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"The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary; He awakeneth morning by morning, He awakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned." (Isa. 1. 4.)
Thus speaks the prophet of himself as a type of the Lord Jesus. Thus speaks the Lord Jesus. Thus every believer may, and must speak, for all shall be taught. (Isa. liv. 13 ; John vi. 45.)
And how does God teach His children? "He awakeneth morning by morning; he awakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned." What God does is to arouse the ear-the faculty of listening. He teaches the soul to be quiet and listen to His voice. Much speaking and little listening, much prayer and little waiting, bring but little blessing. Faith is the ear that listens for God. The soul that waits quietly and is willing not only to pray, but (what is more important) to listen faithfully to what God is saying to the heart through His Spirit, will in truth be taught of God.
It is especially in the morning that God awakens the ear. He begins early in the day. He wants to be the first.
He awakeneth "morning by morning: He awakeneth mine ear." The Lord knows that we need fresh manna every morning. It is only by the daily renewal and repetition of our lesson that we are truly taught of God.
Soul! Let God awaken your ear each morning to listen to Him.
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