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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : MORNING WATCH - TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY

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"The just Lord is in the midst thereof; He will not do iniquity; every morning doth He bring His judgment to light." (Zeph. iii. 5.)

As the Almighty Lord, God is the Governor of this world, and faithfully, without fail, He gives anew every morning the light of the sun to illumine the world. As the" just Lord" He is .. in the midst" of His people, and" every morning doth He bring His judgment to light." As certainly as God gives the light of the sun every morning, does He also bring His judgments to light. "I shall make my judgment to lighten the nations."

God will do this every morning. In His Word we have His judgments (Ps. cxix. 102, 106, 108). Every morning He Himself brings His judgment to light and causes the light of His countenance and His Spirit to shine upon His Law that the people may understand and keep it. Only I must apply myself each morning to do two things. First I must take God's judgments in His Word and obey them and write them in my heart; and, second, I must wait upon God every morning until He brings His judgments to light-until His light is shed upon my soul. Only in the light of God's countenance and His love can His Word be rightly understood and truly kept.

Christian! think deeply on what God will do for you each morning. Every morning He brings His judgments to light. Let this be the chief part of your morning devotions-waiting upon God until He sheds His light upon your soul. So will you gain wisdom and strength for the day.

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