 A.W. Tozer (1897 - 1963)
Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker A.W. Tozer in text and pdf format. A "20th-century prophet" many called him during his lifetime. For 31 years A.W.Tozer was pastor of Southside Alliance Church in Chicago. He was involved in the missionary alliance movement for most of his pulpit life. A.W. Tozer lived in the presence of God he saw clearly and he spoke as a prophet to the church. He sought for God's honor with the zeal of Elijah and mourned with Jeremiah at the apostasy of God's people.
Leonard Ravenhill was a close friend of pastor and writer A. W. Tozer and spoke of him as one of the most influential voices in the Church in America. A.W. Tozer's materials are a mainstay in Evangelical churches in our day and he is one of the most quoted authors. He was a prophet in his day and his writings are even more influential in our day. One of his books: The Pursuit of God, has had over 1 million copies sold world-wide.
SermonIndex Recommends these books by A.W. Tozer:
The Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God by A.W. Tozer
Crucified Life: How To Live Out A Deeper Christian Experience by A.W. Tozer
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
showing from 251 to 300 of 1162 articles
Consider with me the appealing Old Testament story of the beautiful young woman in the Song of Solomon. Deeply in love with the young shepherd, she is also actively sought out by the king, who demands her favor. She remains loyal to the simple shepherd, w ... read more
Confidence in Him
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. --Hebrews 4:16
You can have this confidence in God, and you can have this respect for His will. Do not expect God to perform miracles ... read more
Confining the Holy Spirit to a Footnote
The question being discussed by many these days--why religion is increasing and morality slipping, all at the same time--finds its answer in this very error, the error of religious intellectualism. Men have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. ... read more
Confirming Signs
And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. --Mark 16:20
Such words as these in the second chapter of Hebrews stand as a rebuke to the unbelieving Christians of our day: ... read more
To really know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is to love and worship Him! As God's people, we are so often confused that we could be known as God's poor, stumbling, bumbling people, for we are most prone to think of worship as something we do when we g ... read more
I consider it a good sign that some people are still asking questions like these in our churches: "What should happen in a genuine conversion to Christ?" and "What should a man or woman feel in the transaction of the new birth?" If I am asked, my answ ... read more
Costly Adjustment to this World
To be happy, adjust to the social norm. That is the popular notion but it will not hold up under examination. This norm to which we must adjust-where did it come from? What Moses brought it down from what mount? Where are its credentials? From whence its ... read more
Costly Discipleship
In our eagerness to make converts I am afraid we have lately been guilty of using the technique of modern salesmanship, which is of course to present only the desirable qualities in a product and ignore the rest. We go to men and offer them a cozy home o ... read more
Costs of Complaining
The complainer is further embarassed by the moral company in which he finds himself. His is a spiritual affinity with some pretty shady characters: Cain, Korah, the sulky elder brother, the petulant Jews of the Book of Malachi who answered every fatherly ... read more
Counterfeit Christians
. . . If we compare what we ought to be and could be with what we are, and we don't see that we are in a rut and we are not concerned, then one of three things may be wrong. First, we may not be converted at all. I am convinced that many evangelicals are ... read more
Courageous Prayer
In a world like ours, courage is an indispensable virtue. The coward may snivel in his corner, but the brave man takes the prize. And in the kingdom of God, courage is as necessary as it is in the world. The timid soul is as pitiable on his knees as he is ... read more
Created for God's Glory
Philosophers have noted the vast difference between men and beasts and have tried to find that difference in one or another distinguishing characteristic. They have said, for instance, that man is the thinking animal, or that he is the laughing animal, or ... read more
Crises of Love
If we lived in a spiritual Utopia where every wind blew toward heaven and every man was a friend of God, we Christians could take everything for granted, counting on the new life within us to cause us to do the will of God without effort and more or less ... read more
The spiritual man wants to carry his cross. Many Christians accept adversity or tribulation with a sigh and call it their cross, forgetting that such things come alike to saint and sinner. The cross is that extra adversity that comes to us as a result of ... read more
The prophets and the psalmists of the Old Testament wrestled as we do with the problem of evil in a divine universe but their approach to God and nature was much more direct than ours. They did not interpose between God and His world that opaque web we mo ... read more
Crossless Chrisianity
About 300 B.C. a Greek king named Pyrrhus fought a battle with the Romans at Heraclea. Pyrrhus won the battle but in doing so he suffered such appalling losses as to more than offset his gains.
Thus a victory that costs too much is often called a Pyrrhi ... read more
Cultivating Spiritual Disciplines
Perhaps they have committed sins of the mind. . . . To think God's thoughts requires much prayer. If you do not pray much, you are not thinking God's thoughts. If you do not read your Bible much and often and reverently, you are not thinking God's thou ... read more
Daily Cross-carrying
Our Lord called men to follow Him but He never made the way look easy. Indeed one gets the distinct impression that He made it appear extremely hard. Sometimes He said things to disciples or prospective disciples that we today discreetly avoid repeating w ... read more
Daily Following
A strange thing under the sun is crossless Christianity. The cross of Christendom is a no-cross, an ecclesiastical symbol. The cross of Christ is a place of death. Let each one be careful which cross he carries. And follow me. Now the glory begins to brea ... read more
Dangers in the Way #1 “Sources of Danger”
” Dangers in the Way and How to Avoid Them Introduction “
“Sources of Danger”
March 20, 1955
Now, over the next few Sundays, I want to talk to you about dangers in the way and how we can avoid them. I read the other day these words, I wil ... read more
Dangers in the Way #2 “Dangers of Prosperity and Adversity”
” Dangers of Prosperity and Adversity “
“Message #2 in Dangers in the Way and How to Avoid Them “
March 27, 1955
David says, The Lord is his Rock, and his Fortress, and his Deliver, and his Strength, and his Buckler, and his High Tower. V ... read more
Dangers in the Way #3 “Dangers of Idleness and Busyness”
“Dangers of Idleness and Busyness”
“Message #3 in Dangers in the Way and How to Avoid Them “
May 1, 1955
It is difficult to follow consecutively a series of talks because of the interruptions that come from other speakers and from convent ... read more
Dangers in the Way #4 “Dangers of Bondage and Liberty”
“Dangers of Bondage and Liberty”
“Message #4 in Dangers in the Way and How to Avoid Them “
May 8, 1955
In the book of Ephesians, the fifth chapter, fifteenth verse, see then that you walk circumspectly. Not as fools, but as wise, if you w ... read more
Dangers in the Way #5 “Dangers of Arrogance and Defeat”
“Dangers of Arrogance and Defeat”
“Message #5 in Dangers in the Way and How to Avoid Them “
May 15, 1955
Arrogance is that sin that follows in the wake of success. You know, it’s an old trick of radio and theatre and newspapers and novels ... read more
Dangers in the Way #6 “Danger of Propaganda”
“Danger of Propaganda”
“Message #6 in Dangers in the Way and How to Avoid Them “
May 22, 1955
The fifth chapter of Ephesians, see then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. An ... read more
Dare We Expect Miracles Today?
I also long in the tender mercies of Christ that among us there may be the following: . . . 8. Answers to prayer; miracles should not be uncommon. I am not a miracle preacher. I have been in churches where they announced miracle meetings. If you look in ... read more
Daring to Stand for Truth
The nearer we draw to the heart of God the less taste we will have for controversy. The peace we know in God's bosom is so sweet that it is but natural that we want to keep it unbroken to enjoy as fully and as long as possible. The Spirit-filled Christia ... read more
Dead Churches
...These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." --Revelation 3:1
I think we are going to have to restudy this whole teaching of the place o ... read more
Dead Passivity
Most readers will remember (some with just a trace of nostalgia) his or her early struggles to learn the difference between the active and the passive voice in English grammar, and how it finally dawned that in the active voice, the subject performs an ac ... read more
Many evangelical teachers insist so strongly upon free, unconditional grace as to create the impression that sin is not a serious matter and that God cares very little about it! They make it seem that God is only concerned with our escaping the consequenc ... read more
Dealing With the Roots of Fretfulness
The Holy Spirit in Psalm 37:1 admonishes us to beware of irritation in our religious lives: "Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong."
The word "fret" comes to us from the Anglo-Saxon, and carries with it such a variety o ... read more
Decisions or Disciples?
Today we need people who dare to question the status quo and say, "Wait a minute here. Where do you find this in the Bible?" The idea that all you have to do is to accept Christ and you are in is a great mistake. It leaves people with the impression tha ... read more
Deeply Personal
I once wrote of the need of the inner witness and pointed out that the lack of it is producing a strain of feeble Christians, weak, half-hearted and pitifully unsure of themselves.
A reader wrote to say in effect that she agreed with me fully and wanted ... read more
Defining Sin
For an act to be sinful the quality of voluntariness must also be present. Sin is the voluntary commission of an act known to be contrary to the will of God. Where there is no moral knowledge or where there is no voluntary choice, the act is not sinful; i ... read more
Defining "Church"
It is time for us to reconsider this matter of the church. Most people think of the church as a familiar social fact. Their attitude toward Protestantism generally is that of a matter of course, and people, even average Christians, think they are in favor ... read more
Delighted Wonder!
God always acts like Himself, wherever He may be and whatever He may be doing; in Him there is neither variableness nor shadow of turning. Yet His infinitude places Him so far above our knowing that a lifetime spent in cultivating the knowledge of Him le ... read more
Deliverance from "Me"
What are the terms of discipleship? Only one with a perfect knowledge of mankind could have dared to make them. Only the Lord of men could have risked the effect of such rigorous demands: Let him deny himself. We hear these words and shake our heads in as ... read more
We know of many who have been deceived into believing that the learning and the memorizing of Christian doctrine is all-sufficient. They actually think that somehow they are better off for having learned the doctrines of religion. God actually asks of us ... read more
Dependence on God
Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer nee ... read more
Desire and the End of the Age
It is precisely the "yearning" and the "fainting" for the return of Christ that has distinguished the personal hope from the theological one. Mere acquaintance with correct doctrine is a poor substitute for Christ, and familiarity with New Testament escha ... read more
Desire to Be Filled
And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit. --Ephesians 5:18
Again, before you can be filled with the Spirit you must desire to be filled. Here I meet with a certain amount of puzzlement. Somebody will say, ... read more
Detailing the "Everything"
It is important that we trace our benefits back to their source and express our thanks to the One ?from whom all blessings flow,? rather than merely to feel a vague stirring of gratefulness that results in nothing real. I once lived with a fine old couple ... read more
Determined Implementation of Change
. . . Well, here are some suggestions which anyone can follow and which, I am convinced, will result in a wonderfully improved Christian life. . . .
8. Deliberately narrow your interests. The jack-of-all-trades is the master of none. The Christian life ... read more
Determining the Cause of Pain
But how can we tell in a given situation whether our pain is from the cross or the rod? Pain is pain from whatever source it comes. Jonah in flight from the will of God suffered no worse storm than did Paul in the center of God?s will; the same wild sea t ... read more
Determining to Follow the Lord
That religion lies in the will is an axiom of theology. Not how we feel but what we will determines our spiritual direction. An old poem states it for us: "One ship drives east and another drives west with the selfsame winds that blow; tis the set of the ... read more
Devotion to Things Holy
Success is any field is costly, but the man who will pay the price can have it.
The concert pianist must become a slave to his instrument; four hours, five hours each day he must sit at the keyboard. The scientist must live for his work. The philosopher ... read more
Discerning Leadership
For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. --Acts 20:29-30
Within the circle ... read more
Disciminating Reading
I hope my readers conclude right here that I have contradicted myself in the above paragraphs. It will indicate that they have been reading with their critical faculties awake. But actually there is no self-contradiction present. I have warned against har ... read more
Discipling As Many As Possible
Now the serious Christian wants to escape both extremes. Yet he is much concerned about the whole matter of numbers and is eager to find the will of God for his life and ministry. Should he go out for larger crowds or accept smaller ones as the will of Go ... read more
Distinguishing between Jacob and Esau
There are areas of Christian thought, and because of thought then also of life, where likenesses and differences are so difficult to distinguish that we are often hard put to it to escape complete deception. Throughout the whole world error and truth trav ... read more
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