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Text Sermons : William MacDonald : 

William MacDonald

William MacDonald (1917 - 2007)

Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker William MacDonald in text and pdf format. Was President of Emmaus Bible College, teacher, Plymouth Brethren theologian and a prolific author of over 84 published books. MacDonald refused to accept royalties for his books but established a fund for translating his work Believers Bible Commentary into foreign languages.

Bill will be not only be remembered for the thousands upon thousands of lives he touched through his books, teaching and many personal letters, but for his Christ-like character and gentleness, yet powerful life lived by faith in Christ. One of his most impact-ful books is the small booklet called: "True Discipleship" it is recommended reading for every serious disciple of Christ.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by William MacDonald:
Believer's Bible Commentary by William MacDonald
True Discipleship by William MacDonald
One Day at a Time by William MacDonald

showing from 51 to 100 of 249 articles

JANUARY 1 - One Day at a Time
      “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” (Exodus 12:2) New Year’s resolutions are good but fragile, that is, easily broken. New Year’s prayers are better; they ascend to the throne of God a ... read more

JANUARY 10 - One Day at a Time
       “…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Heb. 12:1, NASB) Many people have a view of the Christian life that is excessively idealistic. They think it should be one uninterrupted series of mountaintop experiences. They read Ch ... read more

JANUARY 11 - One Day at a Time
       “…that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.” (Matt. 18:16). As far as the Bible is concerned, there must be the testimony of two or three witnesses in order to form a valid judgment. If we would only observe this prin ... read more

JANUARY 12 - One Day at a Time
       “…what hast thou that thou didst not receive?…” (1 Cor. 4:7) This is a good question because it reduces us all to size. We do not have anything that we did not receive. We received our physical and mental equipment through birth. What we look like ... read more

JANUARY 13 - One Day at a Time
       “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” (Phil. 4:13) It is easy to misunderstand a verse like this. We read it and immediately think of hundreds of things that we cannot do. In the physical realm, for instance, we think of some ri ... read more

JANUARY 14 - One Day at a Time
       “All things are yours.” (1 Cor. 3:21-23) The unsaintly saints in Corinth had been squabbling over human leaders in the church. To some Paul was the ideal. Others made Apollos their favorite. And still others felt that Cephas was superlative. Paul is ... read more

JANUARY 15 - One Day at a Time
       “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” (Gal. 5:13) The liberty of the child of God is one of his priceless possessions. Made free by the Son, he is free ind ... read more

JANUARY 16 - One Day at a Time
       “The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time.” (Jonah 3:1) Here is a message that glows with hope and promise. Just because a man has failed does not mean that God has put him on the shelf. David’s failures are recorded with stark realism ... read more

JANUARY 17 - One Day at a Time
       “With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.” (Eph. 6:7) Paul’s instructions to slaves (Eph. 6:5-8) are freighted with meaning for all who profess to be servants of Jesus Christ. They show, first of all, that any honorable work, ... read more

JANUARY 18 - One Day at a Time
       “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight…” (John 18:36) The fact that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world is enough to keep me out of the world’s politics. If I participate in politics, then I ... read more

JANUARY 19 - One Day at a Time
       “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Without the assurance of this verse, it would be practically impossible to go on in the Christian life. As we grow in g ... read more

JANUARY 2 - One Day at a Time
      “In lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves.” (Philippians 2:3b) To esteem others better than self is unnatural; fallen human nature rebels at such a blow to its ego. It is humanly impossible; we do not have the power in ourselv ... read more

JANUARY 20 - One Day at a Time
       “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” (Heb. 10:17) God’s ability to forget sins that have been covered by the blood of Christ is one of the most soul-satisfying truths in Scripture. It is a great wonder when we read, “As far as ... read more

JANUARY 21 - One Day at a Time
       “But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.” (1 Sam. 16:14) There are verses in the Bible that seem to assign evil actions to God. For example, when Abimelech had reigned three years over Israel, “Go ... read more

JANUARY 22 - One Day at a Time
       “He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel.” (Num. 23:21) The hireling prophet, Balaam, spoke a remarkable truth when he said that the all-seeing God could not see sin in His people, Israel. What was true of Is ... read more

JANUARY 23 - One Day at a Time
       “Seekest thou great things for thyself; seek them not.”(Jer. 45:5) There is a subtle temptation, even in Christian service, to become great, to see one’s name in the magazines or hear it over the radio. But it is a great snare. It robs Christ of glor ... read more

JANUARY 24 - One Day at a Time
       “Don’t worry over anything whatever.” (Phil. 4:6, Phillips) There is so much that a person could worry about—the possibility of cancer, heart trouble or a multitude of other diseases; foods that are supposedly harmful, accidental death, a communist t ... read more

JANUARY 25 - One Day at a Time
       “God is love.” (I John 4:8). The coming of Christ brought a new word for love into the Greek language—agape. There was already a word for friendship (philia) and one for passionate love (eros), but there was none to express the kind of love which God ... read more

JANUARY 26 - One Day at a Time
       “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” (1 John 4:11). We must not think of love as an uncontrollable, unpredictable emotion. We are commanded to love, and this would be quite impossible if love were some elusive, sporadic s ... read more

JANUARY 27 - One Day at a Time
       “Redeeming the time.” (Eph. 5:16) In a day when men of the world are becoming increasingly allergic to work, Christians must make the most of every passing moment. It is a sin to waste time. Voices from every age testify to the importance of dilig ... read more

JANUARY 28 - One Day at a Time
       “He that believeth shall not make haste.” (Isa. 28:16) In an age of supersonic travel and highspeed communications, in a culture where hurry is the watchword, it brings us up short to learn that haste is seldom used of God in a good sense in the Bibl ... read more

JANUARY 29 - One Day at a Time
       “Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight.” (Matt. 11:26) In almost everyone’s life there are things which he never would have chosen, which he would like to be rid of, but which can never be changed. There is the matter of physical impair ... read more

JANUARY 3 - One Day at a Time
      “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24) One of the most deep-seated frailties of fallen humanity is the persistent tendency to judge according to appearance. We judge a person according to his looks. We judge ... read more

JANUARY 30 - One Day at a Time
       “Freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matt. 10:8) Fritz Kreisler, one of the world’s greatest violinists said, “I was born with music in my system. I knew musical scores instinctively before I knew my ABC’s. It was a gift of Providence. I did not ... read more

JANUARY 31 - One Day at a Time
       “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matt. 7:1). People who know little else about the Bible often know this verse and use it in a most bizarre way. Even when a person is criticized for unspeakable wickedness, they piously gurgle, “Judge not, that ye ... read more

JANUARY 4 - One Day at a Time
      “Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.” (Zech. 4:6) This verse enshrines the important truth that the work of the Lord is not carried on by human ingenuity and strength but by the Holy Spirit. We see it in the capture of Jeric ... read more

JANUARY 5 - One Day at a Time
      “The people that are with thee are too many for me…” (Judges 7:2) Everyone of us has a subtle desire for numbers and a tendency to judge success by statistics. There is a measure of reproach connected with small groups whereas large crowds command atte ... read more

JANUARY 6 - One Day at a Time
      “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dxvelleth no good thing.” (Rom. 7:18) If a young believer learns this lesson early in his Christian life, he will save himself from a world of trouble later on. The Bible teaches that there is NO GOOD THIN ... read more

JANUARY 7 - One Day at a Time
      “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7) Did you ever stop to wonder why a baseball game is more exciting to most people than a prayer meeting? Yet comparative attendance records prove that it is so. Or we might ask, “Why is the Presidency of ... read more

JANUARY 8 - One Day at a Time
      “Cursed be he that doeth the work of Jehovah negligently.” (Jer. 48:10 ASV) The work of the Lord is so important, pressing, sublime and awebegetting that a curse rests upon anyone who does it negligently. The God who wants and deserves the best cannot ... read more

JANUARY 9 - One Day at a Time
       “…Show piety at home…” (1 Tim. 5:4) You’ve heard the expression, “A devil at home, a saint abroad.” It describes the horrible tendency to be gracious and outgoing to those in the outside world and yet be harsh and unkind at home. This is a failing ... read more

Jesus Died as a Lamb to the Slaughter
      “…he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter.” (Isa. 53:7b) I once saw a lamb die. It was a most moving, most awful sight. As it was brought to the place of execution, it looked especially lovable. Children would have loved to cuddle it. The young ... read more

Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet
      “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” (John 13:8) The Lord Jesus had just girded Himself with a towel and filled a basin with water, preparatory to washing the disciples’ feet. When He came to Peter, He met this emphatic refusal, “Thou shalt never wash ... read more

July 1 - One Day at a Time
      “…then shall I know even as also I am known.” (1 Cor. 13:12) It is quite normal and understandable for us as Christians to wonder if we will know our loved ones in heaven. While there is no Scripture that deals specifically with the subject, ther ... read more

July 10 - One Day at a Time
      “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” (John 13:17) Those who teach and preach the Christian faith should practice what they preach. They should present to the world a living example of the truth. The will of God is that the Word sh ... read more

July 11 - One Day at a Time
      “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect.” (Phil. 3:12) In yesterday’s study we saw that our conduct should correspond to our creed. But in order to balance the subject we must add two postscripts. First, we have to a ... read more

July 12 - One Day at a Time
      “The battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chron. 20:15) If a man is a soldier of the Cross, he can expect to be attacked sooner or later. The more courageously he declares the truth of God and the more accurately he exemplifies the truth in his ow ... read more

July 13 - One Day at a Time
      “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1 NASB) We live in a day when cults are multiplying with amazing rapidity. Actually t ... read more

July 14 - One Day at a Time
      “(We) have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but, by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” (2 Cor. 4:2) On th ... read more

July 15 - One Day at a Time
      “But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice.” (Mt. 9:13) God is far more interested in how we treat other people than in how many religious ceremonies we go through. He prefers mercy to sacrifice. He places practica ... read more

July 16 - One Day at a Time
      “Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.” (Psa. 12:1) Faithful people are an endangered species; they are rapidly vanishing from the human race. If David mourned their demise in his day, we often ... read more

July 17 - One Day at a Time
      “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” (Gen. 12:3) When God first called Abraham to be the head of His chosen earthly people, He promised to bless the friends of that nation and to curse its enemies. In the interv ... read more

July 18 - One Day at a Time
      “Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death.” (2 Sam. 6:23) David was ecstatic when he brought the ark to Jerusalem and when it was placed in the tent that he had specially prepared for it. Sensing that this was on ... read more

July 19 - One Day at a Time
      “…as he is, so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17b) Here is one of those New Testament truths that shocks us by its sheer audacity. We would not dare to utter the words if we did not see them in the Bible. But they are gloriously true, and we ca ... read more

July 2 - One Day at a Time
      “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful; and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41, 42) Mary sat quietly at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. Martha ... read more

July 20 - One Day at a Time
      “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly.” (Prov. 18:24) Even though all modern versions translate this verse differently, the King James Version enshrines the valuable truth that friendships must be cultivated. They thrive on attention ... read more

July 21 - One Day at a Time
      “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Pet. 5:7) It is possible to live a long, long life as a believer and yet never learn to cast our care on the Lord. We can memorize the verse and even preach it to others, yet never really ... read more

July 22 - One Day at a Time
      “Behold, Lord…if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.” (Luke 19:8) As soon as Zacchaeus had opened his heart to the Lord Jesus, a divine instinct told him that he should make restitution for the past. It ... read more

July 23 - One Day at a Time
      “…they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.” (Acts 5:15) The people recognized that Peter’s ministry was a ministry of power. ... read more

July 24 - One Day at a Time
      “One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” (Rom. 14:5) The word “alike” should be omitted from this verse; it was added by the translators. It should read, “ ... read more

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