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Text Sermons : Thomas Brooks : 

Thomas Brooks

Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680)

Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker Thomas Brooks in text and pdf format. Much of what is known about Thomas Brooks has been ascertained from his writings. Born, likely to well-to-do parents, in 1608, Brooks entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge in 1625, where he was preceded by such men as Thomas Hooker, John Cotton, and Thomas Shepard. He was licensed as a preacher of the Gospel by 1640. Before that date, he appears to have spent a number of years at sea, probably as a chaplain with the fleet.

After the conclusion of the First English Civil War, Thomas Brooks became minister at Thomas Apostle's, London, and was sufficiently renowned to be chosen as preacher before the House of Commons on December 26, 1648. His sermon was afterwards published under the title, 'God's Delight in the Progress of the Upright', the text being Psalm 44:18: 'Our heart is not turned back, neither have our steps declined from Thy way'. Three or four years afterwards, he transferred to St. Margaret's, Fish-street Hill, London. In 1662, he fell victim to the notorious Act of Uniformity, but he appears to have remained in his parish and to have preached as opportunity arose. Treatises continued to flow from his pen.[3]

showing from 1 to 50 of 654 articles

God's tools and instruments
      "I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things." Isaiah 45:7 Let us see the hand of the Lord in this recent dreadful fire which has turned our once renowned London into a ruin ... read more

A beautiful harlot sitting in her chariot
      "I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good." But that also proved to be meaningless. "Laughter," I said, "is foolish. And what does pleasure accomplish?" Ecclesiastes 2:1-2. Solomon's questi ... read more

A bubble, a shadow, a dream!
      "My life passes more swiftly than a runner. It flees away." Job 9:25 TIME is a precious talent which we are accountable for. Cato and other heathen held that account must be given, not only of our labor—but also of our leisure. At the great ... read more

A Christian's graces
      "What do you have—that you have not received?" 1 Cor. 4:7 What grace do you have—that you have not received? All the light, and all the life, and all the love, and all the joy, and all the fear, and all the faith, and all the hope, and all ... read more

A cleaner way to hell
      It was the saying of a precious saint—that he was more afraid of his duties than of his sins; for his duties often made him proud—but his sins always made him humble. It was good counsel Luther gave, "We must take heed not only of our sins—but of o ... read more

A commentary upon Christ's life
      "Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 Christians are distinguished from all others, by their lives and by their examples. Be exemplary to those among wh ... read more

A cooler hell
       "God, I thank You that I'm not like other people—greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of everything I get." Luke 18:11-12 Many please and satisfy themselves with mere civ ... read more

A detestable, stinking weed
      "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar an ... read more

A devil in an angel's dress
      "Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall." Ezekiel 18:30 True repentance is a turning, not from some sin—but from every sin. Every sin strikes at the law of God, the honor of God, the being of God, and the g ... read more

A devil in an angel's garb!
      "Having a form of godliness but denying its power." 2 Timothy 3:5 All formalists have only a form, a show, a profession of holiness—but have nothing of the reality, spirit, life, or power of holiness in them. They have a face, a cloak, a ... read more

A drop in a bucket
      "The Lord is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in Him." Lamentations 3:24 "Look, the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they are considered as a speck of dust on the scales; He lifts up the islands like fine dust." Isaiah 40:1 ... read more

A dumb devil
      Among all God's children, there is not one possessed with a dumb devil. Prayerless people are . . . forsaken of God, blinded by Satan, hardened in sin, and every breath they draw, are liable to all temporal, spiritual, and eternal judgment ... read more

A faithful minister
      "Let the elders who rule well be accounted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine." 1 Timothy 5:17 The which is here rendered labor, signifies not simply to labor—but to labor with much travail and toil, to ... read more

A flower which does not grow in nature's garden!
      "Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 2:25 Repentance is a turning from sin (the most darling sin) to God. It is mighty work, a diffic ... read more

A fool to his schoolmaster
      He who goes to school to his own carnal reason, has a fool to his schoolmaster; and he who allows his faith to be overruled by his reason, shall never lack woe. No man lives so free a life, so holy a life, so heavenly a life, so happy a life—as ... read more

A golden Christian
      A true Christian will be holy among the unholy. He will retain and keep his holiness, let the times be ever so unholy. If you take him among unholy friends—you shall find him holy. If you take him at his table—you shall find him holy. If you ... read more

A great degree of holiness
      The more a man conflicts with heart sins, with spiritual sins, with invisible sins—with sins which lie most hidden and obscure from the eyes of the world—and the more spiritual victories and conquests a man obtains over them—the greater measure of h ... read more

A great nothing
      "The next day Agrippa and Bernice arrived at the auditorium with great pomp." Acts 25:23. That is, with great phantasy or vain show. All the honor, pomp, and accolade of this world is but a phantasy. Worldly honor is but a great nothing—a glorio ... read more

A greater honor
       It is a greater honor for a man to outwrestle sin, Satan, temptation, the world, and lust—than ever Alexander the Great could attain unto. The Romans built Virtue's and Honor's temple close together—to show that the way to honor was by virt ... read more

A heaven here and a heaven hereafter
      To be in a state of true grace, is to be miserable no more; it is to be happy forever. A soul in this state is a soul near and dear to God. It is a soul much beloved, and very highly valued by God. It is a soul housed in God. It is a soul safe in ... read more

A heaven unto me!
      That knowledge which accompanies salvation, is a heart-affecting knowledge. It affects the heart with Christ, and all spiritual things. Oh, it does wonderfully endear Christ and the things of Christ to the soul. "Oh, feed me with Your love—Your ... read more

A heavy burden
      Riches are a heavy burden, and often a hindrance to heaven, and happiness. All the felicity of this world is MIXED. Our light is mixed with darkness, our joy with sorrow, our pleasures with pain, our honor with dishonor, our riches with wants. If our m ... read more

A holy heart
      "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23 A holy heart is always attended with a holy life. All holy habits must be brought forth into holy acts. ... read more

A hound, a hawk, a horse, a harlot
      Every man on earth whose heart is void and empty of grace—sets a higher value and price upon his lusts, or upon his relations, or upon his honors, or riches, or pleasures, or upon this or that worldly enjoyment—than he does upon grace. Yes, how ma ... read more

A house full of gold
      Prosperity has been a stumbling-block, at which millions have stumbled and fallen, and broke the neck of their souls forever! Ah, the secret fretting, vexing, and gnawing that daily, yes hourly, attends those men's souls—whose hands are full of w ... read more

A house of fools!
      "The heart of fools is in the house of pleasure." Ecclesiastes 7:4 A fool prefers toys and trifles—above things of greatest worth. Just so, wicked and ungodly men prefer their lusts before the Lord. Upon choice, they prefer the honors, the ... read more

A house without light!
      "Cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 25:30 Our earthly fire, when it burns it shines, it casts a light. It has light as well as heat in it. But the fire of hell burns —but it ... read more

A jewel more worth than a world!
      "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16 Time is a jewel more worth than a world! Time is not yours to dispose of as you please; it is a glorious talent that men must be accountable for, as well as any other tale ... read more

A jewel of more worth than a world
      ("Hypocrites Detected, Anatomized, Impeached, Arraigned and Condemned" 1650) Time is a jewel more of worth than a world. Time is not yours to dispose of as you please; it is a glorious talent which men must be accountable for, as well as any ot ... read more

A jewel worth more than heaven!
      ("Hypocrites Detected, Anatomized, Impeached, Arraigned and Condemned" 1650) "Above all else, guard your heart!" Proverbs 4:23 Oh guard your eyes—that they behold no vanity! Watch your hands—that they touch not the golden wedge! But, abo ... read more

A kind of omnipotency in it
      Faith is an appropriating grace. Faith looks upon God, and says with David, "This God is my God forever and ever, and He shall be my guide unto the death." Faith looks upon Christ, and says with the spouse, "I am my beloved's, and His des ... read more

A man of new principles
      "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 A new creature has . . . a new judgment, a new will, new affections, new thoughts, new company, ne ... read more

A man too big for temptations to conquer!
      Communion with God is . . . the life of your graces, the sweetener of all ordinances, providences, and mercies, the strengthener of your hearts and hands, the soul of your comforts, and the crown of your souls. Communion with God mak ... read more

A mine of rich treasures!
      ("A Heavenly Cordial" 1665) "He has given us his very great and precious promises." 2 Peter 1:4 Oh how should saints then treasure up those precious promises, which assure their preservation, protection, maintenance, deliverance, comf ... read more

A misery beyond all expression!
      "Then He will say to those on His left—Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!" Matthew 25:41 This solemn sentence breathes out nothing but fire and brimstone, terror and horror, dread an ... read more

A mixed condition
      The condition of God's people in this life is a mixed condition. In this life they have . . . their rejoicing times and their mourning times, their laughing times and their weeping times, their singing times and their sorrowing times, etc. ... read more

A most sovereign antidote
      God is with His people to counsel them in all doubtful and difficult cases, and to defend and secure them against all their enemies and opposers. God's presence is infinitely better than the presence of all outward comforts. A sound sincere Chri ... read more

A never-fading glory
      "And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory." 1 Peter 5:4 The glory which Christ gives, is a never-fading glory. When a man has been in heaven as many millions of years as there are stars in heaven—his ... read more

A new heart and a new spirit
      "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances." Ezekiel 3 ... read more

A poor, despised, contemptible thing
      Most professors live as if there were no heaven, or else as if heaven were not worth a seeking, worth a desiring; as if heaven were a poor, despised, contemptible thing. But ah, Christians! be much in desiring and longing to get into that glorio ... read more

A precious book
      As every precious gem-stone has a rich virtue in it, so has every promise. The promises are a precious book, every leaf drops myrrh and mercy; and upon these precious promises, precious faith looks and lives. From these breasts, faith sucks comfort and sw ... read more

A precious commodity in hell
      Most men spend the greatest part of their time on things that are that are of little or no value; as Domitian, the Roman emperor, who spent his time in catching of flies. Make a speedy and a thorough improvement of all opportunities of grace an ... read more

A sad story of a woman named Bochna
      I have read a sad story of a woman named Bochna, who had but two sons in all the world. One day, when she was walking with the one son by the river, she heard the other cry out, and hastening to him, she found a knife sticking in his side, which k ... read more

A sanctified memory
      "How precious also are your thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! if I should count them, they are more in number than the sand—when I awake, I am still with You." Psalm 139:17-18 The psalmist had very frequent, high, precious, ... read more

A sea of blood, wrath, sin, sorrow, misery
      Ah, what a sea of blood, of wrath, of sin, of sorrow and misery—did the Lord Jesus wade through for your eternal good! Christ did not plead, "This cross is too heavy for Me to bear; this wrath is too great for Me to lie under; this cup of sufferin ... read more

A sea of grace—or but a drop of grace
      "Those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified." Romans 8:30 God's love is equal to all His saints, whether they are rich or poor, high or low, slave or free; whether t ... read more

A secret virtue and power
      When a man finds such a secret virtue and power running through his closet-duties—as wounds and weakens his beloved corruption, as breaks the strength and the power of his special sin, as sets his heart more fully, resolutely, and constantly against his d ... read more

A self-loather
      True repentance is a daily turning of the soul further and further from sin—and a daily turning of the soul nearer and nearer to God. True repentance includes . . . a true sense of sin, a deep sorrow for sin, a hearty loathing of sin, and ... read more

A shadow, a ship, a bubble, a bird, a dream, an arrow
      "Don't weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird!" Proverbs 23:4-5 All earthly portions are very uncertain; now they are—and shortly they are not! Though the foolis ... read more

A silver vein of sanctity
      "In that day shall there be upon the bridles of the horses, Holiness unto the Lord. Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be Holiness unto the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 14:20-21 Here is holiness written upon the bridles of the hors ... read more

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