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“Let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1
We never cease to need God’s cleansing of our spirits. As his children, we come often face to face with the cross of Christ and it never confronts us in vain. Each time some new defect in us is brought to light and dealt with, often painfully, and we are cleansed once again and our spirits are purified.
If the Spirit of the Lord were to reject every man who had some defect, things would be much simpler. It would be easy to draw a clear line between what is the work of the flesh and what of the Spirit. The problem is compounded, however, because God does not reject us outright, even though our spirit is not pure and our flesh may be active. Instead he uses us, and next time deals with us afresh by his cross. Although he uses us, let us be careful that we never lose sight of our own impurity. And the more he uses us, the more willingly let us subject ourselves again to his cleansing work.
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