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" And very early in the morning, the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun."
"Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom He had cast seven devils." (Mark xvi. 2, 9.)
The women went to the grave early in the morning. But Jesus was there before them and awaited them. He was risen when it was still very early. Mary had gone first, "early, when it was yet dark" (John xx. I), and first of all the Lord appeared unto her. The living Jesus who awaiteth us early, and who visits us every morning, and the believing soul that riseth early to seek Him, these will certainly meet each other.
And what was the secret cause of that early rising of Mary and the other women? It was their love for Jesus. They could not find rest away from Him, His presence was indispensable to them. Such love as theirs He could not disappoint.
And all ye who rise early, and yet do not know that Jesus requires the morning, think of the blessing you will miss; the living Lord speaketh: "Those that seek Me early shall find me."
And ye who know and seek the Lord, and yet acknowledge that you do not love Him sufficiently, because you do not have sufficient communion with the living Saviour, do realize the blessing prepared for you, if you are ready to make the needful sacrifice of seeking Him early in the morning. It will be your portion to walk in the light and the power of the Risen Saviour day by day and during the course of each day.
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