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A.W. Tozer

A.W. Tozer (1897 - 1963)

Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker A.W. Tozer in text and pdf format. A "20th-century prophet" many called him during his lifetime. For 31 years A.W.Tozer was pastor of Southside Alliance Church in Chicago. He was involved in the missionary alliance movement for most of his pulpit life. A.W. Tozer lived in the presence of God he saw clearly and he spoke as a prophet to the church. He sought for God's honor with the zeal of Elijah and mourned with Jeremiah at the apostasy of God's people.

Leonard Ravenhill was a close friend of pastor and writer A. W. Tozer and spoke of him as one of the most influential voices in the Church in America. A.W. Tozer's materials are a mainstay in Evangelical churches in our day and he is one of the most quoted authors. He was a prophet in his day and his writings are even more influential in our day. One of his books: The Pursuit of God, has had over 1 million copies sold world-wide.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by A.W. Tozer:
The Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God by A.W. Tozer
Crucified Life: How To Live Out A Deeper Christian Experience by A.W. Tozer
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

showing from 1051 to 1100 of 1162 articles

Unused Truth
      Lack of balance in the Christian life is often the direct consequence of overemphasis on certain favorite texts, with a corresponding underemphasis on other related ones. For it is not denial only that makes a truth void; failure to emphasize it will in t ... read more

       I know there are people who hear me preach regularly who will never consider changing their way of living They will go 'underground' before they will do that! Our situation is not an isolated case. There are millions of men and women with an understand ... read more

Urgently Needed: Prophetic Leaders
      There has probably never been another time in the history of the world when so many people knew so much about religious happenings as they do today. The newspapers are eager to print religious news; the secular news magazines devote several pages of each ... read more

Using Both Wings
      Truth is like a bird; it cannot fly on one wing. Yet we are forever trying to take off with one wing flapping furiously and the other tucked neatly out of sight. Many of the doctrinal divisions among the churches are the result of a blind and stubborn ins ... read more

Using Both Wings
      Truth is like a bird; it cannot fly on one wing. Yet we are forever trying to take off with one wing flapping furiously and the other tucked neatly out of sight. Many of the doctrinal divisions among the churches are the result of a blind and stubborn ins ... read more

Utilizing Our Spiritual Resources
      I think that most Christians would be better pleased if the Lord did not inquire into their personal affairs too closely. They want Him to save them, keep them happy and take them to heaven at last, but not to be too inquisitive about their conduct or ser ... read more

Victors or Victims
      If Satan opposes the new convert he opposes still more bitterly the Christian who is pressing on toward a higher life in Christ. The Spirit-filled life is not, as many suppose, a life of peace and quiet pleasure. It is likely to be something quite the opp ... read more

Victory Through Defeat
      And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. ( Genesis 32:28) But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom t ... read more

Vine and Branches #1 “Fruit, More Fruit and Much Fruit”
      “Fruit, More Fruit and Much Fruit” Sunday, January 29, 1956 I want to read again, maybe you could read it with me. John 15:1-7. Let’s not read responsively. Let’s read together and not too fast. John 15:1-7. I am the True Vine and my Father ... read more

Vine and Branches #2 “Life in the Vine”
      “Life in the Vine” Sunday, February 5, 1956 By way of emphasis, I would mention the coming of the Kings. Their purpose for being here is to examine missionary candidates. We’re hoping to send out 102 missionaries this year, which will run our ... read more

Vine and Branches #3 “Abiding in the Vine”
      “Abiding in the Vine” Sunday, February 12, 1956 Abiding in the Vine We are very glad that Brother Cordeg could be with us today to take the place of Brother McAfee, who as I announced this morning is in Philadelphia, or at least singing in Ph ... read more

Vital Faith Shows Itself in Changed Living
      We would make a clear distinction here between moral action and mere religious activity. In truth there is already too much of that popular type of activity which does little more than agitate the surface of religion. Its never-ending squirrel-cage motion ... read more

Waiting for God
      I am convinced that the dearth of great saints in these times even among those who truly believe in Christ is due at least in part to our unwillingness to give sufficient time to the cultivation of the knowledge of God. We of the nervous West are victims ... read more

Waiting Rather than Fretting
      Of one thing we may be sure; we can never escape the external stimuli that cause vexation. The world is full of them and though we were to retreat to a cave and live the remainder of our days alone, we still could not lose them. The rough floor of our cav ... read more

Wake Up the Lion In You!
      Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God. --2 Corinthians 3:5 That is the difference between Christianity and all the Oriental cults and religions. All cult religions try to ... read more

Wakeful Walking
       Of course, people resent any word reflecting on them, but every once in a while there appears an awakened soul. Some way or another this person got awake. Somehow God Almighty wakened him or her, whether by the crowing of the rooster or by the braying of ... read more

Walking in the Light of His Presence
      Our frantic and futile effort to harmonize the truth of Christ with psychology, philosophy and science is proof enough of a deep incertitude among us concerning the sufficiency of Christ. It is a tragicomic sight to see our modern apostles licking the pal ... read more

Walking in Truth
      Any man who would escape the heavy tax which humankind lays upon the righteous must make a satisfactory compromise with error. This is so because sin has perverted the nature of things. He that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey is as true now as w ... read more

Wanted: God Seers
      When viewing the religious scene today, we are tempted to fix on one or another weakness and say, "This is what is wrong with the church. If this were corrected, we could recapture the glory of the early church and have pentecostal times back with us aga ... read more

Wanted: Worshipers
      It remains only to be said that worship as we have described it here is almost (though, thank God, not quite) a forgotten art in our day. For whatever we can say of modern Bible-believing Christians, it can hardly be denied that we are not remarkable for ... read more

Wants or Wishes
      The third class of blessing consists of spiritual treasures which are ours by blood atonement but which will not come to us unless we make a determined effort to possess them. To make things clearer let me set forth four propositions touching this heritag ... read more

We and Our Times are in God's Hands
      The man of true faith may live in the absolute assurance that his steps are ordered by the Lord. For him, misfortune is outside the bounds of possibility. He cannot be torn from this earth one hour ahead of the time which God has appointed, and he cannot ... read more

      We ought to be fully aware that in the body of Christ we are not interested in the production of "cookie-cutter" Christians. This is a word of caution in the matter of Christian experience-there is no pattern or formula for identical Christian experienc ... read more

       I once wrote in an editorial that Christian believers are not orphans in this world, making the point that the divine Shepherd goes before us and that we travel an appointed way. A reader wrote to question my allusion to our traveling an "appointed" wa ... read more

      The Lordship of Jesus is not quite forgotten among Christians, but it has been relegated to our hymn book, where all responsibility toward it may be comfortably discharged in a glow of pleasant religious emotion. The idea that the Man Christ Jesus has abs ... read more

      How much time have you spent in your Christian life meditating on the plain instruction from our Savior?-"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." The God who has revealed Himself to needy me ... read more

      The hope of the Christian church still lies in the purity of her theology, that is, her beliefs about God and man and their relation to each other. It is a fact that positive beliefs are not popular these days. I sense that the modern efforts to populariz ... read more

We Languish for Men
      Then Paul answered, "What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." --Acts 21:13 The Church at this moment needs men, the right kind of men, bold ... read more

We Must Have Better Christians
      Excerpted from Of God and Men To talk of "better" Christians is to use language foreign to many persons. To them all Christians are alike; all have been justified and forgiven and are the children of God, so to make comparisons between them is to suggest ... read more

We Must Have Better Christians
      To talk of "better" Christians is to use language foreign to many persons. To them all Christians are alike; all have been justified and forgiven and are the children of God, so to make comparisons between them is to suggest division and bigotry and any ... read more

We Need Church Family
      The Christian life begins with the individual; a soul has a saving encounter with God and the new life is born. Not all the pooled efforts of any church can make a Christian out of a lost man. But once the great transaction's done the communion of believ ... read more

We Need Him More and More
      But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. --John 14:26 I have reason to suspect that many people are trying to give leadership in C ... read more

We Need to Repent
      Do not quench the Spirit. --1 Thessalonians 5:19 It is time for us to repent, for our transgressions against the blessed Third Person have been many and much aggravated. We have bitterly mistreated Him in the house of His friends. We have crucified Hi ... read more

      We trust the Word of God-and the inspired revelation makes it plain to the believing Christian that all things in the universe have derived their form from Christ, the eternal Son! We are assured that even as an architect-builder gathers the necessary mat ... read more

We Travel an Appointed Way
      Nehemiah, the good, rose up from his weeping to do something about a vision God had laid on his heart. Under divine providence, he was soon transported from Shushan to his beloved city, Jerusalem, armed with authority and equipped with materials to rebuil ... read more

We Were Made to Worship
      Mans nature indicates that he was created for three things: To think, to worship and to work. But thinking is not enough. Men are made to worship also, to bow down and adore in the presence of the Mystery inexpressible. Mans mind is not the top peak of hi ... read more

      We confess, do we not, that we have a Christian responsibility to believe God's Word and to obey God's Truth? Then we should accept the fact that it is our task to practice the Christian virtues in the power of the Holy Spirit as we await the coming of ... read more

Weare the Church
      Revival may be experienced on three levels, viz., in the individual, the church or the community. It is impossible to have a community revival where there has not been a church revival, and unless at least a few individuals seek and obtain a spiritual t ... read more

What a Great Responsibility!
      For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand? --Revelation 6:17 What a great responsibility God has laid upon us preachers of His gospel and teachers of His Word. In that future day when God's wrath is poured out, how are we goin ... read more

What Do You Mean?
       A disturbing phenomenon of the day is the new and tricky use of familiar words. A ''people's republic,'' for instance, is not a republic nor does it belong to the people. The word ''freedom'' now in most countries refers to something so restr ... read more

What Is Faith?
      Remember that faith is not a noble quality found only in superior men. It is not a virtue attainable by a limited few. It is not the ability to persuade ourselves that black is white or that something we desire will come to pass if we only wish hard enoug ... read more

      It is all but impossible these days to get people to pay any attention to things that really matter. The broad cynic in our modern civilization is likely to ask: "What really matters, after all?" It is our personal relationship to God that really matter ... read more

What to Do with Burdens
      "If a burden is laid on my back and another immediately takes it off and carries it himself," said Meister Eckhart, "it can make no difference to me whether it is one or a hundred pounds." In the Scriptures, there would seem to be three kinds of bur ... read more

What We Are and What We Can Be
      Remember, we are compared with what we could be, not just what we should be. God being who He is, and Jesus Christ being His risen and all-powerful Son, anything we ought to be we can be. Anything that God has declared that we should be we can be. In the ... read more

When Fish Catch the Fisherman
      History shows clearly enough that true spirituality has never at any time been the possession of the masses. In any given period since the fall of the human race, only a few persons ever discerned the right way or walked in God's law. God's truth has ne ... read more

When Interests Collide
      Whether we are considering two men or two nations we see how personal interest controls their relation to each other. Two men can live together in perfect harmony as long as their interests coincide. Indeed it might correctly be said that human society ca ... read more

      As we read the New Testament, we find a very simple and very plain and very forceful truth-the Holy Spirit makes a difference! Consider the early disciples-Jesus Himself had taught them for more than three years-the greatest Bible school! But still He had ... read more

When the Heart Lights Go On
      God is concerned with the whole man and has designed that Christian experience should embrace the entire personality. The Christian faith deals not with the spiritual only but with the moral and the rational as well. The rational and moral elements in rel ... read more

When ''Adjust'' Means ''Maladjust''
      A word that is being greatly overused in modern society is adjust. I am certainly not the first one to complain about it, but my objection to its overuse is, I believe, on a little higher level, for most persons who register their objections are thinki ... read more

Where Are the Prophets?
      O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory. --Psalm 63:1-2 But it is with ... read more

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