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Yes, Jesus is indeed famous; his fame is spread through the ranks of angels, the hosts of devils, the carnal multitude, and especially in his church.
His love for poor sinners, and the grace displayed in his conduct toward them, entitles him to everlasting honor. How wondrous his love! When nothing else could procure their pardon--he freely gave his life! When he saw them naked--he labored to produce a garment to cover them! When no power but omnipotence could rescue them--he cheerfully stretched out his hand to deliver them, and snatched them as brands from the burning. He died for their redemption; arose to justify them; ascended to advocate their cause; rules heaven, earth, and hell for their advantage; and will come again to receive them to himself! For them he--bore sin, carried sorrow, endured temptation, suffered privation, languished under the wrath of God, combated Satan, entered the lists with death, descended into the gloomy cavern of the tomb, and arose as a mighty conqueror. O the love, the unparalleled love of Jesus!
But he is famed for his skill and generosity; he can heal all the diseases which sin has introduced into the body and soul of man; and as he can heal, he does, and heals all who apply to him, freely. He says to every sin-sick soul, who groans under a burden of sin, a guilty conscience, and apprehensions of divine wrath, "I will bring you health and cure; I will heal you of your wounds, and restore unto you the abundance of peace and truth." Jeremiah 33:6.
Well do I remember when I first went to him--as poor, as wretched, and as diseased as any poor soul possibly could be; I had long feared my case was hopeless; I thought no one was ever in such a condition, nor could I possibly expect deliverance; but I was directed to Jesus, and assured that he could heal me; at first I doubted his skill, and afterward I doubted his kindness--but at last driven to extremity, I applied to him. He seemed to refuse to notice me; no answer was given to my cries, no reply was made to my requests; but at length he turned and looked upon me, and O the love that beamed in his countenance, the majesty that shone round his person, the pity that floated in his eye, the tenderness that appeared in his looks--never can he described.
His appearance banished my fears, emboldened my soul, and put fresh life into my heart. My soul failed when he spoke, for his words conveyed pardon, healing, peace, and bliss divine. I felt in myself, that I was healed. His precious blood applied, cleansed my terrified conscience from guilt, proclaimed peace to my troubled soul, and assured me of acceptance with God. All my doubts vanished, the yoke of bondage was broken, the burden fell from the shoulders of my soul, because of the anointing. And now my tongue was loosed, and I spoke plainly; and it became my delight, my pleasure, my heaven, to sound forth the fame of Jesus; and from that day to this--I have endeavored, in one way and another, to send poor sick sinners to him; and never has he refused one, nor never will.
He is famed for his condescension; he visits the cottage of the poor, the dungeon where misery pines unseen, and the dunghill where a Christ-wanting soul is to be found. No heart is too vile, no sinner too mean, no wretch too base to expect a visit from him. Say, you children of my God, have you not found this to be the case? Do you not desire to sound abroad the honors of his name, and to make his praise glorious? Are you not with me exclaiming?
"Jesus, the name to sinners dear,
The name to sinners given,
It scatters all their guilty fear;
It turns their hell to heaven.
The fame of Jesus is increasing and everlasting; he is constantly raising up heralds to trumpet forth his fame; every vessel of mercy, sanctified and made fit for the Master's use, is a publisher of the fame of Jesus; every minister of the cross is more especially set apart for the work. O, how I long for the time when every city, town, village, and hamlet in our favored land, shall ring with the sound of the fame of Jesus! When ten thousand times ten thousand shall join to exalt him, praise him, and extol him in the highest possible degree!
O servants of my God, ever direct poor sinners to this all-healing, soul-saving, sin-purging, devil-confounding, mercy-manifesting Savior! Direct them to Jesus--not to self, not to trust in duties, not to rest in ordinances, not to look at graces; but to look to, trust in, and rest on Jesus, and on Jesus only; so shall you magnify your office, delight the Christ-loving soul, disappoint Satan, honor Jehovah the Father, please the Holy Spirit, and spread abroad the fame of Jesus.
And you who believe in his name, spread abroad the savor of the same in every place where you come; tell of the fame of Jesus, bear a personal testimony to his worth, skill, and kindness; and whenever you meet with a poor, convinced, distressed, despairing soul, speak in his praise; tell how he received you, how he revealed himself to you, and has delivered, comforted, and blessed you. Thus should all the heaven-born family aim and endeavor to sound his praise abroad, and celebrate his fame; and thus my soul do you always, and in every place, exalt your adorable Lord.
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