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"And in the morning. rising up a great while before day. He went out and departed into a solitary place and there prayed." (Mark i. 35.)
We have seen in the Old Testament what a series there was of men of God to whom it is said that they rose up early to do God's will, to meet Him, or seek His favour. This series is brought to a conclusion by the Lord Jesus. After a busy and toilsome day (v. 34), a day of constant intercourse with men, a day in which He had to give much of Himself, He felt the need of closer communion with God, in order to renew His strength and receive further guidance in His work. "A great while before day"-while it was yet night-" rising up He went out and departed into a solitary place and there prayed."
If the Son of God needed to do that, how much more do we? Not only in the midst of business and worldly occupation, but also in times of spiritual exertion, secret communion with God is indispensable.
You, Christian, are a follower of Christ; follow Him in this also. The mind which was in Christ is also in you. He will wake you, too, out of sleep to go out and pray alone. Jesus did not rise every morning while it was yet night-there are times of special need. But what we do need every morning is a real personal meeting with the Living God. Let us not lose sight of this; without early rising the Son of God could not fulfil His life work. May it be for us, as for Him, a part of our life in God!
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