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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : William Graham Scroggie : Angry!

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"And he [the elder brother] was angry and would not go in..."

(Luke 15:28).

The greatest hindrance to the progress of Christianity in this world is the elder brother class in the Church; people who make a religion of their morality and who despise others.

His attitude toward himself is ridiculous, his attitude toward his brother is despicable. But that is not all; what is his attitude towards the household, and remember that is the Church? He despised all their expressions of joy. He heard music and dancing, and looked grave, and he sent in for a servant and said, "What is the meaning of all this?" "Oh, everybody in there is glad because your brother is home again." "Oh! Well it should not be, it is not decent, it is a disregard of convention and propriety"

Such people pray for revival in the Church, and immediately revival appears they grow serious and say it is contrary to custom and convention; "We should not do it, we really should not." I do not think the Spirit of God has much use for custom and convention for custom's sake and convention's sake. I am not against custom or against convention; I believe we should do all things decently and in order, but I believe also that if there is ever any excuse for a man or woman dancing, it is when sinners are saved, but that is not when it is done.

These self-righteous people disapprove; they say "it is unseemly."

And this man was incensed at the occasion of their joy; he was angry! A Church member, mind you, Angry! What about? About a sinner coming home. Angry!

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