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William Seymour

William Seymour (1870 - 1922)

Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker William Seymour in text and pdf format. Was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890s. From his base on Azusa Street he began to preach his doctrinal beliefs. Seymour not only rejected the existing racial barriers in favor of "unity in Christ", he also rejected the then almost-universal barriers to women in any form of church leadership. This revival meeting extended from 1906 until 1909, and became known as the Azusa Street Revival. It became the subject of intense investigation by more mainstream Protestants. Some left feeling that Seymour's views were heresy, while others accepted his teachings and returned to their own congregations to expound them. The resulting movement became widely known as "Pentecostalism", likening it to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit recorded as occurring in the first two chapters of Acts as occurring from the day of the Feast of Pentecost onwards. It is believed, Charles Harrison Mason, founder of the Church of God in Christ, received the Holy Spirit at the revival.

While there had been similar religious movements in the past (the Cane Ridge, Kentucky, religious movement a century before in the Second Great Awakening being one such example), the current worldwide Pentecostal and charismatic movements are generally agreed to have been in part outgrowths of Seymour's ministry and the Azusa Street Revival.

showing from 1 to 18 of 18 articles

Azusa Street's Confession Of Faith
      The Confession of Faith Statement of the Apostolic Faith Mission 312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles California The Apostolic Faith Movement Stands for the restoration of the faith once delivered unto the saints - the old time religion camp meeti ... read more

Edition 1 - Pentecost Has Come
      The power of God now has this city agitated as never before. Pentecost has surely come and with it the Bible evidences are following, many being converted and sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as they did on the day of Penteco ... read more

Edition 10 - Everywhere Preaching the Word
      This is a time as never before when the baptized saints are scattering abroad everywhere preaching the Word. They have gone out from Los Angeles far and near, carrying the sweet message that the Comforter has come. Some have gone to Canada, some east, som ... read more

Edition 11 - Good Tidings of Great Joy
      Denmark. "Kirkeklokken," a Danish gospel paper, reports that through the Pentecostal outburst in Copenhagen recently, many sinners have come to the Savior, many backsliders have been restored to the joy of salvation, many believers have been filled w ... read more

Edition 12 - The Lord is Speaking in the Earth
      Indianapolis, Ind.-Many souls have been baptized in Indianapolis, saved and sanctified. Norwood, Ohio.-Our people are growing, fourteen baptized and interest increasing.-W.H. Cossum, 3952 Hazel avenue. Colly, N.C.-The fire is still burning here in o ... read more

Edition 13 - Fires are being Kindled
      Ireland Both Belfast and Bangor have been visited with Pentecost. England In the past year, news comes that probably 5OO people have received the Pentecost in England. China We hear from South China that about 1OO have received the bap ... read more

Edition 2 - The Pentecostal Baptism Restored
      All along the ages men have been preaching a partial Gospel. A part of the Gospel remained when the world went into the dark ages. God has from time to time raised up men to bring back the truth to the church. He raised up Luther to bring back to the worl ... read more

Edition 3 - Gracious Pentecostal Showers Continue to Fall.
      Gracious Pentecostal Showers Continue to Fall. The news has spread far and wide that Los Angeles is being visited with a "rushing mighty wind from heaven." The how and why of it is to be found in the very opposite of those conditions that are usually ... read more

Edition 4 - Pentecost with Signs Following
      Many are asking how the work in Azusa Mission started and who was the founder. The Lord was the founder and He is the Projector of this movement. A band of humble people in Los Angeles had been praying for a year or more for more power with God for the sa ... read more

Edition 5 - Beginning of World Wide Revival
      We are expecting wonderful things from the Lord for 1907. The closing up of the old year and beginning of the new found us on our knees at Azusa Mission. And as the new year was announced, such a wave of glory, and divine love and unity came over us. The ... read more

Edition 6 - Pentecost both Sides Ocean
       God is still manifesting His power in Los Angeles. * * * The Pentecost has crossed the water on both sides to the Hawaiian Islands on the west, and England, Norway, Sweden, and India on the east. * * * A brother in Honolulu received the Pent ... read more

Edition 7 - Many Witnesses to the Power of the Blood and of the Holy Ghost
      In Africa. Monrovia, Liberia, Mar. 26.-we opened a ten day meeting in a school house, and on the tenth night, the Lord came in mighty power. Two were baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues. Ten here have received sanctification, and five are ... read more

Edition 8 - Los Angeles Campmeeting of the Apostolic Faith Mission
      We expect to have a grand camp meeting in Los Angeles, beginning June 1, and continuing about four months. - - - The spot selected for it is adjoining the city limits, several miles from the center of town in a grove of sycamore and live oak trees n ... read more

Edition 9 - In the Last Days
      The Revival in Portland. One of the mightiest revivals that Portland ever knew has taken place in that city. The devil raged, shots were fired, some were arrested and brought up before the judges, but the Lord worked on and healed all manner of diseases ... read more

Receive ye the Holy Ghost
      1. The first step in seeking the baptism with the Holy Ghost, is to have a clear knowledge of the new birth in our souls, which is the first work of grace and brings everlasting life to our souls. "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with G ... read more

River of Living Water
      In the fourth chapter of John, the words come, “Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of Him and He would have given thee living water.” Praise God ... read more

Sanctified on the Cross
      "I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through Thy truth, Thy word is truth." Jesus is still praying this prayer t ... read more

The Apostolic Faith: A Doctrinal Overview
      The Apostolic Faith stands for the restoration of the faith once delivered to the saints, the old-time religion of camp meetings, revivals, missions, street mission work and Christian unity everywhere. According to God’s word (John 17:20,21). Teach ... read more


Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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