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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : MORNING WATCH - TWENTY-FIFTH DAY

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"O Lord, be gracious unto us; we have waited for Thee; be Thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble." (Isa. xxxiii. 2.)

When a man in business is not possessed of much means himself, but has a wealthy friend to render him financial support, it is sometimes said: "He has a strong arm in that friend." In the Scriptures we read: "Thou hast an arm of power", "The Lord hath sworn by the arm of His strength, "In My arm shall they hope." And here we have the prayer: "Lord, be gracious unto us, we have waited for Thee: be Thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble."

What a blessed thing it is, when the believer takes time every morning to pray that prayer, so as not to go forth to the temptation and strife of the day until he first has the living assurance that his prayer: "Be Thou my arm in the morning", has been heard, and that God is really the strong arm supporting him! Christian, take pains every morning to grasp this fact. Then you will understand the meaning of the words: "Neither did their own arm save them, but Thy right hand and Thine arm." (Ps. xliv. 3.)

But to this end it is necessary to say first: "We have waited for Thee." God is a Spirit, and can only be known spiritually. The Holy Spirit must show us Him and His strong right arm. He must teach us wholly to mistrust our own arm and our own strength, and truly by faith to take God's arm instead of ours. He will do this for everyone who waits for Him. So shall God be "their arm every morning."

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