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Text Sermons : F.B. Meyer : 

F.B. Meyer

F.B. Meyer (1847 - 1929)

Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker F.B. Meyer in text and pdf format. A contemporary and friend of D. L. Moody and A. C. Dixon, was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England involved in ministry and inner city mission work on both sides of the Atlantic. Author of numerous religious books and articles, many of which remain in print today, he was described in an obituary as The Archbishop of the Free Churches.

Meyer was part of the Higher Life Movement and was known as a crusader against immorality. He preached against drunkenness and prostitution. He is said to have brought about the closing of hundreds of saloons and brothels. Meyer wrote over 40 books, including Christian biographies and devotional commentaries on the Bible. He, along with seven other clergymen, was also a signatory to the London Manifesto asserting that the Second Coming was imminent in 1918. His works include The Way Into the Holiest:, Expositions on the Epistle to the Hebrews (1893) ,The Secret of Guidance, Our Daily Homily and Christian Living.

showing from 301 to 350 of 454 articles

Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them
      Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? 2 Chron. xix. 2. THIS looks back to xviii. 1, where we learn that Jehoshaphat, though he had riches and honour in abundance, joined affinity with Ahab. Riches and abundance are ... read more

So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah
      So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel. 1 Kings xviii. 42. SUCH differences obtain still. The children of this world and the children of light are manifest. What though the bodies of four hundred and fifty pro ... read more

So did not I, because of the fear of God.
      So did not I, because of the fear of God. Neh. v. 15. THESE were great words. Nehemiah had a perfect right to take this money. Not a word could be said even by his critics, if he did. He was doing a priceless work, and might justly claim his maint ... read more

So I prayed to the God of Heaven.
      So I prayed to the God of Heaven. Neh. ii. 4. ALL around the apartment in which this interview took place were effigies of idol gods: perhaps incense was burning before a shrine, and filling the air with its aroma. But Nehemiah, though standing am ... read more

So Saul died for his trespass.
      So Saul died for his trespass. 1 Chron. x. 13 (R.V.). IT is suggestive to ponder the threefold analysis of Saul's trespass as given here. He kept not the word of the Lord ‑‑ this probably refers to his failure to execute the sentence ... read more

Such as set their hearts to seek the Lord God
      Such as set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel came to Jerusalem. 2 Chron. xi. 16. ALL the tribes were represented in those great convocations around the Temple and Ark of God. The territory of the northern tribes was now under Jeroboa ... read more

Talk ye of all His wondrous works.
      Talk ye of all His wondrous works. 1 Chron. xvi. 9. WE do not talk sufficiently about God. Why it is so may not be easy to explain; but there seems a too great reticence among Christian people about the best things. In the days of Malachi, "they ... read more

Tempers, and What to do With Them
      WHAT a shadow is cast over lives and homes by bad tempers! It is Sunday morning, God's day of rest and peace, when the worry and rush of the world should be quiet, and the voices of newspaper boys and hawkers of small wares should be still. A family of li ... read more

      Matthew 4:1-11 Then marks the close connection between the heavenly voice of the baptism and the fiery ordeal of the forty days. Notice that temptation is not in itself sin; only when the evil suggestions of the tempter are harbored do they become sin. N ... read more

That every man should bear rule in
      That every man should bear rule in his own house. Esther 1. 22. ONE of the pre‑requisites in choosing a presiding officer in the early Church was that he should rule well his own house; "for if a man know not how to rule his own house, h ... read more

That he maintain the cause of his servant,
      That he maintain the cause of his servant, as every day shall require. 1 Kings viii. 59 (R.V.). THE marginal (R. V.) reading is, "The thing of a day in its day." What rest would come into our lives, if we really believed that God maintained t ... read more

That the Lord may continue his word.
       That the Lord may continue his word. 1 Kings ii. 4. HOW strongly David held to God's promise! It was deeply graven in his soul. How could he forget the word which guaranteed the succession of his race upon the throne of Israel! At the same ti ... read more

The "Still Small Voice"
      Refreshed by sleep and food, Elijah resumed his journey across the desert to Horeb. Perhaps no spot on earth is more associated with the manifested presence of God than that sacred mount. It was there the bush burned with fire, there the law was given, th ... read more

      like the steel rails; and you must have the steel rails of the Bible as well as the steam power of the Holy Ghost. Let the Holy Ghost fill you, but He will work along that Book. And I hold that the fact that the Holy Spirit elects to work through that Boo ... read more

The armies of the living God.
      The armies of the living God. 1 Sam. xvii. 26, 36. THIS made all the difference between David and the rest of the camp. To Saul and his soldiers God was an absentee ‑‑ a name, but little else. They believed that He had done great thing ... read more

      Matthew 1:18-25 The fear that Joseph, being a just man, might withdraw from their contemplated wedlock, would have filled Mary’s heart with untold anguish had she not been upheld by her faith in God. She felt that He was pledged to vindicate her c ... read more

The Blessed Life
      There is a Christian life which, on comparison with that experienced by the majority of Christians, is as summer to winter; or, as the mature fruitfulness of a golden autumn to the struggling promise of a cold and late spring. And the blessedness of this ... read more

The Blessed Life (booklet)
       There is a Christian life which, on comparison with that experienced by the majority of Christians, is as summer to winter, or, as the mature fruitfulness of a golden autumn to the struggling promise of a cold and late spring. And the blessedness of ... read more

The children of Israel and the children
      The children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring the offering. Neh. x. 39. IT was about this time that Malachi wrote the memorable words, "Bring ye all the tithes into my storehouse, that there may be meat in my house; and prove me ... read more

The Christ-Life
      "Who will set me free from the body of this death?" (Romans 7:24) "What music there is in that wonderful phrase, saved by His life! By his life for us in heaven and in us by His Spirit." F. B. Meyer's sincere love for Christ is always captivating. "We ... read more

The Christian Armed
      EACH Christian has to meet with the powers of hell, in his own life, and in his capacity as a soldier of the Gospel of Christ. It is with the latter aspect of the conflict that the apostle is specially concerned, in the last chapter of the Epistle we have ... read more

The Church
      No congregation, or set of congregations, can realize the sublime conception of the Church that rises before our vision in Ephesians. It is as if the apostle had been able to anticipate the glorious spectacle which John beheld in apocalyptic vision. Thoug ... read more

The Conflict on the Heights of Carmel
      It is early morning upon Mount Carmel. We are standing on the highest point, looking northward to where Hermon, on the extreme borders of the land, rears its snowcapped head to heaven. Around us on the left lies the Mediterranean Sea, its deep blue waters ... read more

      Matthew 6:27-34 The Lord’s tone is gentle and tender when He turns to address the poor. He says three times over, “Don’t be anxious.” He never forgot that He sprang, according to His human nature, from the ranks of poverty. His ... read more

The deep saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith,
      The deep saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. Job xxviii. 14 (R.V.). In this sublime chapter the holy soul goes in quest of wisdom, which is the perfect balance of the moral and intellectual attributes of the soul; that ... read more

      "The LORD appeared unto Abraham in the plains of Mamre." -- Genesis 18:1. When, in the course of some royal progress, a Sovereign deigns to sojourn in the homestead of one of the subjects of his realm, the event becomes at once the theme of chroniclers ... read more

      "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing." Genesis 12:1-2. ... read more

The Exhalted Christ (booklet)
      I YIELD to the persuasion of my friend, the publisher, for the publication of these Addresses and Bible Readings, delivered in succeeding years at the Mildmay Conference, though, as I review them, they seem very like the five barley loaves and two small f ... read more

The eye of their God was upon
      The eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews. Ezra v. 5. IT was a delightful thought amid obloquy and opposition, like that which the Jews were at this moment encountering, to know that God was watching them with jealous care. We are re ... read more

The Father
      WE NEED BOTH GRACE AND PEACE (Ephesians 1:2) Grace to help in our times of need; Peace to keep our heart and mind. The one as the blue vault of Heaven above us, with its smile of sun, and breath of air, and reviving rain; the other as the blue depths of ... read more

The Father's Wealth
      THE Epistle to the Ephesians is full of the wealth of God's nature. It is set to that master-chord struck centuries before by a temple minstrel, "Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all those that call upon Thee." The a ... read more

The fire came down from Heaven, and consumed
      The fire came down from Heaven, and consumed the Burnt‑Offering. 2 Chron. vii. 1. IT was a very gracious and immediate response to the prayer of King and people. If we make room for God, He always comes and fills. If we seek Him, He is in ... read more

      "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God." -- Romans 4:20. In this chapter (Genesis 15), for the first time in Scripture, four striking phrases occur; but each of them is destined to be freq ... read more

      Genesis 12:4-9 "Abram departed" (Verse 4). "Abram passed through" (Verse 6). "Abram went forth" (Verse 5). "Abram removed" (Verse 8). "Abram journeyed" (Verse 9). "He went out, not knowing whither he went." -- Hebrews 11:8. All through th ... read more

The Fullness of the Spirit
      "Be Filled with the Spirit. "-Ephesians 5 :18 NOTHING CAN COMPENSATE the Church, or the individual Christian, for the lack of the Holy Spirit. What the full stream is to the mill wheel, that the Holy Spirit is to the Church. What the principle of li ... read more

The good Lord pardon every one that prepareth
      The good Lord pardon every one that prepareth his heart to seek God. 2 Chron. xxx. 18, 19. A VERY touching prayer, that opens up deep thoughts as to the progress of the true knowledge of God in Israel, and of the comparative value of heart prep ... read more

      Matthew 8:11-17 A feast was the Hebrew conception of heaven. The Jews thought they were secure of it, because of their descent from Abraham. Grace is not hereditary; to receive it, every man has to exercise a personal faith in Christ. Let us see to it th ... read more

      There is where you have failed, my brother. You have been preaching the cross, but you have not been preaching the cross in the demonstration and power of the blessed Spirit. When I was at Leicester, there were many discharged prisoners whom I took from ... read more

       "Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest; and offer him for a burnt offering." -- Genesis 22:2. So long as men live in the world, they will turn to this story with unwaning interest. There is only one scene in history by which it is ... read more

The Heavenly Places
      IN HIS conversation with Nicodemus, while the night-breeze played over the sleeping city, coming and going as it would, our Lord spoke of Himself as being already in heaven. His bodily presence was evidently in the chamber of that house in Jerusalem, robe ... read more

      Matthew 3:1-12 Matthew’s Gospel heralds the Kingdom. We are allowed to see and listen to the forerunner, whose voice again awoke the hearts of men with prophetic utterance after a silence of four hundred years. He leaps into the arena with the sud ... read more

The Hidings Of God
      Isaiah 45:15 “Thou art a God that hidest Thyself,” the prophet Isaiah said, as he looked up from his study of the processes by which God was educating His people for their great destiny. Permitted an insight into the ways of God's providence, he ha ... read more

      "The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran; and said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall show thee." -- Acts 7:2-3. "Look unto ... read more

The Holy Spirit
      THE Holy Spirit is the special promise of the Father, made to those who are one with his Son by a living faith. "Wait," said our Lord, "for the promise of the Father, which ye heard from Me"; and immediately on his exaltation to the right hand of God He r ... read more

      We have followed Christ in His ascension, as entering the presence of His Father. He asked and received from God the Holy Spirit. We have also seen how Christ made Christians. "Christ" means "anointed "; " Christian" means "anointed one." The word ... read more

The Jews had rule over them that hated them.
      The Jews had rule over them that hated them. Esther ix. 1. YES, my reader, a similar reversal awaits us in the near future! Now, the god of this world and his followers bear rule over us, and work their way with the servants of God. They butcher t ... read more

The joy of the Lord is your strength.
      The joy of the Lord is your strength. Neh. viii. 10. "THE sad heart tires in a mile," is a frequent proverb. What a difference there is between the energy of the healthy, joyous heart and the forced activity of the morbid and depressed one! The ... read more

The king and all the people came weary,
      The king and all the people came weary, and refreshed themselves there. 2 Sam. xvi. 14. A GREAT weariness falls often on our souls. We are wearied because of the greatness of our way, and inclined to say there is no hope. Memory tires us, perpe ... read more

The king held out to Esther the
      The king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hand. Esther v. 2. WHAT a beautiful type this is for each of us in our approaches to God! For the repentant sinner. ‑‑ You may have said with Esther, "I will go into ... read more

The King is near of kin to us.
      The King is near of kin to us. 2 Sam. xix. 42. THERE are two derivations for the word king: one from the word can ‑‑ the king is the man that can do things; the other from the word kin ‑‑ the king is closely related to us, ... read more

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