, my soul, thy suit pre-pare: Je-sus loves to an-swer prayer; He Him-self has bid thee pray, There-fore will not say thee nay. Thou art com-ing to a King, Large pe-ti-tions with thee bring; For His grace and power are such, No ... read more

Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit
      Come, O come, Thou quick-ening Spir-it, God from all e-ter-ni-ty, May Thy pow-er nev-er fail us; Dwell with-in us con-stant-ly. Then shall truth and life and light Ban-ish all the gloom of night. Grant our hearts in full-est mea-sure ... read more

Come, Sound His Praise Abroad
      Come, sound His praise a-broad, And hymns of glo-ry sing: Je-ho-vah is the sov-ereign God, The u-ni-ver-sal King. He formed the deeps unknown, He gave the seas their bound; The wa-t'ry worlds are all His own, And all the sol-id g ... read more

Come, We that Love the Lord
      Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known; Join in a song with sweet ac-cord And thus sur-round the throne. Let those re-fuse to sing Who ne-ver knew our God; But chil-dren of the heaven-ly King May speak their joys a ... read more

Come, ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched
      Come, ye sin-ners, poor and wretch-ed, Weak and wound-ed, sick and sore; Je-sus read-y stands to save you, Full of pi-ty joined with power: He is a-ble, He is a-ble, He is a-ble, He is will-ing; doubt no more. Come, ye need-y, come and ... read more

Crown Him with Many Crowns
      Crown Him with ma-ny crowns, The Lamb up-on His throne. Hark! How the heaven-ly an-them drowns All mu-sic but its own. A-wake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as thy match-less King Through all e-ter-ni-t ... read more

David Rejoiced in God his Strength
      Da-vid re-joiced in God his strength, Raised to the throne by spe-cial grace; But Christ, the Son, ap-pears at length, Ful-fills the tri-umph and the praise. How great is the Mes-si-ah's joy In the sal-va-tion of Thy hand! Lord, Thou ... read more

Day of Judgment! Day of Wonders!
      Day of judg-ment! Day of won-ders! Hark! the trum-pet's aw-ful sound! Loud-er than a thou-sand thun-ders, Shakes the vast cre-a-tion round. How the sum-mons will the sin-ner's heart con-found! See the Judge, our na-ture wear-ing, Cl ... read more

Early, My God, Without Delay
      Ear-ly, my God, with-out de-lay I haste to seek Thy face; My thirs-ty spir-it faints a-way, With-out Thy cheer-ing grace, With-out Thy cheer-ing grace. So pil-grims on the scorch-ing sand, Be-neath a burn-ing sky, Long for a cool-ing ... read more

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