 D.L. Moody (1837 - 1899)
Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker D.L. Moody in text and pdf format. Was an American evangelist and publisher who founded the Moody Church in downtown Chicago. Preached to thousands in evangelistic meetings and had touches of revival in scotland and other countries. Ira Sankey was his worship leader who was used of the Lord in the meetings. Moody wrote many books including "Prevailing Prayer" and "The Way To God."
Moody once said: "If this world is going to be reached, I am convinced that it must be done by men and women of average talent." And thus was born his ministry of book publishing, bible college and many other outreaches to equip the average layperson to be a soul winner and do great exploits for the Lord.
showing from 51 to 100 of 188 articles
A man came to me the other day and said: "I like your preaching. You don't preach hell, and I suppose you don't believe in one." Now I don't want any one to rise up in the Judgment and say that I was not a faithful preacher of the Word of God. It is my ... read more
Higher and Higher
I remember a few years ago, a little child died, and just before his soul went home he asked his father to lift him up, and the father put his hand under the head of the child and raised it up. But the child only said, "That is not enough; that is not w ... read more
Hold Up Your Light
Out west, a friend of mine was walking along one of the streets one dark night, and saw approaching him a man with a lantern. As he came up close to him he noticed by the bright light that the man seemed as if he had no eyes. He went past, but the thought ... read more
How Little Moody took the Whippings
When I was a boy my mother used to send me outdoors to get a birch stick to whip me with; and at first I used to stand off from the rod as far as I could. But I soon found that the whipping hurt me more that way than any other; and so I went as near to my ... read more
I suppose Isaiah thought he was as good as most men in his day, and perhaps he was a good deal better than most men, but when he saw the Lord, he cried, "Woe is me, for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips." When he saw the Lord, he saw his o ... read more
Identity and Personality
In 1st John 5:7, we read: "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one." By the Father is meant the first Person, Christ, the Word is the second, and the Holy Spirit, perfectly fulfilling ... read more
Immigrants in Immanuel's land should lose no time in having their places secured as only one vessel shall ever leave our shores for that country.
Vessel's name Gospel ship (Rom. 1:16)
Port - which it leaves City of Destruction
( ... read more
In Jail
I remember a mother who heard that her boy was impressed at one of our meetings. She said her son was a good enough boy, and he didn't need to be converted. I pleaded with that mother, but all my pleading was of no account. I tried my influence with the ... read more
It's Source
"Without the soul, divinely quickened and inspired, the observances of the grandest ritualism are as worthless as the motions of a galvanized corpse." -Anon.
I quote this sentence, as it leads me at once to the subject under consideration. What is th ... read more
Johnny, Cling Close to the Rock
Little Johnny and his sister were one day going through a long, narrow tunnel. The railroad company had built small clefts here and there through the tunnel, so that if any one got caught in the tunnel when the train was passing, they could save themselve ... read more
Joy in Persecution
Then it says in Luke 6:22:
"Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of manÂ’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, ... read more
Joy is Unselfish
Now, there are three kinds of joy; there is the joy of oneÂ’s own salvation. I thought, when I first tasted that, it was the most delicious joy I had ever known, and that I could never get beyond it. But I found, afterward, there was something more joyful ... read more
Jumping into Father's Arms
I remember, while in Mobile attending meetings, a little incident occurred which I will relate. It was a beautiful evening, and just before the meeting some neighbors and myself were sitting on the front piazza enjoying the evening. One of the neighbors ... read more
Little Great Men
One afternoon I noticed a lady at the services whom I knew to be a Sunday-school teacher. After the service I asked her where her class was. "O," said she, "I went to the school and found only a little boy, and so I came away." "Only a little boy!" ... read more
Little Jimmy
A friend of mine in Chicago took his Sabbath-school out on the cars [train] once. A little boy was allowed to sit on the platform of the car, when by some mischance he fell, and the whole train passed over him. They had to go on half a mile before they co ... read more
Long and Short Sight
He brings to our mind what God has in store for us. I heard a man, some time ago, speaking about Abraham. He said "Abraham was not tempted by the well-watered plains of Sodom, for Abraham was what you might call a long-sighted man; he had his eyes set on ... read more
"But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off"
(2 Peter 1:9).
I heard a man, some time ago, speaking about Abraham. He said "Abraham was not tempted by the well-watered plains of Sodom, for Abraham was what you might call a l ... read more
Looking down from Heaven
I remember in the exposition building in Dublin, while I was speaking about heaven, I said something to the effect that, "perhaps at this moment a mother is looking down from heaven upon her daughter here to-night," and I pointed down to a young lady i ... read more
Lost and Found
A great many people tell you, "I will become a Christian when Christ comes and seeks me."
I was talking to a gray-haired man in my native town not long ago who, when I spoke to him about his soul, suggested that he would become a Christian when the Lo ... read more
Lost on the Deep
I read some time ago of a vessel that had been off on a whaling voyage, and had been gone about three years. I saw the account in print somewhere lately, but it happened a long time ago. The father of one of those sailors had charge of the lighthouse, an ... read more
In Chicago a few years ago there was a little boy who went to one of the mission Sunday-schools. His father moved to another part of the city about five miles away, and every Sunday that boy came past thirty or forty Sunday-schools to the one he attended. ... read more
Love in a Sunday-School
John Wanamaker, superintendent of probably one of the largest Sunday-schools in the world, had a theory that he would never put a boy out of his school for bad conduct. He argued, if a boy misbehaved himself, it was through bad training at home, and tha ... read more
Love, Peace and Joy
When a man who has been living in sin turns from his sins, and turns to God with all his heart, he is met on the threshold of the divine life by these sister graces. The love of God is shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost. The peace of God comes at ... read more
Love's Wonderful Effects
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil."
ThatÂ’s the work of love. It is not easily provo ... read more
March 18, 1805 • George Washington Bethune Came on Stage
When France suppressed its Protestant Huguenots, they scattered around the world. Many wound up in the young United States. Several presidents, the first chief justice of the United States (John Jay) and many other famous men boasted Huguenot blood. Georg ... read more
Master and Servant
There is a very sweet story of Elijah and Elisha, and I love to dwell upon it. The time had come for Elijah to be taken up, and he said to Elisha, "You stay here at Gilgal, and I will go up to Bethel." There was a theological seminary there, and some yo ... read more
Moody and the Children
The first two or three years that I attempted to talk in the meetings, I saw that the older people did not like it. I had sense enough to know that I was a bore to them. "Well, I went out upon the street and I got eighteen little children to follow me th ... read more
Moody Chasing his Shadow
When I was a little boy, I remember I tried to catch my shadow. I don't know if you were ever so foolish; but I remember running after it, and trying to get ahead of it. I could not see why the shadow always kept ahead of me. Once I happened to be racing ... read more
Moody in the Far West
I remember when I went to California just to try and get a few souls saved on the Pacific coast, I went into a school there, and asked, "Have you got some one who can write a plain hand?" "Yes." Well, we got up the blackboard, and the lesson upon it ... read more
Moody's Mother and her Prodigal Son
I can give you a little experience of my own family. Before I was fourteen years old the first thing I remember was the death of my father. He had been unfortunate in business, and failed. Soon after his death the creditors came in and took everything. My ... read more
Mrs. Moody Teaching her Child
There was a time when our little boy did not like to go to church, and would get up in the morning, and say to his mother, "What day is tomorrow?" "Tuesday." "Next day?" "Wednesday." "Next day?" "Thursday;" and so on, till he came to the answe ... read more
My God shall supply all your need
Precious Jesus! I have found Thee,
All my utmost need required:
In Thyself, dear Lord, Thou'st found me,
All Thy loving heart desired.
I would praise Thee,
From my soul, by love inspired!
All my sins were laid upon Thee,
All my guilt was on Thee ... read more
No Real Death
"With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation"
(Ps. 91:16).
Jesus Christ came into the world to destroy death, and we can say with Paul, if we will, "Oh, death, where is thy sting?" And we can hear a voice rolling down from heave ... read more
None of Self
Then you will find all through the Scriptures, when men were filled with the Holy Spirit, they preached Christ and not themselves. They preached Christ and Him crucified. It says in the first chapter of Luke, 67th Verse, speaking of Zacharias, the father ... read more
Not a Failure
"He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).
Sometimes it looks as if God's servants fail. When Herod beheaded John the Baptist, it looked as if John's mission was a failure. But was it? The voice that rang through the valley of the Jordan ... read more
Not Easily Offended
In the 119th Psalm and the 165th verse, we find "Great peace have they who love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." The study of GodÂ’s Word will secure peace. You take Christians who are rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and you find they hav ... read more
Obedience Explained
Suppose I say to my boy, "Willie, I want you to go out and bring me a glass of water." He says he doesn't want to go. "I didn't ask you whether you wanted to go or not, Willie; I told you to go." "But I don't want to go," he says. "I tell you, ... read more
Off for America
Previous to my coming across to this great country of ours, I was holding meetings in London. I took my ticket from there to Manchester to bid some friends good-by. When I got to the railway carriage I saw little groups of boys around two little fellows. ... read more
Open the Door
I heard of a little child some time ago who was burned. The mother had gone out and left the three children at home. The eldest left the room, and the remaining two began to play with fire, and set the place in a blaze. When the youngest of the two saw wh ... read more
Other items in the Bibles
"Truly the man of God is never so great as when he is little in his own eyes, and nevermore exalted than when he sits lowly at his Master's feet."
Many have got a justifying Christ; they have the Christ who died on the board; they fully believe in H ... read more
Outflowing Streams
I would like to see some one just full of living water; so full that they couldnÂ’t contain it; that they would have to go out and publish the Gospel of the grace of God. When a man gets so full that he canÂ’t hold any more, then he is just ready for GodÂ’s ... read more
Over the Mountains
A lady had a little child that was dying. She thought it was resting sweetly in the arms of Jesus. She went into the room, and the child asked her, "What are those clouds and mountains that I see so dark?" "Why, Eddy," said his mother, "there are no ... read more
Over the River
A minister who had lost his child asked another minister to come and preach for him. He came and he told how he lived on one side of a river, and felt very little interest in the people on the other side, until his daughter was married and went over there ... read more
Parting Words
But I have another story to tell. It was Ralph Wallace who told me of this one. A certain gentleman was a member of the Presbyterian church. His little boy was sick. When he went home his wife was weeping, and she said, "Our boy is dying; he has ... read more
My little boy had some trouble with his sister one Saturday, and he did not want to forgive her. And at night he was going to say his prayers, and I wanted to see how he would say his prayers, and he knelt down by his mother and said his prayers, and then ... read more
Peace Declared
When France and England were at war, a French vessel had gone off on a long voyage, a whaling voyage; and when they came back, the crew were short of water, and being now near and English port, they wanted to get water; but they were afraid that they woul ... read more
Picking up the Bible
The hardest thing, I will admit, ever a man had to do is to become a Christian, and yet it is the easiest. This seems to many to be a paradox, but I will repeat it; it is the most difficult thing to become a Christian, and yet it is the easiest. I have a ... read more
Power Hindered
Israel, we are told, limited the Holy One of Israel. They vexed and grieved the Holy Spirit, and rebelled against His authority, but there is a special sin against Him, which we may profitably consider. The first description of it is in Matthew 12:22.
... read more
Power In and Upon
The Holy Spirit dwelling in us, is one thing; I think this is clearly brought out in Scripture; and the Holy Spirit upon us for service, is another thing. Now there are only three places we find in Scripture that are dwelling places for the Holy Ghost.
... read more
Power in Operation
The power we have been considering is the Presence of The Holy Spirit. He is omnipotent. Power in operation is the actions of the Spirit or the fruit of the Spirit. This we shall now consider. Paul writes in Galatians 5:16 etc.
"This I say then, walk ... read more
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