D.L. Moody (1837 - 1899)
Read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker D.L. Moody in text and pdf format. Was an American evangelist and publisher who founded the Moody Church in downtown Chicago. Preached to thousands in evangelistic meetings and had touches of revival in scotland and other countries. Ira Sankey was his worship leader who was used of the Lord in the meetings. Moody wrote many books including "Prevailing Prayer" and "The Way To God."
Moody once said: "If this world is going to be reached, I am convinced that it must be done by men and women of average talent." And thus was born his ministry of book publishing, bible college and many other outreaches to equip the average layperson to be a soul winner and do great exploits for the Lord.
showing from 1 to 50 of 188 articles
"Where Art Thou?"
THE very first thing that happened after the news reached heaven of the fall of man, was that God came straight down to seek out the lost one. As He walks through the garden in the cool of the day, you can hear Him calling Adam! Adam! Where art thou? It ... read more
A Bad Boy
I once heard of a father who had a prodigal boy, and the boy had sent his mother down to the grave with a broken heart. One evening the boy started out as usual to spend the night in drinking and gambling, and his old father, as he was leaving, said, "M ... read more
A Boy's Story
Some years ago, as I was about to close a prayer meeting, a young man got up and urged all those men present that had not yet accepted of Christ, to do so that night. And in closing up his little speech, he said, "I once had a father and mother that car ... read more
A Boy's Victory
I remember when out in Kansas, while holding a meeting, I saw a little boy who came up to the window crying. I went to him and said, "My little boy, what is your trouble?" "Why, Mr. Moody, my mother's dead, and my father drinks, and they don't love m ... read more
A Child Legend
There is a beautiful legend told about a little girl who was the first-born of a family in Egypt, when the destroying angel swept through that land, and consequently who would have been a victim on that night if the protecting blood were not sprinkled on ... read more
A Child's Request for Prayer
At the close of one of the afternoon meetings we had in the Berkeley street church a few weeks ago, a little child brought me a note. I put it in my pocket, and read it when I got home. It was this, "Won't you pray that my mother may come home?" On in ... read more
A Good Mother
A young man went home from one of our meetings some time ago. He had been converted. He had previously been a dissipated young man. His mother had made it a rule, she told me, that she "would not retire till he came home." That was her rule, she said, ... read more
A Higher Source
"I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him"
(Ps. 91:15).
First, "I will deliver." When God called Moses to go down into Egypt to deliver the children of Israel from the hand of the Egyptians, in all the world there wasn' ... read more
A Little Boy Converts his Mother
I remember, when on the North Side, I tried to reach a family time and again and failed. One night in the meeting, I noticed one of the little boys of that family. He hadn't come for any good, however; he was sticking pins in the backs of the other bo ... read more
A Little Child shall lead them
A little child at one of the meetings was seen talking so earnestly to a companion that a lady sat by her to hear what she was saying, and found that the dear child was telling how much Jesus loved her, and how she loved Him, and asked her little compa ... read more
A Mother Dies that her Boy may Live
When the California gold fever broke out, a man went there, leaving his wife in New England with his boy. As soon as he got on and was successful he was to send for them. It was a long time before he succeeded, but at last he got money enough to send for ... read more
A Sad Story
There was an Englishman who had an only son; and only sons are often petted, and humored and ruined. This boy became very headstrong, and very often he and his father had trouble. One day they had a quarrel, and the father was very angry, and so was the ... read more
A Singular Story
When I was a young boybefore I was a Christian I was in a field one day with a man who was hoeing. He was weeping, and he told me a strange story, which I have never forgotten. When he left home his mother gave him this text, "See first the kingdom of ... read more
A Voice from the Tomb
The other day I read of a mother who died, leaving her child alone and very poor. She used to pray earnestly for her boy, and left an impression upon his mind that she cared more for his soul than she cared for anything else in the world. He grew up to be ... read more
After Love, What?
After love comes peace. I have before remarked, a great many people are trying to make peace. But that has already been done. God has not left it for us to do; all that we have to do is to enter into it. It is a condition, and instead of our trying to mak ... read more
Agent and Instrument
The Holy Spirit is closely identified with the words of the Lord Jesus. "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing, the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." The Gospel proclamation can not be divorced from ... read more
An Aid to Memory
It is a great comfort to us to remember that another office of the Spirit is to bring the teaching of Jesus to our remembrance. This was our Lords promise, "He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance." - John 16:26
How s ... read more
Anecdotes & Illustrations
-Christ never preached any funeral sermons.
-His is a loving, tender hand, full of sympathy and compassion.
-Take your stand on the Rock of Ages. Let death, let the judgment come: the victory is Christ's and yours through Him.
-The only man who e ... read more
Have faith in God! Take Him at His word! Believe what He says! Believe the record God has given of His Son! I can imagine some of you saying, "I want to, but I have not got the right kind of faith." What kind of faith do you want? Now, the idea that you ... read more
Blind Bartimeus
The apostle was going into Jericho for the last time. By the wayside he finds a poor, blind beggar who asks for a farthing, and he says, "Silver and gold have I none, but I can tell you of a great physician in Israel who can cure you." "Can cure me?" ... read more
Breaking the Tumblers
A lady once told me she was in her pantry on one occasion, and she was surprised by the ringing of a bell. As she whirled around to see what it was, she broke a tumbler. Her little child was standing there, and she thought her mother was doing a very cor ... read more
Cast Your Cares
"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you"
(1 Peter 5:7).
A great many people seem to embalm their troubles. I always feel like running away when I see them coming. They bring out their old mummy, and tell you in a sad voice:
"Yo ... read more
The prodigal son got down very low, but he did not get down low enough to beg; he went to work.
I've lived nearly forty years, and I've learned one thing if I've learned nothing else; that no man or woman who treats disrespectfully father or m ... read more
Child Friendship, how Durable
I heard some time ago of a little book upon a passage of Scripture, I didn't know there was such a passage; which occurred in the story of David and Mephibosheth. You know, one day Jonathan and David were together, and Jonathan said, "David, I want you ... read more
Christ All in All
Colossians 3:11- "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
CHRIST is all in all to every one who has truly found Him. He is our Savior, Redeemer, Delivere ... read more
Christian Love
IT speaks in Galatians about love, the fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, gentleness, long suffering, meekness and temperance. The way this writer has put it -- and I think it is very beautiful -- is that joy is love exultant, peace is love in re ... read more
Do not shrink from the thought of living in full communion with God. Be decided to let God draw nearer and nearer and put His holy finger on every detail of your daily life, on every detail of your daily work, on every detail of your daily ha ... read more
Contrast between Genesis and Revelation
Contrast between Genesis and Revelation:
Gen. 1:1 Earth created New heavens & new earth
Rev. 21:1,2
Gen. 1:5 Night created No night Rev. 22:5
Gen. 1:10 Seas cr ... read more
Critics Beware
Love will rebuke evil, but will not rejoice in it. Love will be impatient of sin, but patient with the sinner. To form the habit of finding fault constantly, is very damaging to spiritual life; it is about the lowest and meanest position that a man can ta ... read more
D.L. Moody Quotes
Faith makes all things possible... love makes all things easy.
“He who kneels the most, stands the best.”
“If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.”
“The best way to show that a stick is crooked is not ... read more
Delivered From Sin
"And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people...and I am come down to deliver them..."
(Exod. 3:7-8).
We all have some weak point in our character. When we would go forward, it drags us back, and when we would rise up into hi ... read more
Dinna ye Hear Them Comin'?
There is a story told of an incident that occurred during the last Indian mutiny. The English were besieged in the city of Lucknow, and were in momentary expectation of perishing at the hands of the fiends that surrounded them. There was a little Scotch ... read more
Does God Answer Prayer?
I suppose there has been no word on Christians' lips so frequently at this time as the word "prayer," and there is not one in this hall who has not thought often, during the last forty-eight hours, of the importance of prayer.
During this week of praye ... read more
Dr. Booth's Story
Dr. Booth of New York, who has lost all his childrenI say lost, but they are not lost; they are all in heavenwas telling me about being in an eastern country some time ago, and he saw a shepherd going down to a stream, and he wanted to get his flock acr ... read more
Dr. Chalmers' Story
There is a story of Dr. Chalmers. A lady came to him, and said, "Doctor, I cannot bring my child to Christ. I've talked, and talked, but it's of no use." The doctor thought she had not much skill, and said, "Now, you be quiet, and I will talk to her ... read more
Emblems of the Spirit
But I would further call attention to the emblems of the Holy Spirit. An emblem is something that represents an object; the same as a balance is an emblem of justice, and a crown and emblem of royalty, and a scepter is an emblem of power; so we find in th ... read more
Emma's Kiss
A gentleman one day came to my office for the purpose of getting me interested in a young man who had just got out of the penitentiary. "He says," said the gentleman, "he don't want to go to the office, but I want your permission to bring him in and ... read more
Emma's New Muff
I remember one time my little girl was teasing her mother to get her a muff, and so one day her mother brought a muff home, and, although it was storming, she very naturally wanted to go out in order to try her new muff. So she tried to get me to go out ... read more
Enduement for Service
Mr. Moody on the Special Gift of the Holy Spirit - Experience of the Apostles - Repeated Anointing - Why we Lack Power - The Great Need of Modern Christians - Are we "Filled with the Spirit," and Ready to Go Anywhere?
I SUPPOSE if I could put the ... read more
Failure Without Christ
"Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith"
(1 John 5:4).
Notice that everything human in this world fails. Every man the moment he takes his eye off God, has failed. Every man ... read more
I remember a child that lived with her parents in a small village. One day the news came that her father had joined the army (it was at the beginning of our [Civil] war), and a few days after the landlord came to demand the rent. The mother told him she ... read more
Finding Your Picture
You know I have an idea that the Bible is like an album. I go into a man's house, and while waiting for him, I take up an album and open it. I look at a picture. "Why, that looks like a man I know." I turn over and look at another. "Well, I know that ... read more
For Charley's Sake
In Detroit, at an international convention of the Young Men's Christian Association, Judge Olds was present as a delegate from Columbus. One evening he was telling about the mighty power Christians summon to their aid in the petition "for Christ's sake ... read more
Found in the Sand
While I was attending a meeting in a certain city some time ago, a lady came to me and said, "I want you to go home with me; I have something to say to you." When we reached her home, there were some friends there. After they had retired, she put her ar ... read more
Fresh Supplies
Turn to Acts 4:31, and you will find He came a second time, and at a place where they were, so that the earth was shaken, and they were filled with this power. That is, we are leaky vessels, and we have to keep right under the fountain all the time to kee ... read more
Greater Work
The witness of the Spirit is the witness of power. Jesus said, "The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do because I go to the Father." I used to stumble over that. I didnt understand it. I thought, what greater work ... read more
Green Fields
When I was out in California, the first time I went down from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and dropped into the Valley of the Sacramento, I was surprised to find on one farm that everything about it was green - all the trees and flowers, everything was blo ... read more
He Careth For You
1 Peter 5:7
"All thy griefs by Him are ordered,
Needful is each one for thee,
All thy tears by Him are counted,
One too much there cannot be.
And if, while they fall so quickly,
Thou canst own His way is right,
Then each bitter tear of anguish ... read more
Heaven Inhabitants
If there is anything that ought to make heaven near to Christians, it is knowing that God and all their loved ones will be there. What is it that makes home so attractive? Is it because we have a beautiful home? Is it because we have beautiful lawns? Is i ... read more
Heaven: Its Hope
Like all the other wonderful works of God, this Book bears the sure stamp of its author. It is like Him. Though man plants the seeds, God makes the flowers, and they are perfect and beautiful like Himself. Men wrote what is in the Bible, but the work is G ... read more
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