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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : James Smith : Is it Time?

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The Lord Jesus says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness." The best things--should be sought first. The most important things--should be secured first. It is time for you to think seriously.

Eternity stamps a seriousness on every subject connected with it.

The soul must live forever.

Hell is eternal.

Heaven is eternal.

The immortal soul must inhabit Heaven--or Hell forever!

Sudden death would plunge the sinner into sudden Hell--and from Hell there is no deliverance!

No one can escape from that prison!

No one can ever escape from that lake of fire!

It is, therefore, time to seek for the salvation of the soul heartily. We cannot be safe too soon. We are never safe while without Christ. We must feel our need of him, seek a saving interest in him, exercise faith in him, and become united to him--or we are not safe. Safety is in Christ--but nowhere else. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Let us, therefore, seek a saving interest in Christ, and union to Christ; nor rest until we realize that we are one with him.

It is time to decide for God. We have halted long enough. Indecision has been to us a source of unhappiness, and unless we decide will be our ruin. For Christ, or against him--we must be. With Christ, or opposed to him--we must be. There is no neutrality. There can be none. Let us, therefore, decide at once.

Let us surrender the world. Let us lay aside the sin that does so easily beset us. Let us build on Christ, as our foundation. Let us draw our supplies from Christ, as our fountain. Let us expect to be saved by Christ, as our sacrifice. Let us dedicate ourselves to the honor of Christ, engage ourselves to work for Christ, and unite ourselves to the people of Christ. Let us be decided, devoted, thorough Christians. Without this we cannot be safe, or honorable, or happy.

It is time to engage in the work of Christ. We have served Satan long enough. We have served diverse lusts and pleasures. We have served sin. Let us now break away from our old masters. Let us break their yoke and burst our bonds. Let us take the yoke of Jesus, engage in the service of Jesus, and make it our daily aim to please Jesus. Let us spread his truth, publish his fame, and bear testimony to his faithfulness and love.

There is no yoke--like the yoke of Jesus. There is no service--like the service of Jesus. His servants are all happy; for he provides for their needs, protects their persons, pardons their sins, purifies their hearts, perfects their characters, and places them before his face forever. He promises every one of his servants--that they shall be with him where he is, and assures them that his Father will honor them.

Reader, it is quite time for you to think seriously--to seek the Lord heartily--to decide to be on the Lord's side entirely--and to engage in the Lord's work cheerfully. Now you may, for you have the time; but soon you may not be able, for with you--time may be no longer!

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