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Luke 22:27
Our Lord Jesus Christ has served in putting away sin. In wondrous love He has by His sacrifice righteously and eternally removed our sins. And, as the Son of the Father’s love, He gives His own true freedom in God’s things.
By Him and for Him all things were created (Col. 1:16). Among other things, He created “thrones,” we are told, and “By Me,” He said, “Kings reign and princes decree justice” (Prov. 8:15). When He came into the world, Caesar decreed that which involved His being born in “little” Bethlehem, as “King of the Jews.” God’s Son had come down to serve.
The Father entrusted the Son with a service which should result in eternal blessing, order and glory. Through “the eternal Spirit” He offered Himself spotless to God. And He said “I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” Now He has gone back to the Father, He says, “I also have overcome and have sat down with My Father in His throne” (Rev. 3:21. N.Tr.). Mark, the serving Son “sat down;” so we read in Hebrews 1:3 when God’s Son had “by Himself made the purification of sins,” He set Himself down. He served first in wondrous love.
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the son and heir of his father, King George, diligently serves. Yet however successful his service he could not seat himself in the throne with his honoured father. His motto reads, Ich dien (“I serve”). This he does far and near with general esteem. Sometimes a royal son is greater than a royal father; but not always. The Son of God said, “He that is sent [is not] greater than He that sent Him;” but He also said, “I and the Father are one.” Because He is God’s Son He could seat Himself in the throne. None other could.
The eternal Son served; and with becoming grace and majesty “sat down with” His Father in His throne. Eternal praise be His! Through serving in deep suffering and rejection, He brought an Overcomer’s distinction to His Father’s throne; but being who He Himself is, no seat less could He, the eternal Son, take.
As promised, He came to little Bethlehem-Judah. The word of Jehovah to His Son—“this day have I begotten Thee”—was fulfilled. The Owner of Israel’s vineyard sent His “beloved Son” from another “country” (Mark 12:1), but He was “begotten” in time to serve in view of their salvation, and of the throne and of the priesthood, as Acts 13, Hebrews 1 and 5 explain. His wondrous serving however could not be confined to Israel; for, being the Son, by whom and for whom all things were created (Col. 1), He came to bring life to the world. To behold and believe on the Son therefore brings us into something greater than the earthly promises to Israel. It brings us into life eternal; for the Son Himself is “the eternal life.” Blessed be God.
Truly He came in royal David’s line to secure the promises made to Israel. He was “born king of the Jews;” and the word to Him—“This day have I begotten Thee” was fulfilled. But beyond the promises was the Father’s will, “that every one which sees the Son, and believes on Him, may have everlasting life” (John 6:40). In infinite love His suffering service took Him down into death itself, that life eternal might be ours. What words can tell the heavenly (as well as the earthly) glories which the Son’s service secures for the Father’s good pleasure? How gloriously immense they are! That service sets His loved ones free even now, “to abide in the Son and in the Father” (1 John 2:24).
“My Father’s business” were among His first recorded words, and what a life of lowly service, of infinite perfection that meant! Truly His disciples continued with Him. How great their reward! “I am among you as He that serves” He said. “Ye are they which have continued with Me in My temptations. And I appoint unto you a kingdom.” Thrones are reserved for the apostles of the Lamb.
Good was it for them to be with Him then! Good for us to serve Him now! In His Father’s house He has a prepared dwelling place for us. He will come for us soon, and take us there to be with Him. We shall “SEE HIM AS HE IS!” Oh, how bright the prospect!
With what words of cheerful encouragement for us the last chapter of the inspired volume speaks, “His servants shall serve Him: and they shall see His face.” In the rest of glory, which His service of love has made ours, that restful responsive service of love will now on. Curse shall be no more. His name shall be in their foreheads. They shine in what He is; and “they shall reign for ever and ever;” while their dwelling is with Him in His Father’s house of eternal love.
Our hearts long even now to serve Him better who has served so perfectly. Let us be instructed by Mary who treasured up what was so precious to Himself and to her. That treasure-store was fittingly used in service of fragrant memory. Good works are often prized by men; but a “good work” prized by the Son Himself was Mary’s. She had the honour of serving Him.
Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus too; but Mary’s memorable “good work” is a sweet odour not to be forgotten, the result of having sat at His feet and having heard His word. Even the honoured disciples failed to rightly appreciate the divine sentiment of her loving service; but the holy Son of God valued it; and He said, “Why trouble ye her? She has wrought a good work on Me” (Mark 14:6).
The sweet fragrance of it we are told filled the house. And the Son of God said what she had done should be spoken of as a memorial of her.
The eternal Son came into time from the Father, to do His will. He came to serve. He has been here “as He that serves.” Eternal perfectness stamps His service. It has brought to the worshipper the quietude and confidence of faith. In the deep joy of it, our hallowed privilege is to gratefully serve the Son who has served the Father with infinite perfection.
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