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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Francis Turretin : 

showing from 1 to 4 of 4 articles

      Seventh question: Hell and Eternal Death Is there a hell? And what are its punishments—whether only of loss or also of sense. We affirm the latter. I. The execution of the sentence of the Judge will follow its promulgation. This will be carried out ... read more

The Marks of a True Church
      Twelfth question; the marks of the church - Is the truth of doctrine which is held in any assembly, or its conformity with the word of God by the pure preaching and profession of the word, and the lawful administration and use of the sacraments, a mark o ... read more

The Obscure Church
      Proof That the Church is Often Obscured: From the Condition of the Old Testament Church. Our opinion is confirmed by various reasons. The first is drawn from the condition of the church under the Old Testament, under which it is evident that she ... read more

The Salaries of Ministers
      TWENTY-EIGHTH question: the salaries OF ministers AND ecclesiastical goods: Is any salary due ministers of the church? We affirm against the Anabaptists. I. This question was agitated before this by the Anabaptists, who thought the gospe ... read more


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