1 Cor. 15:3-4 demonstrates a creed too early for legend to corrupt
One of the criticisms raised against the historic validity of Jesus, His crucifixion, and resurrection, is that after Jesus' time, legend crept in to the stories about Him and corrupted the true accounts of His life. If that is so, then the earlier we ... read more
A Biblical Response to Jehovah's Witnesses
Their attacks on the Deity of Jesus.
Why did Jesus pray to the Father? (John 17).
Because as a man He needed to pray to the Father.
Because He was both God and man (Col. 2:9; John 8:58 with Ex. 3:14).
The two natures of Christ are why we have two ... read more
A Christian World View. What is it?
A world view is a set of presuppositions and beliefs that someone uses to interpret and form opinions about his humanity, purpose in life, duties in the world, responsibilities to family, interpretation of truth, social issues, etc. A Christian should vi ... read more
A loving God would never send anyone to hell
The idea of a loving God sending people to hell for eternity is not easy to accept. Why would God, who is full of mercy and grace, send people to a place of torment for ever and ever for not trusting in Jesus even though they are nice people, or never he ... read more
A Test: Do you have the True Jesus?
There is a simple way to see if someone has the true Jesus or not. By true Jesus, I mean the one of the Bible, not the one of Mormonism who is the brother of the devil, nor the Jehovah's Witness Jesus who is Michael the Archangel, and certainly not the o ... read more
Adoptionism is an error concerning Christ that first appeared in the second century. Those who held it denied the preexistence of Christ and, therefore, His deity. Adoptionists taught that Jesus was tested by God and after passing this test and upon His ... read more
A heresy during the middle ages that developed in the town Albi in Southern France. This error taught that there were two gods: the good god of light usually referred to as Jesus in the New Testament and the god of darkness and evil usually associated ... read more
Apollinarianism was the heresy taught by Apollinaris the Younger, bishop of Laodicea in Syria about 361. He taught that the Logos of God, which became the divine nature of Christ, took the place of the rational human soul of Jesus and that the body of C ... read more
Apollonius of Tyana also did miracles and rose. What about him?
Apollonius of Tyana (a city south of Turkey) is sometimes offered as a challenge to the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. It is said that Apollonius, who lived in the first century, also performed miracles, had disciples, died, and appeared after his death the ... read more
Archaeological Evidence verifying biblical cities
There is very little doubt in anyone's mind about the reality of so many of the Old and New Testament cities mentioned in the Bible. Therefore it is hardly necessary to document their existence. Nevertheless, following is a partial list of some of the ... read more
Are the New Testament themes found in the Old Testament?
The concepts in the New Testament were not derived out of thin air. Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets." What is mentioned in the New Testament is revealed in the Old Test ... read more
Arianism developed around 320, in Alexandria Egypt concerning the person of Christ and is named after Arius of Alexandar. For his doctrinal teaching he was exiled to Illyria in 325 after the first ecumenical council at Nicaea condemned his teaching as h ... read more
Dealing with atheism is actually easy to do. They don't have any evidence for their atheism and they can't logically prove there is no God. They can only attack the Bible and attack Christians' ideas of God. But, if you listen to them, you can soon ... read more
Biblical Interpretation
The Bible is Gods Word. But some of the interpretations derived from it are not. There are many cults and Christian groups that use the Bible claiming their interpretations are correct. Too often, however, the interpretations not only differ dramatical ... read more
Biblical Responses to the New Age Movement
God is personal. If God were impersonal, then the following qualities could not be His.
God speaks and has a self given name: "I AM" (Exodus 3:14).
God is long suffering, (Psalm 86:15; 2 Peter 3:15).
God is forgiving (Daniel 9:9; Ephesians 1 ... read more
California Homosexual Agenda
The homosexual agenda is raging in the California legislature, but there is hope if concerned citizens do their part and get involved. Anti-family legislators have introduced bills to push homosexuality on all parts of society and penalize citizens who ... read more
Can a Christian be a universalist?
The answer to this question is very easy. Yes. A Christian can be a universalist. Universalism in itself does not make a person a non-Christian. Universalism is the teaching that all people eventually will be reconciled to God. This is not one of the doct ... read more
Can we trust the New Testament as a historical document?
Many people do not believe that the Bible is a reliable document of history. But, it is a very very trustworthy historical document. If we were to look at a chart that compared the biblical documents with other ancient documents, we would see that the Bi ... read more
Can't all of Jesus' miracles be explained naturally?
Can Jesus' miracles be explained naturally? It is certainly possible that some might be explained with non-divine answers, but can all of them? I don't see how.
It could be said that the gospel accounts were simply altered to make it look like ... read more
Christadelphian History
Christadelphianism is a religious movement begun by Dr. John Thomas who was born in London England on April 12, 1805. In 1832 he immigrated to the United States. On the way to New York, his ship encountered several terrible storms that threatened shipwre ... read more
Christian Science History
Christian Science was founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy. She was born Mary Ann Morse Baker in New Hampshire in 1821. (She died in 1910.). She was the daughter of a New Hampshire Congregationalist church member. As a child, she was frequently ill an ... read more
Christian Universalism
Christian universalism is the teaching that all of mankind will ultimately be saved through Jesus whether or not faith is professed in him in this life. It claims that God's qualities of love, sovereignty, justice, etc., require that all people be saved ... read more
Christianity and Education
Harvard, Princeton, and other renowned colleges in America were originally founded by Christians who wanted to educate people in biblical principles. Princeton was founded as a seminary, for example. But history teaches us that educational institutions t ... read more
Christianity and Homosexuality
The homosexuals and lesbians have gained considerable political and social momentum in America. They have "come out" as the term goes, left their closets, and are knocking on the doors of your homes. Through the TV, Radio, Newspapers, and Magazines, th ... read more
Christianity and Science
Science is that branch of study which seeks to observe, discover, and understand the nature and principles that govern our the universe, our world, and ourselves. The result of this process is a systematic categorization of knowledge with the goal of ... read more
Christianity and The Family
The family has come under heavy attack in today's society. On television, father's are often depicted as buffoons. Mothers are typically depicted as career minded and in control. Parents in general are characterized as dim wits who aren't "with it." ... read more
Cults! An outline analysis of them.
Cults are everywhere. Some are mainstream and widely accepted. Others are isolationist and hide from examination at great expense. They are growing and flourishing. Some cause great suffering while others appear very helpful and beneficial. Which ever gr ... read more
Did Jesus really die on the cross?
Yes, Jesus really did die on a cross. The scriptures teach this in numerous places. Following are two of them:
"And as they were coming out, they found a man of Cyrene named Simon, whom they pressed into service to bear His cross," (Matt. 27:32).
... read more
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
This is one of the most important questions of all of history. If Jesus arose from the dead, then what he said about himself is true. If he did not arise from the dead, then what he said about himself is not true. Jesus claimed to be the only way to God ( ... read more
Didn't Jesus simply rise in a non-physical, spirit form?
Some people say that Jesus' resurrection was not physical, but a spirit form. Groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses hold to this. But, the Bible teaches that the resurrection of Jesus was physical, not simply spiritual. In John 2:19-21, Jesus said, " ... read more
Do the lost books of the Bible prove that the Bible has been altered?
There is much talk these days about lost books of the Bible. Sometimes people claim that the Bible was edited to take out reincarnation, or the teaching of higher planes of existence, or different gods, or ancestor worship, or "at-one-ment" with nature ... read more
Docetism was an error with several variations concerning the nature of Christ. Generally, it taught that Jesus only appeared to have a body, that he was not really incarnate, (Greek, "dokeo" = "to seem"). This error developed out of the dualistic p ... read more
Does Islam teach salvation by works?
Generally speaking, there are only two methods of salvation in all the religions of the world: grace and works. Christianity is a religion of salvation by grace alone: "For by grace through faith you have been saved, not of works..." (Eph. 2:8-9) ... read more
Does the Bible provide extraordinary evidence for Jesus' resurrection?
If you read the paper on extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, then you read the concluding points about the validity and weaknesses of the position and addressing four major points:
Will their presuppositions allow unbiased examination o ... read more
Doesn't Mithra prove that Christians borrowed from this myth?
Some critics of Christianity teach that the Christian religion was not based upon divine revelation but that it borrowed from pagan sources, Mithra being one of them. They assert that the figure of Mithra has many commonalities with Jesus, too common to ... read more
Donatism was the error taught by Donatus, bishop of Casae Nigrae that the effectiveness of the sacraments depends on the moral character of the minister. In other words, if a minister who was involved in a serious enough sin were to baptize a person, tha ... read more
Evidence of biblical inspiration
Is the Bible inspired? Christians claim it is. If that is so, then where is the evidence for its inspiration? Simply saying it is inspired isn't enough. Let's see some facts.
First of all, we must understand the the inspiration of the Bible i ... read more
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
The phrase "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" was popularized by Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996), a well-known astronomer and author who hosted a TV series called "Cosmos," published hundreds of scientific articles, and was professor of as ... read more
Gnosticism traces its roots back just after the beginning of the Christian Church. Some researchers state that evidence of its existence even predates Christianity. Whichever the case, the error of gnosticism had affected the culture and church of the t ... read more
Hasn't the Bible been rewritten so many times it can't be trusted?
This is a common misconception. Some people think that the Bible was written in one language, translated to another language, then translated into yet another and so on until it was finally translated into the English. The complaint is that since it wa ... read more
If babies go to heaven when they die, why is abortion wrong?
There is debate on whether or not all babies go to heaven when they die. But, for the sake of argument, let's say that all babies go to heaven when they die. If that is so, then why would abortion be wrong since it would be sending the person to heave ... read more
If God is all powerful and loving, why is there suffering in the world?
It is often asked why is there suffering in the world if God is all powerful and loving. Why doesn't He stop it? Can He or is He weaker than we think? Suffering can fall into three simple categories: emotional, mental, and physical suffering. But, t ... read more
If God is not the author of confusion, what about the Tower of Babel?
This isn't a difficult issue at all. On one hand, God is not the author of confusion: "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints," (1 Cor. 14:33). The context of this verse is dealing with the gift of ton ... read more
If Jesus is God in flesh, why did He not inherit original sin?
If all people have original sin and Jesus was a human being, then didn't Jesus need to have had a sin nature?
Before we can answer this question, we need to know what the term "original sin" means. This is a term used to describe the effect of ... read more
Illustration of Bible text manuscript tree and variant readings
The following diagram illustrates manuscript corruptions in the biblical texts that are produced, for whatever reason, and copied down to later manuscripts. The purpose of the illustration is to show how errors are copied down from one manuscript to anot ... read more
Interesting Quotes from New Age Sources
"I am an entity much like you, Barbara. I simply don't have a body at this time."
It was Dr. Carstairs talking. Dr. Carstairs is an English physician from the 1860's. His spirit generally spends its time floating around the astral plane, I am ... read more
Introduction to Christadelphianism
Christadelphianism is relatively new religious system. It claims, like many other non-Christian cults, to be the authentic Christian Church with authentic Christian doctrines. However, it denies the Trinity doctrine as well as the deity of Christ and th ... read more
Is Christadelphianism Christian?
No, Christadelphianism is not Christian. Like all cults, Christadelphianism denies one or more of the essential doctrines of Christianity: Jesus is God, the physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. In this case, it is the deity of Christ and salvat ... read more
Is Mormonism Christian?
"Is Mormonism Christian?" is a very important question. The answer is equally important and simple. No. Mormonism is not Christian.
If you are a Mormon, please realize that I am not trying to attack you, your character, or the sincerity of your ... read more
Is the Christian Science religion Christian?
Of all the biblically based cults in America today, Christian Science is one of the most interesting. Not only does it deny the essential doctrines of Christianity, but it has completely reinterpreted the Bible. It drastically redefines the Bibles cult ... read more