Tritheism is the teaching that the Godhead is really three separate beings forming three separate gods. This erring view is often misplaced by the cults for the doctrine of the Trinity which states that there is but one God in three persons: Father, So ... read more
True faith in Islam
The pillars of the faith of Islam can be compared to the concept of a Statement of Faith, or Articles of faith. These are Islamic concepts of essentials of the faith.
Allah is the supreme being of all. He is uncreated, the creator of all, wit ... read more
Universalism is the teaching that God, through the atonement of Jesus, will ultimately bring reconciliation between God and all people throughout history. This reconciliation will occur regardless of whether they have trusted in or rejected Jesus as sav ... read more
Universalism and the cults
Universalism teaches that all people will ultimately be saved no matter what they believe here on earth. You could deny God, hate Him, blaspheme against Him, join a satanist group and murder people and still go to heaven.
Bible based, non-Christ ... read more
Was Jesus just a myth?
Was Jesus simply a mythical figure, a fabrication by religious zealots who wanted a symbol to rally behind for whatever reason they needed at the time? Or, was Jesus an actual person who lived in Israel 2000 years ago? Most often, those who deny Jesus a ... read more
Wasn't the New Testament written hundreds of years after Christ?
Though some say that the New Testament was written 100-300 years after Christ died, the truth is that it was written before the close of the first century by those who either knew Christ personally, had encountered him, or were under the direction of tho ... read more
What are the basic tenets of open theism
Following are the basic tenets of open theism. It is with these presuppositions that open theists approach the Bible and interpret it.
God's greatest attribute is love
This attribute of God is often elevated above His other attributes and used to ... read more
What are the doctrines of Islam?
There is only one God (5:73; 112:1-4).
God is called Allah by Muslims (5:73)
Allah sees all things (40:20), is present everywhere (2:115; 7:7).
Allah is the sole creator and sustainer of the universe (3:191).
Allah is not a Trinity, but is ... read more
What do the Christadelphians Teach?
Though they acknowledge many truths found in the Bible, they deny many others.
They believe the Bible is the infallible and inerrant word of God. (The Christadelphians: What They Believe and Preach, p. 82)
They teach there is only one God. (Isaiah ... read more
What do the Jehovah's Witnesses teach?
There is one God in one person, Make Sure of All Things, p 188.
There is no Trinity, Let God be True, p. 100-101; Make Sure of All Things, p.386.
The Holy Spirit is a force, not alive, Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, pp.
The ... read more
What does Christian Science teach?
The following doctrines are referenced out of the primary Christian Science work,
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.
It is supposed to be a companion to the Bible.
Science and Health together with the Bible are cal ... read more
What does Mormonism Teach?
The doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are very interesting. Most of the 'odd' ones are not initially taught to potential converts. But they should be. Instead, "they are are revealed later as one matures and gains ... read more
What does Oneness Pentecostal theology teach?
Oneness Pentecostal people are many and varied. The two main groups that hold to Oneness theology are the United Pentecostal Church International (the largest) and the United Apostolic church. There are others like the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Chri ... read more
What does the International Church of Christ teach?
The international Church of Christ is Orthodox in most of its theology. It accepts and affirms the following doctrines.
The Trinity is one God and three persons: Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The deity of Christ
The deity of the Holy ... read more
What is Islam?
Islam (1.2 billion adherents) is one of the major world religions that, along with Christianity (1.9 billion adherents) and Judaism (14 million adherents), teaches monotheism which is the doctrine that there is only one God in all existence. Like Christi ... read more
What is Oneness Pentecostal theology?
Oneness Pentecostal theology affirms that there exists only one God in all the universe. It affirms the deity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, Oneness theology denies the Trinity. The Trinity is the doctrine that there is one God who manifests Himse ... read more
What is open theism?
Open theism, also called openness and the open view, is a theological position dealing with human free will and its relationship to God and the nature of the future. It is the teaching that God has granted to humanity free will and that in order for the ... read more
What is the gospel of Q and does it prove the Gospels are false?
Q comes from the German "quelle" meaning "source." Some biblical scholars have proposed that there was a document prior to the writing of the gospels which was used by the writers of Matthew and Luke as a source of information.1 They have called th ... read more
What is the International Church of Christ?
The International Church of Christ (ICC) is a break-off of the Church of Christ denomination. The ICC is Christian in its basic theology but has some aberrant practices.
The ICC was influenced by the discipling movement on the 1950's. Its roots ... read more
What is the New Age Movement?
What is the New Age Movement?
The New Age movement has many sub-divisions, but it is generally a collection of Eastern-influenced metaphysical thought systems, a conglomeration of theologies, hopes, and expectations held together with an eclectic teachi ... read more
What makes a church or group non-Christian?
There are many non-Christian religions and cults in America: Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity, The Way International, Unitarianism, Islam, Hinduism, etc. They all claim special revelation and privilege and those that use the Bibl ... read more
When were the gospels written and by whom?
Dating the gospels is very important. If it can be established that the gospels were written early, say before the year 70 A.D., then we would have good reason for believing that they were written by the disciples of Jesus Himself. If they were written ... read more
Why believe in Christianity over all other religions?
Critics often ask why Christianity is any better than any other religion in the world. After all, of all the religions that exist how can it be that only Christianity is true? If God exists, why can't God use different religions? Don't all paths lea ... read more
Why did animals have to die for the sins of Adam and Eve and others?
In the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were a representation of the true future sacrifice of Jesus. These Old Testament animal sacrifices were not able to cleanse anyone of their sins (Heb. 10:4). Yet, they were offered as a predictive representation ... read more
Why isn't there any record of millions of Jews wandering in the desert?
There has been a lot of speculation on the route of the Exodus and why the traditional site hasn't yielded any archaeological evidence. After all, if two million people wander in a desert for forty years, you'd think that at least something would be fo ... read more
Why isn't there other evidence of the massacre of the babies?
"Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its environs, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had ascertained from th ... read more
Why Should We Witness to People?
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why should I witness?" Several reasons should come to mind. First, because Jesus commands you to: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spi ... read more
Why would God have to die to save people from Himself?
Why would God have to die to save people from Himself? Because there is no other way to save anyone from their sins.
Because God is holy and righteous, He must punish anyone who breaks His law. Since He is the one who administers the punishment ... read more
Witnessing to New Agers
Ask questions
If we are all God, then why do we act so badly?
They might say it is because we all have not come to a full realization of our true divine potentials. It is ignorance that leads to bad deeds.
Then ask them how, if we are divine, our me ... read more