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"For He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight." Ephesians 1:4
How surprising the grace, how astonishing the fact--that sinners, enemies to God, and children of wrath--should be elect of God! It appears too good to be true, and I find it hard to believe . . .
that such a poor, vile, worthless sinner as I am--arrested the attention, engaged the thoughts, and filled the mind of Jehovah from everlasting;
that his eye, his heart, and his purpose were fixed upon me before time began;
that he chose me in Christ, before he spoke the world into existence, or manifested his creating power;
that he chose me in the foreview of all that I would be, and do, as a vile rebellious creature;
that he chose me to be holy, blameless, and happy, in and through Jesus my beloved Lord.
O the wonders of electing grace! Here it shines forth in its glory, purity, and sovereignty. Here it works, opposes, and triumphs; works in the sinner, opposes his sins and foes, and triumphs over all. Great is the mystery, and glorious the scheme. Elect sinners are separated from the mass of sinners, united to a living, life-giving head, and delivered from wrath through him!
Chosen in Christ that we might know him, love him, worship him, and enjoy him!
Chosen in Christ that we may openly profess him, obediently follow him, boast of him, and triumph in him!
Chosen in Christ to be conformed to him, be inhabited by him, and clothed with him!
Chosen in Christ to wear his name, bear his cross, defend his gospel, and glorify him!
Chosen in Christ to stand before him, being related to him, and share with him in the glory which the Father has given him.
And can all this be true of one like me? Yes, true of just such ones as you! Turn to the unerring pages and you will read of the elect of God groaning under a body of sin, crying day and night to God, seeking to do good and finding evil present with them. They were tempted as you are--afflicted as you are--crossed as you are--and felt themselves to be as wretched as you are.
Jehovah having chosen us in Christ--polishes his jewels, in the furnace of affliction, Isaiah 48:10. "The Lord tries the righteous." We are ordained to holiness, and then to happiness: it is through much tribulation we are to enter the kingdom; though elected to it, we must pass through tribulation to possess it; and while thus tried, we are to make our calling and election sure.
The doctrine of eternal election is sweet to the Christian, and honorable to God. Jehovah in the act of election, benefits many--but injures none. Election ruins none, though it secures salvation to thousands. It is as merciful as it is sovereign, and as just as it is merciful. Rightly viewed, none need cavil at it--but the unsanctified heart will rebel against it. May my soul ever bow to the sovereign pleasure of my God, both in reference to my present lot, and endless destiny; and may I bow to it with holy reverence, godly fear, and devout thankfulness!
Election always leads to election. God's choice of us--always leads to our choice of God. He who is elected by God to be an heir of glory--will choose Jehovah to be his God and portion. He who is elected in Christ--will choose, prefer, and seek oneness with Jesus before all things beside. He who is elected to holiness--will love it, seek it, and earnestly pray for it. He who is elected for God's glory--will seek to glorify God. He who is elected to be the Redeemer's spouse, companion, and friend--will be brought to know the Savior's person, love his heaven-making company, and walk with him in friendship and odedience. He who is elected to be a fellow-citizen with the saints and of the household of God--will choose the Lord's people for his people, and love and cleave to them as the excellent of the earth.
Inquire, then--what are the objects of my choice? Do I choose Jehovah for my God, Jesus for my Savior and friend, and his people for my companions and associates? Has God the Holy Spirit led you to see the glory, appreciate the value, and taste the sweetness of divine things? Are you earnestly desiring, daily seeking, and importunately praying for them? If so, blessed are you!
"Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens. For He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to His favor and will, to the praise of His glorious grace that He favored us with in the Beloved." Ephesians 1:3-6
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